How convenient that both recipes called for the same basic ingredients: baking soda, washing soda, and borax. I also needed a bar of soap and some citric acid. With my five ingredients in hand, I headed to the kitchen to make my detergents.
The dishwasher detergent took me all of 2 minutes to make.
2 cups washing soda
1 cup borax
1 cup baking soda
citric acid
Just measured everything out and dumped it all in a bowl. Stirred everything together, and wall-ah! My dishwasher is running as we speak.
The laundry detergent took a little more time, only because I had to grate the bar of soap.
One bar of Dr. Bonner's Soap (I used peppermint this time)
1 cup washing soda
1 cup baking soda
But, within 10 minutes, I was able to make the laundry detergent, get Coralyn a piece of gum, remind her that I was working right now and not going to play with her, take a picture of my book, redirect Coralyn yet again, and type this blog post. A productive start to nap time, I would say!!!
Now, to deal with my relentless daughter. I have a feeling that might not be as quick as making my homemade detergents. Definitely not as easy!!! :)