Sunday, March 2, 2014

One After Another After Another After Another After Another...

I could go on, but I think you get the idea!

Well, maybe I should mention what exactly I'm talking about.  That might be a little helpful. :)

Every day I hear a new testimony from a real life person about how It Works is changing his/her life.  I hear how the products are helping them get and stay healthy.  I hear how the business is helping them pay off debt and own their time so they can go and do more and give more.  Seriously, every single day I hear from someone else who is benefiting from our products and our company.  It can't be a coincidence.  It can't be an accident.  It can't be a rare case or a once-in-awhile situation.  It's happening  Over and over and over and over and over again.

Don't take my word for it, though.  Listen to what these real life people have to say about how the It Works natural health products are changing their lives:

Jill Lewis-Kingery shares, "My family of 6 hasn't been sick for a year now.  We're on Greens and Vitals."

Lauren Lysell talks about what our skincare did for her, "Pregnancy and post baby hormones weren't too kind on my skin, and the It Works skincare cleared it right up!"

Tina Gregory Hernadez chimes in, "Hair Skin Nails undoes the affects of chemo...LOVE."

Sheena Berry exclaims, "I'm down 85 pounds thanks to Thermofit!"

Vicki Lam Arnold writes, "When I started on the Greens, I was using a cane to walk!  I was in horrible pain and couldn't breathe well.  My asthma was way out of control and my blood pressure was way into stroke stage!  Nothing seemed to be going right in my body!  9 months later, I'm no longer using a cane!  My asthma meds are history and my blood pressure is perfectly normal!  Thank you, It Works, for making all the different in my life!!!"

Amy Keenum has a great story too, "I have a bad knee...2 surgeries later I still had pain!  As I wait for the next choices to be made, I take Relief every day!  I am pain free 90% of the time!  With 4 kids to chase after, I have no time to be down!!  I love saved me!"

Jennifer Griffen Worcester reports, "My husband will not touch veggies and would run the other way if I tried to push it on him.  He now uses Greens every day.  It is not supposed to be a replacement, but it is something.  I love veggies, but I am the only one in my family to eat them so they normally go bad.  Now, I get both my fresh veggies and my Greens.  Plus, my son loves his "Hulk juice." :)  It Works has brought a healthier lifestyle to my house."

Brandie Mayden tells about the Greens Chew, "I love to snack on them, and they fill me up so I'm not hungry all the time."

Holly Zeugin is excited because of the Regular, "No more IBS for this girl!"

Samantha Kimberly Francisco had to think about what her favorite product is, "Really can't pick just 1, but Greens is pretty high on my list.  Confianza too.  No more meds for fibromyalgia or ADD.  This is one happy mama!  Have to thank It Works for giving me the will to change my life."

Haley Olson reports, "Thanks to Confianza, I was able to get off Effexor, which made me feel like crud and gave me massive migraines!  My husband also take it to help with his ADD.  It has been a life saver for our family!"

Edith Cordero-Jorsch couldn't pick just one product to share about, "I love Vital Core Nutrition, Greens Chew, New You, Fat Fighters, Defining Gel, Confianza as needed...need I go on?  I sleep better; my hair was thinning due to stress between my son having 4 surgeries in one year and surgery for myself.  We haven't gotten sick - just a sniffel.  My husband's energy and strength increased at the gym.  I'm down 34 pounds and my husband is down 40 pounds.  Thank you, It Works!"

Theresa Marino raves about the Greens, "Pulled me out of postpartum depression after having my son in September. Started Greens in November and became happy again, energetic, and looked forward to each day instead of wanting to take my life.  I have never felt better!"

Donna Hillman-Hill adds this about the Greens, "We all use to be sick often.  Any bug came along, we had it.  And now...nothing. Everyone around us is sick, but not us!"

Amy Carslon Howard says, "Thermofit is my favorite.  I was getting chest pains from anxiety at work.  I'm calm now. And the eye cream and facials have done WONDERS for my mom!!!  Oh my, it almost makes me want to cry!  Awesome stuff!"

Felicia Hutcheson Warden talks about how It Works has helped her, "I am no longer taking any medications for MS thanks to Greens."

Sandra Aguilar Kilgas adds, "I have not had any allergies/sinus infections in months, except when I have missed taking the Greens for several days in a row."

Krsiten Greider  happily shares, "I would have to say Greens are my favorite.  Because of them I finally got pregnant after 7 years of trying.  I took the Greens for only one month and I was beyond surprised, elated, overjoyed beyond belief. Because of this company and the amazing products, I was able to be what I have always wanted to be - a mama!"

Kristina Weeks agrees, "Of course the Greens are awesome.  I have colitis and it is a life saver!  But I love my Thermofit!  Started taking it more for energy to get through my night shifts, but lost my extra weight!!  20 pounds in around 2 months!  With no real exercise or diet changes!"

Brenda Vancamp is delighted about what the Greens are doing for her daughter, "I would like to shout out a testimony of my daughter.  She began the Greens to get healthy.  Little did she know that she would need to buy some new clothes in as little as two months.  She has dropped 2 pant sizes and this past weekend for the first time since she was a teenager, she was able to shop in the "normal" size clothing stores rather than the "plus size" stores!  These are awesome results from taking the Greens only...nothing else and basically not changing a whole lot in her eating habits!!  I'm so proud of her...not because she is losing weight (which is great) but because she wants to be healthy!  I love It Works products!!!"

Rhonda Marie has this to say, "I love all the products!  I went from a size 12 to size 5 with wraps and Fat Fighters!  Also couldn't get pregnant for 2 years, but after I started the Greens everyday, I was pregnant in just a couple months!  Amazing!!"

Jenice Lewis-Elley confirms, "Greens are my favorite.  They have improved my eye sight and my dad's who has Parkinsons and diabetes. My last eye exam, my doctor was shocked that my eye sight was better and my dad's doctor was shocked that he no longer needs a shot in one of his eyes.  I also love Regular.  By taking Regular I was able to kick my synthetic prescription meds for my IBS to the curb.  AND Regular has balanced me where I never have any flare ups or attacks of my IBS!"

As I sit here, typing these testimonies, I am in tears!!!  So many people's lives are being changed, for the better.  And from so many different products, too.

Maybe you can relate to someone's story I shared.  Maybe It Works natural health products could help you too.  Maybe they could change your life.

If you have questions or want more information, please let me know.  I would love to talk with you.  Feel free to message me, call me, or text me.  660.281.8266

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