Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Who Has the Time?

Not enough time in the day?

I feel ya.  I am a mom of 2 young girls.  My oldest will be 4 in less than 2 months (man, I need to start planning her birthday party) and my youngest will be 2 in December (a week before Christmas).  I am expecting our third bundle of joy in November, hopefully before Thanksgiving.

I also do an in-home daycare and have 2 little boys at my house from 7 am to 4 pm most days!

To make things even more interesting, I teach childbirth classes.  Usually, these are at our home on Saturday mornings or Monday evenings, for about 2 hours each time.  I teach 4, 6, and 8 week series to help prepare moms and dads for the arrival of their babies.

My husband teaches 3rd grade, leads Boys to Men (a weekly after school program for 5th grade boys), and is on the leadership team at his school.  He is just finishing up his Master's degree in Elementary Administration (I am so proud of him)!!!

We are also active in our church -- helping lead a small group, volunteering as needed, and participating in any community service projects our church does.

On Sunday evenings, we have a Bible study for 4th-7th graders.  Every summer we go to a camp down in Ponca, Arkansas, and this year over 100 kids from our area (Kansas City, MO) attended the camp!!  Many of these boys and girls are Lawrence's former students.  We feel called to follow up with these boys and girls, discipling and mentoring them to help them grow as individuals who are strong in their faith and able to stand up for what's right no matter what.

To say that we are "busy" would be true.  BUT we love life!!!  We enjoy what we do and feel like God has provided us with each and every opportunity we have been given.

When I started to consider becoming an independent distributor for It Works at the beginning of this year (2013), I knew that our lives were already pretty full.  BUT I also knew that we wanted to have more kids of our own and I wouldn't be able to do in-home daycare forever (at least not if I was going to stay sane).  So, I started praying about another way to make money by working from home AND doing something I would enjoy.

The answer: IT WORKS!
*I get to stay home and work when I want
*I can fit It Works into my family's life (talking about the products with other moms, having people over while our kids play together, doing wrap parties once or twice a month while my husband gets Daddy-daughter time, etc.)
*I get to help people invest in their health and enjoy life to the fullest
*I hear from family, friends, customers who are excited about what our products are doing for them and I get to rejoice and celebrate with them
*My family benefits from the products as well, as we use them in our daily life
*I get to develop friendships with some pretty amazing people all over the United States (and world)
*I have a sense of accomplishment, purpose, and fulfillment outside of being a mom (though that is super duper important and I LOVE that "job" more than anything)

I joined the It Works family in February and now, just a few months later, my monthly commission exceeds what I make doing in-home daycare (which is a huge blessing since I was supposed to have 4 daycare kiddos this year and had 2 unexpectedly not come this school year).  When I started, I didn't know I was a few days pregnant, but now that we are expecting baby #3, the extra income is even more of a blessing.  Eventually, I won't be able to do in-home daycare, and when that time comes, my income will already be in place so that I can "retire" and "just" be a mom without any fear or worries of how we will pay the bills, put gas in our car, fill the fridge with food, or be able to do fun things as a family!

I am so glad I took the leap and made the decision to be an It Works distributor.  This "job" has been such a huge blessing to our family, and I want to share the opportunity with as many people as possible!!!

Maybe you are busy too.  Perhaps you think you are "just too busy" to "add one more thing to your plate."  I would still ask you to prayerfully consider if It Works might be for you.

I know that I am personally looking forward to the time when I can "retire" and focus more fully on my family.  For that to happen, I am putting the time and work in now.  Doing something I love and enjoy.  That allows me to be with my kids every day.  I still get to read books, do puzzles, build block towers, go on walks, play at the park, splash them in the pool, help create masterpieces, bake yummy treats, and more with my girls.

I also love that I am helping other moms do the same thing!

I would love to help you too!  
I would love to have you join our team (family, really) and see how this It Works "job" can be a blessing in your life and for your family as well!

Think I am the only one doing this?  Think I am super woman or something?  (I'm not)

I would love for you to meet some other It Works distributors who are also busy women making It Works work for them and their families:

Valerie Brown, mom of 4 and church secretary

Jess Salas, mom of 4 and writer

Mom of 2, RN and helps her husband with the nutrition store they own

Shauntel Lyons, started this business while working 40 hours a week and taking Master's classes and is now "retired" with her husband.  Combined they make over $100,000 a month

Kami and Madra, both moms of 3, who now make at least $100,000 a month
And finally, I want to introduce you to Lori and Kristy, moms of 4:

These ladies are doing a Power Lunch Call today and you can listen in, without anyone knowing you are there!  Hear how these ladies manage being busy moms and It Works distributors (at the Ambassador level, making at least $30,000 a month)

Moms making It Works...work! 
Join Lori Conway & Kristy Apfel DeJesus for a Power Lunch Call today at 12:30pm EST. 
Lori & Kristy are Ambassador Diamonds & Top Money Earners who are each raising 4 young children! Learn how you can work this business with an active family & busy schedule! 
Dial 805-399-1000 access code 500966#

My story may not be as exciting as Lori's Kristy's BUT I would still love to share it with you.  Lori and Kristy started at the beginning, just like me.  Just like YOU can!!!

I love what Quintin, Lori's husband, said the other day during a team meeting -- "Time is an equalizer.  We all have the same amount of time.  It's what we do with that time that counts, how we use the time we are given."

So, what about YOU?
Would you pray and think about It Works?
I would LOVE to help make It Works work for you and your family 
like it is for mine!

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