Friday, August 30, 2013

Could This Work for Me Too?

Today, I became a Diamond Executive for It Works and earned a $10,000 bonus!!!!

I'm still trying to convince myself this is really happening.  I was telling my husband last night that I feel as though I am playing a board game or something, that my paycheck and bonuses each month are like monopoly money.  And yet every time I use the debit card where my commission is deposited, the transaction goes through.  It must be real!!!

I wrote another blog post about how it was feeling like Christmas in my house.  Even my daughter must have thought so yesterday, because she came downstairs all decked out in her Christmas dress from last year.

This morning as I reflect not only on this HUGE bonus, but also on my entire experience so far as an It Works distributor, I can't help but feel obligated to share this amazing opportunity with as many people as possible.  To keep this business and our products to myself would be selfish.  To not let you know how these products could help improve your health and change your life would be wrong.  To not explain how YOU too can make this "job" work for you and benefit your family in countless ways would be irresponsible.

You see, I am not in this to become a millionaire.  I am in this to change lives, YOURS included.

I may not know you personally, but I still want you to know about this opportunity.  I confidently believe our products can make a significant difference in people's health and thus their lives.  I am a living example of how this business can impact your family in some pretty big ways, and I'm just beginning my journey.

This week I listened to 6 distributors share their stories and was inspired as I heard from 6 very different women, from very different backgrounds.  All 6 have become Presidential Diamonds in the past month.  Some have been in the business for a little over a year; others just a few months.  Regardless of how long they have been distributors, a common theme stood out: anyone can do this business if they want to!

Don't take my word for it.  Listen to these women yourself and maybe you can relate to at least one of them!

Perhaps the thought of making over $16,000 a month is a little overwhelming to you, somehow unattainable.  That's okay, you don't HAVE to make that much, unless you want to.  One thing I like about my "job" for It Works is that I am truly my own boss.  I set my own hours.  I decide when I want to work and how.  I decide how much time and energy I want to put into my business.  If I want to make $500 a month, then I can work to make that happen.  If I want to make $5,000 a month, then I can work a little harder and make that happen.

As I am sharing this opportunity with people, I tend to get asked some of the same questions. So, I thought I would go ahead and answer them here, all at once!

FAQ about being an It Works Distributor

Question: How much time do you spend running/working your business?
Answer: One thing I love about being an It Works distributor is that you are your own boss.  I get to set my own hours.  I get to decide how much time and effort I am going to put into my business.  I can choose when I work and how I work. 
            Each distributor is going to work his/her business differently based on where they are at in life and what their goals for his/her business are.  For me, I want to make enough income so I can continue to stay at home but NOT do in-home daycare.  To do that, I simply incorporate It Works into our daily life – when I go to the grocery store, the cashier gets a coupon and Greens on the Go packet (same is true for bank tellers, moms at the park, librarians, people watching softball games, etc.). 
            As a stay-at-home, work-from-home mom (I have a small in-home daycare), I am able to take a few minutes here and there to post on facebook, send private messages or e-mails, make phone calls, and even have people over to wrap at my house.  I am still able to play with my kids, get household chores done, meals prepared, and more.  Some days I spend more time on the computer than I do others, but again, I get to decide when I work and how much I work.  Nap time is my friend J
            In regards to working the business outside of the house, I still get to set my schedule.  My team here in the KC area does a weekly wrap and info night that I can attend if I so choose.  I can invite people to come with me and find out about the products, wrap at a discount, or sign up to join the team.  If that day and time doesn’t work for someone, I can schedule an individual wrap appointment or wrap party.  I have not, however, found that I am so busy that I don’t have time for my family.  Again, I get to decide if a date works for me or not.
            We have monthly team meetings that are completely optional.  I figure 2 hours a month to get training and support from leaders is a great investment!!!  Plus, we do wrap raffles and other giveaways, so I always have the chance to win some free wraps or other products (which I can use myself or turn around and sell at a pure profit to me)!
If I can do this as a mom of 2, with a baby on the way, and 1-2 daycare kids at my house from 7 am to 4 pm during the week, anyone can do this!!!

Question: How much money do you make as a distributor?
Answer: As your own boss, you not only get to set your own hours but you also get to determine your salary too.  You can choose how much you want to make and then work as hard as you need to in order to make that in commission each month.  Here’s a chart that shows the average monthly commission checks for distributors at each level in the company. 

            In addition to commission, each distributor can make money by selling products (most commonly wraps).  We can get a box of wraps for $59 or $25 (via Applicator Rewards, which we earn for every 2 loyal customers we get), then sell individual wraps for $30 a piece, making anywhere from $15 to $25 on each wrap!
            A third way distributors can make money is through bonuses, which are unlimited and paid every Friday.  If you sign someone up on your team as a distributor and he/she gets 2 loyal customers in his/her first 30 days in the business, YOU get a $100 bonus.  Once you reach the Diamond level in the company, you are able to make Leadership Bonuses on top of the $100 Fast Start Bonus that every single distributor can earn. 
            The fourth way a distributor can make money is by having 60 active loyal customers.  When a distributor does this, he/she gets a $600 bonus every month.
            It Works also does special promotional bonuses from time to time, giving distributors the opportunity to earn additional bonuses, like the $10,000 GOOD Bonus that is paid out in $400 sums for 25 months.

            As with how much time you put into the business, you get to decide how much money you will as a distributor.  If you want to make an extra $500 a month, I can show you how to do that.  If you want to make $30,000 a month (or more) and “retire” yourself and your spouse (as some distributors have done), then I can show you how to do that too.  You decide how much you want to make and then do the work to make that happen.  You are your own boss!

Question: Do you feel like the time you invest in the business is worth it?
Answer: Absolutely!!!  If I can stay at home with my kids and enjoy what I am doing, then it’s not really work in the first place.  As I help others, I find satisfaction and joy in what I am doing.  Furthermore, I know I am “working” to provide for my family, to make it possible for me to not only stay home with my children but also to do fun and special things with them (both big and small).  The work I am doing now is laying a foundation for their future and that is priceless!  PLUS, I am able to give more generously and bless others as a result of my It Works income.  Knowing that I am making a difference in other people’s lives in so many ways motivates me each and every day.  I truly enjoy what I am doing and am so blessed I was given this opportunity to be an It Works distributor!!

Question: Do you have to meet certain sales quotas each month?
Answer: Nope!!!  Unless you want to promote to a certain level in the company by the end of the month, you are not required to sell a certain amount of product or make a certain amount in commission.  You will never get fired by It Works for not selling enough or meeting a specific quota.  The only way you can “lose your job” is if you decide to fire yourself – remember, you are your own boss!

Question: How much inventory do you have to have on hand?
Answer: As much or as little as you want. 
Again, you are your own boss and get to decide how to run your business.  If you want to have all the products on hand for people to buy at retail prices at a party, you are welcome to do so.  Most distributors, however, just keep wraps on hand at all times so they can wrap around 4-8 people each month (and make profit from those wrap sales).  Many distributors also use a variety of It Works products themselves and buy those items each month on an as-needed basis.
            Personally, I always have wraps and Greens on the Go packets in my purse.  I hand out the greens packets everywhere I go so people can sample the greens and decide if they would like to order some to use on a regular basis.  If I have parties scheduled or a booth at an event, I can order more than my usual 4-8 wraps.  Each month I decide what I want and need to run my business successfully for the next 30 days.

Question: Don’t you think this is just a FAD and won’t last that long?
Answer: One of our team leaders addressed this question at a team meeting last month, and I loved his answer.  “We live in a microwave society where people want instant results.  The wrap can do that.  We also live in a society where people are not going to stop caring how they look or start caring less about how they look.  We are not going to become less vain.”  Sad, but true.  It Works has products that people want, and will continue to want for years and years and years to come.  PLUS, our products are affordable and effective.
            Not to mention, we have been in business since 2001, so if this is a FAD, it’s a 12 year fad J  And we’ve grown substantially in the past 5 years, becoming debt free in 2008.  We are now #53 in the world in direct-sales marketing companies.  I also just found out we made the list of top 500 fastest growing private companies.  If we are a fad (which I don’t think we are based on our society), it’s a fad that is going to stay around for a very, very, very long time and only become more and more of a trend during that time.
            NOW is the time to join the business.  As one of our team leaders said, “It’s like the 1960’s of Mary Kay or the 1980’s of Pampered Chef.  Look at where those companies are now!”  Imagine if you had gotten in from the beginning stages of those.  You have the opportunity to do just that with It Works right now!

Question: Don’t you think the business is saturated?  With so many distributors won’t you have trouble finding customers?
Answer: It Works has about 70,000 distributors worldwide.  The population of the United States alone is a little over 300 million.  That’s about 1 distributor for every 4,285 people (based on US population alone)!  In comparison, Mary Kay has over 2 million distributors.
            Of those 70,000 It Works distributors, only 25 are at the Ambassador level in the company.  Just 2 are Black Diamonds, the highest (and newest) rank.  The company has plenty of room for growth, for everyone!
            Personally, I live in Kansas City, where 3 Ambassadors live and work the business.  Yet, when I was at a softball game this past weekend, I was handing out coupons and only 3 of the 10 people I talked with had even heard of It Works, our wraps, and our heath products.  The other 7 had no idea what I was giving them when they saw a coupon for a wrap, but they were pretty excited as I told them about the wrap and how it works.  I invited them to a weekly wrap and info night our team in the area just started doing.  I can’t wait to introduce them to the wraps in person, not to mention our supplements and skin care products!
            Not even everyone in my extended family (in-laws, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.) has started using It Works YET.  I still have neighbors who aren’t customers.   Not all of my husband’s co-workers are customers either.  Nor are all the people who attend our church.  I have 977 friends on facebook and not all of them use It Works, yet.  So, I still have some work to do as I seek to fulfill my mission of getting everyone I personally know to use It Works and experience firsthand the difference these products can make in their lives.

            Who do YOU know who isn’t an It Works customer?  
Who do they know?  
Who do those people know? 

Hopefully, that helps answer some questions you may have.  If you have more, please let me know!!!!  Like I said, I can't not share this business with others.  This company is changing my family's life and allowing us the opportunity to bless others in ways we couldn't before.  I truly want others to enjoy It Works like I am!

If you would like to join the team and be part of the amazing It Works family, take a look at this video
and then head over to my website so you can sign up!!!!  Use this step by step guide to walk you through the process!!!

I am so excited about what the future holds as I continue on this journey God has for me.  I would LOVE for you to jump on board and come along for the ride!

Believe me, if I can do this, then It Works can DEFINITELY work for you too!!!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Prevent, Don't React

As I was thinking about how to start this blog post, I kept picturing the billboards with Smokey Bear and hearing his warning, "Only YOU can prevent wildfires."

What I want to talk about has nothing to do with the great outdoors or putting out your campfire or not tossing matches out the window, but in the same way we can help prevent forest/wild fires, we can actively and intentionally work to prevent a wide array of health complications.

I don't know about you, but I personally don't like insurance all that much.  I find it annoying to pay a company money each month just in case someone in my family has a tragic accident or gets terribly ill.  BUT, I also know that if those things were to happen, I would want to be covered and the bills taken care of for me.  And so, I pay for insurance each month.  I pay as little as possible, though.  We have the highest deductible we can so that our monthly premium is as low as we can get it.

Instead of spending our money on insurance for the just in case's of life, we seek to prevent ever needing help from the insurance company in the first place.  We choose to invest our money in healthy eating -- buying lots and lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains (and mainly gluten-free ones at that), lean meats, and high quality dairy products.  In addition to feeding our bodies nutrient-rich and vitamin-dense foods, we make exercise a priority.  Be it playing outside, going on a bike ride, or taking a family walk, we try to be as active as possible, including the entire family on the action and fun.

Since health is such a personal passion of mine, being a distributor for It Works makes sense.  I get to help other people invest in their health, providing them with tools and resources to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle.  The natural, whole-food based, superfood-packed supplements we have to offer help to boost our immune systems, balance our pH levels, and alkalize our bodies so we are less likely to get sick.

Because, let's face it, NONE of us eat exactly like we should every single day, 365 days a year.  We simply don't get all the nutrients and vitamins and minerals our bodies need.  That's where It Works comes in.  Rather than hoping we don't get sick and then scheduling a doctor's appointment and running to the store to fill a prescription we when do, why not do everything we can to prevent all of that in the first place?!! Not only do we save time, but money too!!!  It Works supplements are quite affordable, some costing less than a $1 a day! Even those on the "high end" put you out just over $1 a day, which is nothing compared to the price of doctor's visit and bottle of antibiotics.

The choice is yours...prevent or react.  Our family chooses prevention.

I have come to realize that even our wraps and defining gel play a process in preventing health complications and promoting good overall health.

As the wraps help to detox our cells, breaking up and removing toxins, our circulation improves, lean muscle can develop, our tissue can regenerate, and our bodies can better fight fungus and bacteria.

The wraps are so much more than just helping you slim down and get into a smaller pair of jeans!!!

Again, the choice is yours...react or prevent.  And if you are at a point where you need to REACT and start the process of improving your health, the wraps are an excellent way to start making those changes.  They're certainly much cheaper (and easier) than many other options out there -- liposuction, plastic surgery, and similar procedures.

This week I have been taking a closer look at our skin care products and have come to discover that they too can play a role in helping us prevent various health complications.  Last summer, my husband I watched a documentary that brought to our attention how harsh chemicals are used to make not only our cleaning supplies but our personal care products as well.  In response, we started making all of our own cleaning supplies and even our own shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, deodorant, and more.  While we have been consistent to keep up on the cleaning supplies, I must admit that finding time to make my own personal care products has not been one of my top priorities.  I am a busy mother of 2, with a baby on the way, have an in-home daycare, teach childbirth classes, am active in my church, and like to have fun from time to time :)  BUT, I don't like the idea of using products with harsh chemicals either!  Thank goodness It Works can come to my rescue once more, this time in the form of our naturally-based skin care line!!!

I am going to be ordering the Cleanser Gel and Hydrating Toner & Freshener this month and am looking forward to using them as soon as they arrive!!!

If I'm going to take care of the inside of my body, I'd like to take care of the outside too!  I agree with Jim Rohn and urge you:

So, I may not be Smokey Bear and you may already be doing everything you can to prevent forest fires.  And that's fantastic...  But, what about your health?  Are you making it a priority?  Are you investing in your health TODAY?

I would love to help you do everything you can to PREVENT health complications and maintain good health so you can truly enjoy life to the fullest now and in the many, many years to come!!!  Please contact me so we can discuss what It Works products would best help you meet your health goals or check out my website to see what all we have to offer as you work to develop the healthiest lifestyle possible!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Today's Featured Product

It Works is known for our body wraps and natural supplements, but did you know we also have a naturally-based skin care line?

I'm looking forward to trying some of these products myself soon, as I will be ordering some before the end of the month.  In trying to decide what to get, I did some research and thought I would share what I learned.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to get the Cleanser Gel, which I blogged about awhile back.

In addition to the multi-functional Cleanser Gel, the Hydrating Toner & Freshener looks really appealing!!!

What makes this skin care product stand out to me?

*Easy to use
*Naturally based
*Alchol free
*Mulitple uses
*Safe to use while I'm pregnant

I'm a research person.  I like to know WHAT is in a product and HOW those ingredients work. I want to know WHY something is good for me.  So, I did some investigating and wanted to share with you how the botanicals and herbs in the Hydrating Toner & Freshener help to "hydrate, tone, soften, and refresh your skin."

Most commonly known perhaps for its sunburn relief, aloe also has antioxidants that help to firm and hydrate your skin.  Furthermore, aloe is an anti-septic and can aide in healing.  Dry skin, eczema, and even acne can be "treated" with aloe.  


The oils from a rose can help with various skin irritants and any redness.  Rose can also help hydrate and soothe the skin.

Green Tea
Known well for its health benefits as a beverage, green tea can also help your skin.  The antioxidants in green tea can help remove free radicals.  They also have an anti-inflammatory effect, in addition to helping protect your skin from UV rays.

Also probably better known as a flavor of tea, chamomile has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.  It can help to eliminate free radicals and prevent bacterial infection.  Chamomile is also great for soothing rashes and burns.

Not only is a marigold a pretty flower, it can help to heal wounds and other skin issues like eczema and acne because of the antioxidants in it.  As with many of the other ingredients in the Hydrating Toner & Freshener, marigold is also an anti-inflammatory agent.

Personally, lavender is one of my favorite scents and I use it often as an essential oil in my home and when I am serving as a doula at a birth.  In regards to skin care, lavender has many benefits.  It's anti-septic and anti-funga, meaning it can help speed healing and reduce scarring.  As an anti-inflammatory, lavender can help improve circulation.  It is also great in help reduce acne, redness, and blotchiness.  Oh, and it helps improve skin cell turnover, helping your skin stay youthful.


Made from vitamin B5, panthenol helps to soothe, softens, moisturize, and exfoliate your skin.  Panthenol helps with skin regeneration, again helping to keep your skin youthful in appearance.


Found in the comfrey plant, allantoin naturally soothes the skin and provides structural support to cells in the connective tissue.  It also increases the smoothness of the skin as it promotes cell replication.  Allantoin is an anti-irritant and can help promote the healing of wounds, burns, and scars as well.  

Well, there you have it.  Now you know all about the Hydrating Toner & Freshener.  You know what's in the product and how those ingredients work to benefit your skin in so many ways.

I'm getting excited to order my own bottle in just a few days and start using this naturally-based product to help hydrate and freshen my skin on a daily basis!!!

If you would like more information about the Hydrating Toner & Freshener, please feel free to visit my website!  There you can also see the entire line of wonderful skin care products It Works has to offer!

If you would like to order your own bottle of Hydrating Toner & Freshener, you can do so from that website.  Here's a short video that walks you through the simple process and will help you get a 25-40% discount on your order!!!!

Monday, August 19, 2013

What's It To You?

The past couple days I have been reflecting once again on WHY I joined It Works, WHY I took the leap of faith to become a distributor and see if this "job" could change my family's life while enabling me to change the lives of countless others.

You see, the reasons I became a distributor are three-fold (as I have shared before):
*Continue to stay at home with my children but still contribute to our family income, doing something I enjoy and am passionate about, something that allows me to be fulfilled and have a sense of purpose (outside of doing laundry, preparing meals, and cleaning up messes -- although those things are crucial to the success of our home)

*Help others invest in their health by providing them with tools and resources to help them meet their health goals and enjoy life to the fullest

*Use the income from It Works to be able to financially bless others in ways we would not be able to do without this "job"

I was thinking about how I tell people about our products everywhere I go -- grocery store, gas station, bank, softball game, park, Chick-fil-A, library, and anywhere else I may find myself.

Why in the world would I walk up to a complete stranger and engage them in a conversation about a body wrap or the greens or some other health product It Works has to offer?

Because I am passionate about health and want everyone everywhere to make their health a priority. Because I am confident in our products and their ability to help people develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Because I could change someone's life.

Because I am committed to change my family's life.

Because I want to have the means and opportunities to change countless lives in the days and years to come.

My passion is deep and my drive is strong, but I am realizing that I can't force people to change.  They have to want that themselves.  I can't make a goal for someone and work hard to reach it for them.  They have to set their own goals, have their own dreams.  They have to take the time and make the effort to accomplish those goals and fulfill those dreams.  And as they do, I can certainly be right there beside them, encouraging and supporting them every step of the way, rejoicing and celebrating with them for every success they have on the journey.

But that first step, that decision to change, isn't up to me.
All I can do is put the ball in someone's court and hope they pick it up and start dribbling or bouncing it.  Rolling it even.  Or at least HOLDING it.

So, today I thought I would outline some of the products It Works has available to help you develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle.  I figured I could list various "plans" and the cost of each one.  That way you can decide what will work best for you and your personal situation.

What It Costs: $179 a month ($5.96 a day)

What You Get:
*box of 4 Wraps
*tube of Defining Gel
*bottle of Fat Fighters
*container of Greens
*bag of Protein Powder (your choice of vanilla or chocolate)

What You Do:
*wrap once a week (pick a day of the week and wrap that day each week -- Make-over Monday, Toning Tuesday or Thursday, Wrapping Wednesday, Fit Friday, Slimming Saturday or Sunday)
*use the Defining Gel daily -- anywhere and everywhere you want
*take 2 Fat Fighters every day, after your biggest meal (still want to eat healthy and make good choices)
*put 2 scoops of Greens in water or juice or a smoothie and drink an 8 oz. glass once every day (morning or early afternoon would probably be best)
*put 1 scoop of Protein Powder in water or a smoothie and drink an 8 oz. glass once every day (can be a meal replacement or a snack or a post work-out boost)

What You Can Expect:
*Wraps will help tighten, tone, and firm where you wear them.  You can expect them to help moisturize and hydrate your skin as well.  They will help reduce the appearance of cellulite, varicose veins, stretch marks, and more.  The wrap is a detox process so it is going to penetrate your skin and then help pull toxins from your cells.  Be sure to drink plenty of water (at least 1/2 your weight) each and every day!  As the wraps work, they will help reduce inflammation and improve circulation.  This is going to help improve your overall health!  As an added bonus, you might see inch loss in addition to the tightening, toning, and firming that will be taking place.
*Defining Gel is going to help maximize and enhance your wrap results.  You can also use the Defining Gel on eczema, scars, burns, rashes, and more.  It's like liquid gold! :)
*Fat Fighters will help absorb 1/3 of the fat and 2/3 of the carbs that you eat, so it can help with weight loss.  You still want to make healthy choices as you eat throughout the day, but you can take the Fat Fighters up to an hour after your biggest meal so that the capsules absorb some of the fat and carbs instead of your body!
*Greens are going to help you get 8 servings of organic, non-GMO fruits and veggies, boosting your immune system and helping to balance your pH levels.  This alkalizing process will help reduce your chances of getting sick.  Greens can also help alleviate allergy symptoms, reduce chronic headaches, promote regularity, increase energy, and so much more!  They are also helpful in suppressing your appetite and reducing cravings.
*Protein Powder is a great for building lean muscle.  This is good not only for those who are doing strength training but for everyone as muscle helps to burn fat.  Our bodies don't produce as much lean muscle after we are 30, so the Protein Powder is a great tool to help maintain that muscle and even build more.  It Works Protein Powder is more than just protein though -- it has antioxidants to help your immune system, fiber to help you fuller longer, and an enzyme blend to make sure your body is absorbing and utilizing everything in the powder!

So, if all that is worth $5.96 a day, then the FIT PACK is for you!!!  
That is about the same as a fast food meal...

BUT, if you want to spend a little less, then you could go for the Skinny Pack and Greens...


What It Costs: $142 a month ($4.73 a day)

What You Get:
*box of 4 Wraps
*tube of Defining Gel
*bottle of Fat Fighters
*container of Greens

What You Do:
Same as the FIT PACK, except you don't have the Protein Powder

What You Can Expect: 
Again, same as the FIT PACK, except you don't have the Protein Powder to help with lean muscle.

You will get the tightening, toning, and firming with the wraps along with the maximizing effects from the Defining Gel. You'll have the Fat Fighters to help with weight loss as they absorb 1/3 of the fat and 2/3 of the carbs you eat.  You'll have the Greens with all their "superpowers" of good nutrition, alkalization, pH balance, increased energy, and more!

So, if all that is worth $4.73 a day, then the SKINNY PACK + GREENS is for you!!!
Again, that's about the price of a fast food meal (or a venti coffee at Starbucks)

BUT, if your budget doesn't allow for that, then maybe you could just use the SKINNY PACK....

What It Costs: $109 a month ($3.63 a day)

What You Get:
*box of 4 Wraps
*tube of Defining Gel
*bottle of Fat Fighters

What You Do:
Same as the FIT PACK, except you don't have the Greens or Protein Powder

What You Can Expect: 
Again, same as the FIT PACK, except you don't have the Protein Powder to help with lean muscle or the Greens to help with nutrition, alkalization, energy, etc...

You will get the tightening, toning, and firming with the wraps along with the maximizing effects from the Defining Gel. You'll have the Fat Fighters to help with weight loss as they absorb 1/3 of the fat and 2/3 of the carbs you eat.

So, if all that is worth $3.63 a day, then the SKINNY PACK is for you!!!
That's less than most fast food meals and about the same as a grande coffee at Starbucks

BUT, if you're counting pennies, you could get the WRAP PACK + GREENS...


What It Costs: $102 a month ($3.40 a day)

What You Get:
*box of 4 Wraps
*mini tube of Defining Gel
*container of Greens

What You Do:
*wrap once a week (pick a day of the week and wrap that day each week -- Make-over Monday, Toning Tuesday or Thursday, Wrapping Wednesday, Fit Friday, Slimming Saturday or Sunday)
*use the Defining Gel daily -- anywhere and everywhere you want
*put 2 scoops of Greens in water or juice or a smoothie and drink an 8 oz. glass once every day (morning or early afternoon would probably be best)

What You Can Expect:
You will get the tightening, toning, and firming with the wraps along with the maximizing effects from the Defining Gel.  You'll also have the Greens to help with nutrition, alkalization, energy, and more!!!

So, if all that is worth $3.40 a day, then the WRAP PACK + GREENS is for you!!!
Still, that's less than most fast food meals and about the same as a grande coffee at Starbucks

BUT, if you're still pinching pennies, you could get the WRAPS + GREENS...


What It Costs: $92 a month ($3.06 a day)

What You Get:
*box of 4 Wraps
*container of Greens

What You Do:
*wrap once a week (pick a day of the week and wrap that day each week -- Make-over Monday, Toning Tuesday or Thursday, Wrapping Wednesday, Fit Friday, Slimming Saturday or Sunday)
*put 2 scoops of Greens in water or juice or a smoothie and drink an 8 oz. glass once every day (morning or early afternoon would probably be best)

What You Can Expect:
Same as the WRAP PACK + GREENS, except you won't have the defining gel to help maximize and enhance your wrap results.

So, if all that is worth $3.06 a day, then the WRAPS + GREENS is for you!!!
Still, that's less than most fast food meals and less than a grande coffee at Starbucks

If none of those plans or options work for you, you could just choose to get the wraps ($59 for a box of 4) or just the greens ($33) or any combinations of our supplements that you want.

All supplements come in a month's supply
Fat Fighters -- $23
ThermoFIT (metabolism booster) -- $39
Confianza (stress reliever) -- $25
It's Vital (multivitamins) -- $29
Omega-3 -- $23
Regular (colon health) -- $27
Relief (for joints) -- $29
New You (promotes HGH to improve sleep and memory, hair and nail growth, lean muscle) -- $49
Estro-Rhythm (hormone balance) -- $79
Protein Powder -- $69

Oh, and our FITworks Community is completely FREE for loyal customers!!!  What all do you get for this amazing service?
*access to meal plans
*support and encouragement
*panel of nutrition and fitness experts
*help setting goals
*tools to stay motivated
Check out this short video to find out more!!!

So, there you have it.  You know some of the options you would have as you use It Works products to help develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Which one will you choose?

It's up to YOU!!!
It's YOUR health, and your wallet.

Just please ask yourself, what is your health worth?

If you're interested in learning more about It Works and our products, please visit my website!!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Who Has the Time?

Not enough time in the day?

I feel ya.  I am a mom of 2 young girls.  My oldest will be 4 in less than 2 months (man, I need to start planning her birthday party) and my youngest will be 2 in December (a week before Christmas).  I am expecting our third bundle of joy in November, hopefully before Thanksgiving.

I also do an in-home daycare and have 2 little boys at my house from 7 am to 4 pm most days!

To make things even more interesting, I teach childbirth classes.  Usually, these are at our home on Saturday mornings or Monday evenings, for about 2 hours each time.  I teach 4, 6, and 8 week series to help prepare moms and dads for the arrival of their babies.

My husband teaches 3rd grade, leads Boys to Men (a weekly after school program for 5th grade boys), and is on the leadership team at his school.  He is just finishing up his Master's degree in Elementary Administration (I am so proud of him)!!!

We are also active in our church -- helping lead a small group, volunteering as needed, and participating in any community service projects our church does.

On Sunday evenings, we have a Bible study for 4th-7th graders.  Every summer we go to a camp down in Ponca, Arkansas, and this year over 100 kids from our area (Kansas City, MO) attended the camp!!  Many of these boys and girls are Lawrence's former students.  We feel called to follow up with these boys and girls, discipling and mentoring them to help them grow as individuals who are strong in their faith and able to stand up for what's right no matter what.

To say that we are "busy" would be true.  BUT we love life!!!  We enjoy what we do and feel like God has provided us with each and every opportunity we have been given.

When I started to consider becoming an independent distributor for It Works at the beginning of this year (2013), I knew that our lives were already pretty full.  BUT I also knew that we wanted to have more kids of our own and I wouldn't be able to do in-home daycare forever (at least not if I was going to stay sane).  So, I started praying about another way to make money by working from home AND doing something I would enjoy.

The answer: IT WORKS!
*I get to stay home and work when I want
*I can fit It Works into my family's life (talking about the products with other moms, having people over while our kids play together, doing wrap parties once or twice a month while my husband gets Daddy-daughter time, etc.)
*I get to help people invest in their health and enjoy life to the fullest
*I hear from family, friends, customers who are excited about what our products are doing for them and I get to rejoice and celebrate with them
*My family benefits from the products as well, as we use them in our daily life
*I get to develop friendships with some pretty amazing people all over the United States (and world)
*I have a sense of accomplishment, purpose, and fulfillment outside of being a mom (though that is super duper important and I LOVE that "job" more than anything)

I joined the It Works family in February and now, just a few months later, my monthly commission exceeds what I make doing in-home daycare (which is a huge blessing since I was supposed to have 4 daycare kiddos this year and had 2 unexpectedly not come this school year).  When I started, I didn't know I was a few days pregnant, but now that we are expecting baby #3, the extra income is even more of a blessing.  Eventually, I won't be able to do in-home daycare, and when that time comes, my income will already be in place so that I can "retire" and "just" be a mom without any fear or worries of how we will pay the bills, put gas in our car, fill the fridge with food, or be able to do fun things as a family!

I am so glad I took the leap and made the decision to be an It Works distributor.  This "job" has been such a huge blessing to our family, and I want to share the opportunity with as many people as possible!!!

Maybe you are busy too.  Perhaps you think you are "just too busy" to "add one more thing to your plate."  I would still ask you to prayerfully consider if It Works might be for you.

I know that I am personally looking forward to the time when I can "retire" and focus more fully on my family.  For that to happen, I am putting the time and work in now.  Doing something I love and enjoy.  That allows me to be with my kids every day.  I still get to read books, do puzzles, build block towers, go on walks, play at the park, splash them in the pool, help create masterpieces, bake yummy treats, and more with my girls.

I also love that I am helping other moms do the same thing!

I would love to help you too!  
I would love to have you join our team (family, really) and see how this It Works "job" can be a blessing in your life and for your family as well!

Think I am the only one doing this?  Think I am super woman or something?  (I'm not)

I would love for you to meet some other It Works distributors who are also busy women making It Works work for them and their families:

Valerie Brown, mom of 4 and church secretary

Jess Salas, mom of 4 and writer

Mom of 2, RN and helps her husband with the nutrition store they own

Shauntel Lyons, started this business while working 40 hours a week and taking Master's classes and is now "retired" with her husband.  Combined they make over $100,000 a month

Kami and Madra, both moms of 3, who now make at least $100,000 a month
And finally, I want to introduce you to Lori and Kristy, moms of 4:

These ladies are doing a Power Lunch Call today and you can listen in, without anyone knowing you are there!  Hear how these ladies manage being busy moms and It Works distributors (at the Ambassador level, making at least $30,000 a month)

Moms making It! 
Join Lori Conway & Kristy Apfel DeJesus for a Power Lunch Call today at 12:30pm EST. 
Lori & Kristy are Ambassador Diamonds & Top Money Earners who are each raising 4 young children! Learn how you can work this business with an active family & busy schedule! 
Dial 805-399-1000 access code 500966#

My story may not be as exciting as Lori's Kristy's BUT I would still love to share it with you.  Lori and Kristy started at the beginning, just like me.  Just like YOU can!!!

I love what Quintin, Lori's husband, said the other day during a team meeting -- "Time is an equalizer.  We all have the same amount of time.  It's what we do with that time that counts, how we use the time we are given."

So, what about YOU?
Would you pray and think about It Works?
I would LOVE to help make It Works work for you and your family 
like it is for mine!

Monday, August 12, 2013

When Opportunity Knocks...

open the door!!!!

That's just what I did in February this year when I decided to join It Works as an independent distributor.  That one little decision has changed my life and blessed our family in so many different ways.

*I get to help people invest in their health and celebrate as they make changes for the better.
      I have friends losing weight, quitting smoking, having more energy, eating healthier, exercising more, etc.
      I LOVE it!!!

*I have made new friends and deepened friendships that I had from WAY back in high school.

*I get to be part of an amazing team where we daily support and encourage each other.

*I have a sense of purpose (outside of being a mom) and am able to do something that gives me a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.  I feel like I get to use the gifts God has given me in a way I never would have imagined myself doing before this opportunity came along.

*With that, I feel like I am growing as a person, stretching myself and getting outside of my comfort zone.  I am facing my fears of worrying about what people think about me, comparing myself to others, and other common struggles women face on a regular basis.

*I am able to stay at home with our girls and still contribute to our family income.

*When I started this "job," I told God I would give everything back to Him, since all the money I would be making is "extra."  With my daycare job, my It Works income was an added bonus and would allow us to SAVE money and pay extra on our mortgage.  All the bonus money I have made, we have been able to give away -- sending care packages to my friends overseas, sponsoring kids for camp, helping couples as they raise money for adoptions or starting a ministry, or supporting people in a run/walk for a charity, and more.  I LOVE how God has provided us with various ways to bless others!

*My daycare income unexpectedly got cut in half and so now my It Works money is more essential.  Last month we used it to pay our bills and even had some extra to pay on the mortgage.  All my bonus money will still go towards blessing others in one way or another, and I am so thankful God knew this situation was going to happen with daycare, that we would need the additional money, and provided a way to make that happen long before we even knew it was going to be an issue!

I have no idea what lays ahead with this It Works journey.  I am excited to find out though!

Tonight, I am going to listen to a company call as Madra Jones and Kami Demspey share their stories.  These ladies just became the first Black Diamonds in the business, earning this promotion by making at least $100,000 a MONTH for 6 consecutive months.  On top of their commission money, they each received a $100,000 BONUS!!!

I have personally met Madra, a mom of 3.  She came down to the Kansas City area to our team's monthly training.  She used to own her own salon, but now she does It Works full time.

Kami is also a mom of three, and a former teacher.  I feel like I can relate to her with that!!  Not to mention she's a Christian and loves Jesus like I do.  Both her and her husband "retired" from their regular jobs and do It Works full time as well.

I am excited to hear their stories tonight and be inspired.  If you want to listen in on the call or listen to the recording later, here is the info you need:

Listen Online:
Listen by Dial: 
(832) 225-5825 | Passcode: 489675# 
Everyone Welcome

As I said, God is still writing my story (as He is with Madra and Kami and EACH ONE of us).  I don't know what all is in that story, but I am looking forward to finding out.  I certainly didn't see losing 2 daycare kiddos in one day, right before school started, as part of my story - but God did!!!

I have no idea what I will do when I reach a level in the company where I am making the kind of money Madra and Kami are.  All I know is that in no way can I ever spend that much money on myself.  So, God will just have to show us how to give it away, how to bless others in the same way He has blessed us.  The idea of paying for someone else's family to go to Disney World on vacation or buying a family a new car or paying their mortgage for a year or sending someone to college or paying off a family's medical bills or buying groceries for people each week or other things like that....those ideas excite me.

I dare to dream...

And I ask you to come dream with me.

Opportunity is knocking.  What are you going to do?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Changing Lives

One of the primary reasons I joined It Works was to help people develop and maintain healthy lifestyles.  Health is something I am extremely passionate about, and I want to inspire and encourage and support others as they seek to invest in their health.  I want to work with them to reach their health goals, providing them with the tools and resources they need, cheering them on along the way, and rejoicing with them as they see their dreams become reality.

I am so proud of "my" company and blessed beyond words to work for It Works.  The doctors and those involved in creating the products are committed to using the best resources possible and keeping our products pure and natural.  I love that I can share our health and wellness products with my friends, family, neighbors, and even strangers.  I am completely confident in our products and use them myself, daily.

I love hearing from my personal customers and hearing stories from others about how It Works is helping to change their lives.  I thought I would share some of those stories with you today.  Maybe you can relate to one of these individuals.  Perhaps they will inspire you to start your own health journey!

In 3.5 months -- he used the wraps, thermofit, fat fighters, and greens

Again, she used the wraps, thermofit, fat fighters, and greens

And one of my personal friends, Ashley....

And another close friend, Jessica
Not only did she go down 2 jean sizes and 1 shirt size, she also stopped smoking!!!
So proud of her!!!!

What could It Works do for YOU?  
How could our health and wellness products help YOU?  
What health goals do YOU have?  

I would love to come alongside you and provide you with the tools and resources you need to reach those goals.  I would love to support and encourage you all the way.  I would love to celebrate with you as you accomplish those goals.  

I am in the business, so to speak, of changing lives.  And I LOVE my job.  How can I not?  Look at the lives that have been changed already!!!

If you are interested in using our health products, please contact me!!!
You can also check out my website and see everything we have available!!!