Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Future Wrap Stars

I've written blog posts in the past about teaching my children healthy living practices while they are young and how they just might grow up to be future "wrap girls."  Today, as I was playing with my daughters, I was reminded yet again how much my "job" impacts them and their thinking.

I was sitting on the floor building block towers with my girls, when the oldest (3.5 years) asked me, "Mommy, can you please get my vitamin and blueberry stuff?"

What 3.5 year old ASKS for her vitamin?!  Like it's a highlight of her day.

Ironically enough, I told her, "No, not right now.  Let's wait until your sister takes her nap after lunch."  You see, my 21 month old had already had her vitamin this morning and would get quite upset if she saw her oldest sister getting a vitamin.  Sometimes, the only thing I can do is give my youngest a second vitamin to console her!  I didn't feel like caving in today, so I told my oldest she had to wait.

And she didn't forget either.  She never does.  As soon as her sister was down for a nap, my oldest asked again, "Mommy can I please have my vitamin now?"

This time I was happy to oblige.  I mean what mom doesn't dream of their children begging for vitamins? :)

To make my day even better, during lunch, my oldest tells me, "Mommy these are sooooo yummy!" as she gobbled up her edamame.  LOVE how she actually likes to eat veggies (and fruits too).

Not too long after this, my oldest reminded me she still hadn't had her "blueberry stuff."  And so I gladly got out the blueberry kefir and added a scoop of greens (like we do every day).  No sooner had I handed her the cup was her drink gone!!  She LOVES her kefir with greens!!!  I was actually surprised she let me make it for her, as she has been insisting that she's old enough to make her own drink these days.

 As I sit here thinking about my 3.5 year old's requests today, I am mindful that she had to be TAUGHT to think this way.  She had to see this lifestyle modeled so that she would know how to make healthy choices in the first place.

When I first joined It Works as a distributor, I was somewhat worried about what message I would be sending to my young girls.  I didn't in any way want them to misunderstand and think I was telling people who wrapped that they needed to be thin or a certain size to be beautiful/handsome.  I am very careful to explain what the wraps do and how they are GOOD for your bodies, helping people get healthy from the inside out.

And because my oldest doesn't forget anything, I am glad to know she's been paying attention.  I am thrilled to see her putting these healthy choices (mainly eating right) into practice on her own!!!

She's actually one of my biggest helpers, making sure I give out Greens on the Go packets wherever we go. She gets quite upset if I don't hand out the packets to people when we are talking.  The other day she grabbed my purse in the check out line at the grocery store and got the greens packet and wrap coupon ready for me.  She then insisted on giving them both to the cashier herself!!  My youngest wanted in on the action too, though, so we had to settle for one of them giving the cashier the greens and the other one giving her the wrap coupon.

I love how It Works is making such a positive impact in my girls' lives at a young age!!!  If they grow up to be "wrap girls," I would be proud.  But heck, they don't have to wait until they grow up...they're not FUTURE wrap stars...they're already wrap stars NOW!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Playdough Snow Cones

What do you do for a living?

I make playdough snow cones.

At least that is one of the first things on Quinten's job description.

I also get to play Crazy 8's, swim all day, or play dress up.

Last night, at our monthly It Works team meeting/training, I teared up as I listened to one of our leaders share how joining his wife in selling wraps, greens, supplements, and skin care products has changed his life.  Before It Works, he had a good job at a bank, making good money and feeling pretty good about the way he was able to provide for his family.  Then, his wife came home from a Wrap Party wearing saran wrap over a WWF looking belt thing on her stomach.  He wasn't too impressed...

Now, two years later, he is a stay-at-home dad partnering with his wife as some of the top sellers for It Works.  Yesterday, he was in the kitchen with his wife as they watched their youngest daughter run around the house in a princess tutu.  Turning to his wife, he remarked, "Did our older daughter like to do this?  I don't remember her ever playing dress up like our younger daughter does."  Shocked, his wife answered, "Oh my goodness!  Yes, our older daughter loved to dress up and wore princess tutus all the time!"

"I wonder why I don't remember that?" questioned the dad.

"Oh yeah, that's back when I was working at least 60 hours a week and didn't actually get to spend time with our kids."

As this couple stood before our team, sharing how this crazy wrap business has changed their lives, they were in tears.  I was in tears.

When, I got home from the meeting, my two young girls opened the door as soon as they heard me pulling into the garage.  I was overwhelmed with love and joy and thankfulness as I get to stay at home with these precious girls.  I get to spend every day with them.  I get to read books, build towers, do puzzles, color pictures, bake yummy goodies, and play dress up.

I don't want to miss any of this, not for the world.  And I don't have to!!!  I get to work from home.  And as I do, I am creating a legacy for my children that will not only affect them now but for many, many, many years to come.  At least that is my hope and prayer.  I certainly want to make special memories with my daughters every single day, but I also want to lay a foundation so they can do the same with their children twenty, thirty years from now!

I know staying at home isn't everyone's dream.  But it is mine.  I remember in college when I would sit and talk late at night with my best friends, dreaming of the day when we would be moms playing with our kids.  We prayed for that opportunity, and boy has God answered my prayers -- in ways I never imagined!

If you would like to be able to stay home, but don't think you can afford to do so, I would LOVE to chat with you and share how It Works just might be the game changer for you.  I would LOVE to show you how you can make an additional $500 a month (or $5,000+ if you want to dream really big)!

It Works is changing my family's life, and I would LOVE the opportunity to work with you so it can do the same for your family.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Too Busy?

You're busy?

You don't have enough time in your day?

I know how you feel!!!

I have 2 young girls - ages 3.5 and 21 months.

I have a baby on the way - due in November.

I run an in-home daycare with 1-3 other kids most days.

I teach childbirth classes 1 night a week.

AND I am a distributor for It Works (which I LOVE because it fits into my busy schedule)!

Today, I did 4 loads of laundry, made supper, read books and played with my kids, fed them breakfast and lunch, unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher.  The Parents as Teachers lady came this morning and met with us for about an hour, showing me more things I can do with the girls to make sure they are "on target" for their age level in all areas.  I took a 97-question test for my Lactation Education certification and got a 97%!!!  Somewhere in all that, I also messaged about 10-15 people on facebook about a wrap party, ordering products, or wanting info on the business aspect of It Works.  I texted about 5 more people, and called a good 10-15 more!  I posted on facebook about some of our products and a wrap party that is happening tonight.  I sent individual messages to all 34 distributors on my team to see how they are doing and how I can help/encourage them as we head into the last half of the month.

So, you what was that you were saying about being too busy? You don't have enough time?

I must have an amazing husband?  Oh yes, I do!!!

But, he's pretty busy too....

He teaches 3rd grade and doesn't work 9-5, so I am home alone some evenings.

He is finishing up his masters this semester and working hard to get all his requirements met, which again means some early mornings and late nights for him. And some weekends too.  (I'm so proud of him!)

He runs an after-school program for the 5th grade boys on Wednesdays.

He is on the Pastor Search Team for our church.  They meet at least once a week, for at least 3 hours each time.  Again, this means I am home alone at least one evening a week.

Well, you think, you must never have time for family or stuff together as couple...

My husband and I are in a small group at our church.

We lead a Bible study for kids in 3rd to 7th grade every Sunday night.

We both work out each morning, at different times so that someone is home with our sleeping girls.

This weekend we watched a Narnia movie as a family, deep cleaned the house, went to 2 birthday parties, and watched some kids for a friend.  Oh, and we enjoyed some Sunday football too!

So, again, what was that you were saying about being too busy and not having enough time?

If you are at all interested in seeing how It Works can bless your socks off like it has for me and my busy family, I would LOVE to chat with you.  I can show you how to fit this business into your life and make as much (or as little) money as you want each month.  

Seriously, please contact me so we can set up a time to talk (or meet) and get you started on this amazing journey that can change your life and the lives of countless others!!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


That's the question we all have, right?

Why do bad things happen to good people?
Why do good things happen to bad people?
Why did this happen to me?
Why can't everyone just get along?
Why do gas prices keep going up?
Why does the light turn red as soon as I get to the intersection?
Why do babies poop upwards and thus have diaper explosions?

And when we're not asking WHY, we're busy answering other people ask the same thing. 
Especially if we're parents...

Why do leaves change color?
Why do dogs bark?
Why does the moon only come out at night?
Why do I have to be nice to my sister/brother?
Why do only mommies have babies?

Hopefully, the ONE question I want to ask you today isn't as annoying as your toddlers' endless WHY's or "how come's."  

So, here's my question:
WHY do you do what you do?

Now, while you think about your answer, I'm going to go ahead and answer my own question.  I'm going to share with you why I do what I do.

First and foremost, my goal in life -- the foundation for everything I do, no matter what it may be -- is to bring glory and honor to Jesus.  I want to live for Him, to make Him known, to enhance His reputation (as my high school Bible teacher once said), to draw others to Him so they too may experience the marvel of a personal relationship with Him.

Stemming from that, I want to love others the way Jesus loves me.

So, you may be thinking...
"How does being an It Works distributor help you do those things?"
"How does selling body wraps, supplements, and skin care products fit with your life goals?"

I'm so glad you asked.  
In fact, that is exactly what I want to focus on today...

I truly believe this "job" is an opportunity directly from God Himself. 

*I get to stay at home with our kids, without the need to do in-home daycare.  This gives me the privilege of teaching my children about God and life in general.  I get to watch them learn and grow and develop every single day, without missing out on special milestones.  I get to make lots of memories with my children -- big and small -- that we will treasure for years to come (I hope).

*I can do something I enjoy and feel good about.  I get to help others invest in their health, something I am passionate about.  I want people to get the most out of life, to live life to the fullest, and It Works gives me the platform to do that.  

*I get to work with some amazing people and build a network of great friends, people I would have never known if not for It Works.  Through these relationships, I am able to share how God is working in my life and in my family.  I get to live out the gospel for all to see.  And when I share my story, you better believe Jesus will be at the center of everything!  

*I am still able to contribute to our family's income.  Not only can we pay our bills, but we are also able to pay extra on our mortgage, put money in savings, and have the freedom to "splurge" on little treats without feeling guilty or worrying about what other expense we are going to have to cut out.

*We are able to use the extra money I make each month to turn around and bless others.  This is HUGE!!!  This is one of the biggest reasons I decided to join It Works.  I looked at what distributors could potentially make and dreamed of all the ways we would be able to give to others, to help those around us, to make a difference in the lives of so many people (some we know well and some we don't know at all).  This is the primary reason I decided to take the leap and become a distributor.  THIS is why I post on facebook every day.  THIS is why I walk up to random strangers to give them a coupon for a wrap.  THIS is why I hand out greens samples everywhere we go.  THIS is why I dream big and want to keep promoting in the company.  THIS is why I do what I do!!! 

For that reason, I'm pretty excited about what is going on at It Works this week.  September 7 is our company's worldwide GIVE BACK DAY.  Each distributor gets to pick an individual or charity and then donate a portion of their wrap sales to that person/organization.  

I've personally picked three families I want to bless...

 I need YOUR help to make a difference in these kids' lives!!!  All you have to do is buy a wrap for $30 this week and all my profits will go to the family of your choice.  

Pretty simple.  And yet, so profound!!!  

I was going to end there, but I decided I need to ask you one more question.  Just one...

Well, it's the one I already asked, actually.

Why do you do what you do?

You thought you were going to get out of answering, didn't you! :)  I can't let you off the hook that easily, now can I?!

As you think about your answer, I'd like you to consider if It Works could help you carry out your life goals and fulfill your dreams.  I never imagined that selling wraps, supplements, and skin care products would be a way I could bring glory to Jesus, make Him known, or love others.  And yet, here I am!!!

I am so thankful God has given me this opportunity, and I just want to share it with you, with everyone.  For more information, you can check out my website or contact me personally.  

I'd be more than happy to answer any questions you have, even if they all begin with WHY! :)