Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Future Wrap Stars

I've written blog posts in the past about teaching my children healthy living practices while they are young and how they just might grow up to be future "wrap girls."  Today, as I was playing with my daughters, I was reminded yet again how much my "job" impacts them and their thinking.

I was sitting on the floor building block towers with my girls, when the oldest (3.5 years) asked me, "Mommy, can you please get my vitamin and blueberry stuff?"

What 3.5 year old ASKS for her vitamin?!  Like it's a highlight of her day.

Ironically enough, I told her, "No, not right now.  Let's wait until your sister takes her nap after lunch."  You see, my 21 month old had already had her vitamin this morning and would get quite upset if she saw her oldest sister getting a vitamin.  Sometimes, the only thing I can do is give my youngest a second vitamin to console her!  I didn't feel like caving in today, so I told my oldest she had to wait.

And she didn't forget either.  She never does.  As soon as her sister was down for a nap, my oldest asked again, "Mommy can I please have my vitamin now?"

This time I was happy to oblige.  I mean what mom doesn't dream of their children begging for vitamins? :)

To make my day even better, during lunch, my oldest tells me, "Mommy these are sooooo yummy!" as she gobbled up her edamame.  LOVE how she actually likes to eat veggies (and fruits too).

Not too long after this, my oldest reminded me she still hadn't had her "blueberry stuff."  And so I gladly got out the blueberry kefir and added a scoop of greens (like we do every day).  No sooner had I handed her the cup was her drink gone!!  She LOVES her kefir with greens!!!  I was actually surprised she let me make it for her, as she has been insisting that she's old enough to make her own drink these days.

 As I sit here thinking about my 3.5 year old's requests today, I am mindful that she had to be TAUGHT to think this way.  She had to see this lifestyle modeled so that she would know how to make healthy choices in the first place.

When I first joined It Works as a distributor, I was somewhat worried about what message I would be sending to my young girls.  I didn't in any way want them to misunderstand and think I was telling people who wrapped that they needed to be thin or a certain size to be beautiful/handsome.  I am very careful to explain what the wraps do and how they are GOOD for your bodies, helping people get healthy from the inside out.

And because my oldest doesn't forget anything, I am glad to know she's been paying attention.  I am thrilled to see her putting these healthy choices (mainly eating right) into practice on her own!!!

She's actually one of my biggest helpers, making sure I give out Greens on the Go packets wherever we go. She gets quite upset if I don't hand out the packets to people when we are talking.  The other day she grabbed my purse in the check out line at the grocery store and got the greens packet and wrap coupon ready for me.  She then insisted on giving them both to the cashier herself!!  My youngest wanted in on the action too, though, so we had to settle for one of them giving the cashier the greens and the other one giving her the wrap coupon.

I love how It Works is making such a positive impact in my girls' lives at a young age!!!  If they grow up to be "wrap girls," I would be proud.  But heck, they don't have to wait until they grow up...they're not FUTURE wrap stars...they're already wrap stars NOW!

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