Friday, August 30, 2013

Could This Work for Me Too?

Today, I became a Diamond Executive for It Works and earned a $10,000 bonus!!!!

I'm still trying to convince myself this is really happening.  I was telling my husband last night that I feel as though I am playing a board game or something, that my paycheck and bonuses each month are like monopoly money.  And yet every time I use the debit card where my commission is deposited, the transaction goes through.  It must be real!!!

I wrote another blog post about how it was feeling like Christmas in my house.  Even my daughter must have thought so yesterday, because she came downstairs all decked out in her Christmas dress from last year.

This morning as I reflect not only on this HUGE bonus, but also on my entire experience so far as an It Works distributor, I can't help but feel obligated to share this amazing opportunity with as many people as possible.  To keep this business and our products to myself would be selfish.  To not let you know how these products could help improve your health and change your life would be wrong.  To not explain how YOU too can make this "job" work for you and benefit your family in countless ways would be irresponsible.

You see, I am not in this to become a millionaire.  I am in this to change lives, YOURS included.

I may not know you personally, but I still want you to know about this opportunity.  I confidently believe our products can make a significant difference in people's health and thus their lives.  I am a living example of how this business can impact your family in some pretty big ways, and I'm just beginning my journey.

This week I listened to 6 distributors share their stories and was inspired as I heard from 6 very different women, from very different backgrounds.  All 6 have become Presidential Diamonds in the past month.  Some have been in the business for a little over a year; others just a few months.  Regardless of how long they have been distributors, a common theme stood out: anyone can do this business if they want to!

Don't take my word for it.  Listen to these women yourself and maybe you can relate to at least one of them!

Perhaps the thought of making over $16,000 a month is a little overwhelming to you, somehow unattainable.  That's okay, you don't HAVE to make that much, unless you want to.  One thing I like about my "job" for It Works is that I am truly my own boss.  I set my own hours.  I decide when I want to work and how.  I decide how much time and energy I want to put into my business.  If I want to make $500 a month, then I can work to make that happen.  If I want to make $5,000 a month, then I can work a little harder and make that happen.

As I am sharing this opportunity with people, I tend to get asked some of the same questions. So, I thought I would go ahead and answer them here, all at once!

FAQ about being an It Works Distributor

Question: How much time do you spend running/working your business?
Answer: One thing I love about being an It Works distributor is that you are your own boss.  I get to set my own hours.  I get to decide how much time and effort I am going to put into my business.  I can choose when I work and how I work. 
            Each distributor is going to work his/her business differently based on where they are at in life and what their goals for his/her business are.  For me, I want to make enough income so I can continue to stay at home but NOT do in-home daycare.  To do that, I simply incorporate It Works into our daily life – when I go to the grocery store, the cashier gets a coupon and Greens on the Go packet (same is true for bank tellers, moms at the park, librarians, people watching softball games, etc.). 
            As a stay-at-home, work-from-home mom (I have a small in-home daycare), I am able to take a few minutes here and there to post on facebook, send private messages or e-mails, make phone calls, and even have people over to wrap at my house.  I am still able to play with my kids, get household chores done, meals prepared, and more.  Some days I spend more time on the computer than I do others, but again, I get to decide when I work and how much I work.  Nap time is my friend J
            In regards to working the business outside of the house, I still get to set my schedule.  My team here in the KC area does a weekly wrap and info night that I can attend if I so choose.  I can invite people to come with me and find out about the products, wrap at a discount, or sign up to join the team.  If that day and time doesn’t work for someone, I can schedule an individual wrap appointment or wrap party.  I have not, however, found that I am so busy that I don’t have time for my family.  Again, I get to decide if a date works for me or not.
            We have monthly team meetings that are completely optional.  I figure 2 hours a month to get training and support from leaders is a great investment!!!  Plus, we do wrap raffles and other giveaways, so I always have the chance to win some free wraps or other products (which I can use myself or turn around and sell at a pure profit to me)!
If I can do this as a mom of 2, with a baby on the way, and 1-2 daycare kids at my house from 7 am to 4 pm during the week, anyone can do this!!!

Question: How much money do you make as a distributor?
Answer: As your own boss, you not only get to set your own hours but you also get to determine your salary too.  You can choose how much you want to make and then work as hard as you need to in order to make that in commission each month.  Here’s a chart that shows the average monthly commission checks for distributors at each level in the company. 

            In addition to commission, each distributor can make money by selling products (most commonly wraps).  We can get a box of wraps for $59 or $25 (via Applicator Rewards, which we earn for every 2 loyal customers we get), then sell individual wraps for $30 a piece, making anywhere from $15 to $25 on each wrap!
            A third way distributors can make money is through bonuses, which are unlimited and paid every Friday.  If you sign someone up on your team as a distributor and he/she gets 2 loyal customers in his/her first 30 days in the business, YOU get a $100 bonus.  Once you reach the Diamond level in the company, you are able to make Leadership Bonuses on top of the $100 Fast Start Bonus that every single distributor can earn. 
            The fourth way a distributor can make money is by having 60 active loyal customers.  When a distributor does this, he/she gets a $600 bonus every month.
            It Works also does special promotional bonuses from time to time, giving distributors the opportunity to earn additional bonuses, like the $10,000 GOOD Bonus that is paid out in $400 sums for 25 months.

            As with how much time you put into the business, you get to decide how much money you will as a distributor.  If you want to make an extra $500 a month, I can show you how to do that.  If you want to make $30,000 a month (or more) and “retire” yourself and your spouse (as some distributors have done), then I can show you how to do that too.  You decide how much you want to make and then do the work to make that happen.  You are your own boss!

Question: Do you feel like the time you invest in the business is worth it?
Answer: Absolutely!!!  If I can stay at home with my kids and enjoy what I am doing, then it’s not really work in the first place.  As I help others, I find satisfaction and joy in what I am doing.  Furthermore, I know I am “working” to provide for my family, to make it possible for me to not only stay home with my children but also to do fun and special things with them (both big and small).  The work I am doing now is laying a foundation for their future and that is priceless!  PLUS, I am able to give more generously and bless others as a result of my It Works income.  Knowing that I am making a difference in other people’s lives in so many ways motivates me each and every day.  I truly enjoy what I am doing and am so blessed I was given this opportunity to be an It Works distributor!!

Question: Do you have to meet certain sales quotas each month?
Answer: Nope!!!  Unless you want to promote to a certain level in the company by the end of the month, you are not required to sell a certain amount of product or make a certain amount in commission.  You will never get fired by It Works for not selling enough or meeting a specific quota.  The only way you can “lose your job” is if you decide to fire yourself – remember, you are your own boss!

Question: How much inventory do you have to have on hand?
Answer: As much or as little as you want. 
Again, you are your own boss and get to decide how to run your business.  If you want to have all the products on hand for people to buy at retail prices at a party, you are welcome to do so.  Most distributors, however, just keep wraps on hand at all times so they can wrap around 4-8 people each month (and make profit from those wrap sales).  Many distributors also use a variety of It Works products themselves and buy those items each month on an as-needed basis.
            Personally, I always have wraps and Greens on the Go packets in my purse.  I hand out the greens packets everywhere I go so people can sample the greens and decide if they would like to order some to use on a regular basis.  If I have parties scheduled or a booth at an event, I can order more than my usual 4-8 wraps.  Each month I decide what I want and need to run my business successfully for the next 30 days.

Question: Don’t you think this is just a FAD and won’t last that long?
Answer: One of our team leaders addressed this question at a team meeting last month, and I loved his answer.  “We live in a microwave society where people want instant results.  The wrap can do that.  We also live in a society where people are not going to stop caring how they look or start caring less about how they look.  We are not going to become less vain.”  Sad, but true.  It Works has products that people want, and will continue to want for years and years and years to come.  PLUS, our products are affordable and effective.
            Not to mention, we have been in business since 2001, so if this is a FAD, it’s a 12 year fad J  And we’ve grown substantially in the past 5 years, becoming debt free in 2008.  We are now #53 in the world in direct-sales marketing companies.  I also just found out we made the list of top 500 fastest growing private companies.  If we are a fad (which I don’t think we are based on our society), it’s a fad that is going to stay around for a very, very, very long time and only become more and more of a trend during that time.
            NOW is the time to join the business.  As one of our team leaders said, “It’s like the 1960’s of Mary Kay or the 1980’s of Pampered Chef.  Look at where those companies are now!”  Imagine if you had gotten in from the beginning stages of those.  You have the opportunity to do just that with It Works right now!

Question: Don’t you think the business is saturated?  With so many distributors won’t you have trouble finding customers?
Answer: It Works has about 70,000 distributors worldwide.  The population of the United States alone is a little over 300 million.  That’s about 1 distributor for every 4,285 people (based on US population alone)!  In comparison, Mary Kay has over 2 million distributors.
            Of those 70,000 It Works distributors, only 25 are at the Ambassador level in the company.  Just 2 are Black Diamonds, the highest (and newest) rank.  The company has plenty of room for growth, for everyone!
            Personally, I live in Kansas City, where 3 Ambassadors live and work the business.  Yet, when I was at a softball game this past weekend, I was handing out coupons and only 3 of the 10 people I talked with had even heard of It Works, our wraps, and our heath products.  The other 7 had no idea what I was giving them when they saw a coupon for a wrap, but they were pretty excited as I told them about the wrap and how it works.  I invited them to a weekly wrap and info night our team in the area just started doing.  I can’t wait to introduce them to the wraps in person, not to mention our supplements and skin care products!
            Not even everyone in my extended family (in-laws, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.) has started using It Works YET.  I still have neighbors who aren’t customers.   Not all of my husband’s co-workers are customers either.  Nor are all the people who attend our church.  I have 977 friends on facebook and not all of them use It Works, yet.  So, I still have some work to do as I seek to fulfill my mission of getting everyone I personally know to use It Works and experience firsthand the difference these products can make in their lives.

            Who do YOU know who isn’t an It Works customer?  
Who do they know?  
Who do those people know? 

Hopefully, that helps answer some questions you may have.  If you have more, please let me know!!!!  Like I said, I can't not share this business with others.  This company is changing my family's life and allowing us the opportunity to bless others in ways we couldn't before.  I truly want others to enjoy It Works like I am!

If you would like to join the team and be part of the amazing It Works family, take a look at this video
and then head over to my website so you can sign up!!!!  Use this step by step guide to walk you through the process!!!

I am so excited about what the future holds as I continue on this journey God has for me.  I would LOVE for you to jump on board and come along for the ride!

Believe me, if I can do this, then It Works can DEFINITELY work for you too!!!

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