Thursday, January 30, 2014

Resolute to Be Uncommon

January is almost over.  At the beginning of the year many, many people make resolutions.  They set goals and dream about the future.  They go to the gym.  They make a budget. They check a book out from the library.  They buy fresh fruits and veggies.  They sign up for an art class.  Whatever their goals may be, they start working to reach them.

And for a few days or weeks, they are serious about those goals.

Then life gets in the way.
They get busy.
They're tired.
They get the bills from all those Christmas gifts they bought.
The weather isn't favorable.
Their kids are grouchy.

Lots of reasons why they don't keep working on those goals.
Lots of things to get in the way to prevent them from making their dreams a reality.

It happens.

BUT, it doesn't have to be that way.
At least not if you don't want it to.

I am so proud to be part of a company whose leaders are constantly supporting and encouraging us to keep on going, to never give up, to work hard so that we see the fruits of our labor.

Granted, they don't force us to do anything.  They always leave the ball in our court.  BUT they do give us the tools to succeed.

We may be famous for a crazy wrap thing or green powder that gives you 8 servings of fruits and veggies, but this company is WAY more than an amazing product or two!

We're in the business of CHANGING LIVES.

And not just because we can help you tighten, tone, and firm in 45 minutes.

We're helping people invest in their health and get their lives back.
We're helping people get out of debt and get their lives back.
We're helping people help others - in big and small ways - so that families, men, women, children all over the world are given a chance to live in the first place.  (Check out two of the organizations we support - Selah Freedom and Children's Cup!)

So, what about ME?
What am I resolute to do, to be?

I am resolved to make a difference.
I am resolved to love God and share His love with others.
I am resolved to be a wife who honors her husband.
I am resolved to be a mother who treasures her children and teaches them to dream big, to put others first, to believe in themselves and the God who created them with unique talents and abilities, to use those gifts for God's glory.
I am resolved to be a friend who is a source of encouragement and support and inspiration.
I am resolved to be who God made me to be, to do all He created me to do.

This morning I read from Holley Grath's book You're Made for a God-Sized Dream and was instantly invigorated in my resolution to dare to dream and in doing so change people's lives.

She writes:
"The size of the dream isn't what matters. I believe everyone has God-sized dreams. It's not about how big or small they are, because He creates each one ot perfectly fit the size of YOUR heart. 

Your dream migt be to move across teh word and start a non-profit organization that cares for orphans -- what looks like a grand adventure in the world's eyes.

Or your dream might be to stay right in your small town and reaise your kids so that they grow into strong men and women -- what looks like something fairly ordinary in the world's eyes.

Both matter equally.
And both are God-sized dreams.

It's not about what do you as much as HOW you do it. It's about pursuing life with passion and purpose and going with God wherever He leads.

It's about not settling. It's about tenaciously believing YOU'RE MADE FOR MORE. 
Not as in "bigger house, fancier car, more luxurious lifestyle."
No, my friend, I mean "more of Jesus, more of what He's created you to be, more of what He's called you to do." LESS of you actually, and more of all He is and all He has for you -- which is beyond what you can even imagine.

You have hops that feel silly, dreams that seem like dares, the quiet longings of your heart that get especially loud sometimes.

Don't let that go. Don't hide it away. That's real. And, yes, you really can see it come into being in your life. You have what it takes to see those dreams come true because you have a limitless God living in you. He has given you all you need and made you all you need to be.

I believe in the God who lives within you.
And this is your time.
Right here, right now." 

So, what about YOU?
Do you have a dream?

I wold love to come along side you and help you stay resolute in accomplishing your goals, in making your dreams a reality.  I would love to celebrate with you as we make the impossible possible and the uncommon common.  I would love to change lives with you.  Like we say at It Works, "We're better together!"

What do you say?  I'm here when you're ready....

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Debt Free

Could you cut up all your credit cards TODAY?

Tiffany did!

Granted, she worked hard to make that happen, but as of today she has called all the credit card companies and made her final payments!  She is DEBT FREE!

And she is EXCITED!  As she should be...

What would it take to help YOU become debt free THIS year?
Are you able to pay extra each month or are you stuck making the minimum payment?
How much extra do you need each month to put towards your debt so that you can call all your credit card companies on December 31, 2014 and make your final payment?

I would love to show you how Tiffany did it.
I would love to share with you how my husband and I are staying out of debt.

You see, my parents are extremely generous.  I graduated from college without any student loans. I worked in college to pay my way, but whenever I didn't have enough, I didn't call the bank.  I called Mom and Dad.  They always paid the remaining balance for me.

Some might say I am spoiled.  That I am the typical only child.

I like to think I am blessed.  I am fortunate to say the least.  Not only do I have parents who were financially able to help me, but willing too.

My mom learned from her dad, who was generous with her and left her an inheritance making it possible for her to be debt free.  She took that blessing and passed it along to me.

And now I want to pass it along to my girls.  I don't ever want them to be in debt.  That's why we have college funds for them already and will be setting aside money for their education each month for the next 18 years (my girls are 10 weeks, 2 years, and 4 years).  I don't want them to have to pay for college.  I want that to be taken care of already, even if they decide to go to medical school or pursue a career in law or anything else that typically lands a person in hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt.

I'm not going to spoil my girls or let them off easy.  They will grow up learning how to work hard and save money and use our resources wisely.  They won't squander or spend lavishly.  They will know what it means to be financially responsible, for those who are given much, of them much is required.  Above all, they will know what it means to give and bless others and share the love of Jesus with all those around us and those far away as well.  They will know what it means to be a sieve, letting God's good gifts flow right on through them to anyone and everyone with whom they come into contact.

That's what my mom taught me.

That's what her dad taught her.

I don't call that spoiling a child at all.  That's what I call teaching a child to take their blessings and use them to bless others.

Thanks to my generous and gracious parents, my husband and I are debt free at age 30.  We are working on paying off our house, as that is our only debt so to speak.  Each month we pay extra on the mortgage, and our goal is to be 100% debt free (house included) in the next 5 years!  Imagine what we will be able to do with that extra $1,000 every month that typically goes towards a house payment!!!  Imagine how much we will be able to save for our 3 girls so that they can live debt free their whole lives and always have the financial freedom to give generously to those around them.

Just today a friend of mine humbly asked for help.  Her husband has been injured and out of work since December.  They have had no income.  On top of the financial burden, everyone in their house has been struck with Influenza A and severe sickness they just can't seem to get over no matter what they do.  And so she reached out for help.

I am in a place where we can help her.  All because someone else helped us.

Two and half years ago, we were on WIC.  Our bank account was overdrawn $800!!!  We had no idea how to pay the bank back, let alone buy groceries, put gas in our cars, pay our bills, AND welcome a new baby to our family (and all the medical expenses that would come with her).  God always came through for us.  We would get a $500 check in the mail.  We would get $1,000 cash from anonymous donors at church.  People would treat us to a meal.  Friends bought us groceries.  I'm not sure how, but we made it.

Here we are now, TWO little girls later (for a total of 3 sweet girls).  We've moved to a bigger home (and yet pay LESS on our mortgage each month -- thank You, Jesus, for that miracle).  We have food in our fridge and pantry.  We have gas in our cars.  We can pay our bills.  We pay extra on the mortgage.  We have money in 2 savings accounts.  We have college funds and retirement funds established.  We don't live in luxury, but we certainly aren't lacking anything we need.  We may not have the fanciest clothes or eat at posh restaurants, but we are clothed and fed and happy.  We are blessed.

And so we are in a position to bless others.  In deed, we have the responsibility to take what God has given to us and pass it on.  We are blessed to be a blessing.

That's where you come in.  I'm not going to pay off your debt for you.  BUT, I would love to come along side you and help you become debt free. I will show you how to work hard (and have fun doing it) and change your life.  Your children's lives.  Your grandchildren's lives.

It Works is WAY more than a crazy wrap.  It's WAY more than a container of greens that give you 8 servings of fruits and veggies.  It's WAY more than skin care products that make your skin soft and smooth. It IS about health, yes.  It IS also about freedom -- financial freedom.  And let me tell you, financial freedom has a huge impact on your health.  Imagine not having a credit card payment, no student loans, no mortgage!  That's a lot less stress in your life.  That's a lot more time and energy you can put towards enjoying your family and friends.  That's a lot more living you can do.  Like I said It Works is WAY more than a crazy wrap!

Please give me a call (660.281.8266) and we can talk about how It Works can help YOU become debt free THIS year.  I can show you how we can work together to help you make an extra $500 every month (or more if you need).  I can show you how to earn a $10,000 bonus by APRIL.   I can help you get to the point where you can call your credit card companies on December 31 and make your final payment.  I can help you get out those scissors and cut up your credit cards.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Would You Rather...

The other day we were running errands as a family, and my husband and 4-year-old daughter were playing the "Would You Rather" Game.  They came up with some pretty crazy scenarios...

Would you rather eat a stop sign or a building?  (that would be my 4-year-old)
Would you rather climb a tree or climb a skyscraper?
Would you rather be a princess or a frog?
Would you rather listen to a baby crying all day or shave your eyebrows?  (that would be my husband)

Needless to say, most of my answers were, "Neither."

As I was thinking about the game, I realized we face "Would You Rather" situations in life and sometimes we want to answer "Neither."  Usually that isn't an option, though.

Would you rather fold laundry or clean the play room?  (True story in our house, and my husband had to think about his answer because I was serious and there was no way he was getting out of helping me!)

Would you rather change the baby's diaper or clean up the toddler who peed her pants?

Would you rather give the kiddos a bath or clean up after supper - clearing the table, loading the dishwasher, putting leftovers away, wiping down the table, etc.?

Sometimes we don't want to answer, "Neither," but rather, "BOTH!"

Would you rather fill the car up with gas or get groceries?

Would you rather pay the electric bill or the water bill?

Would you rather go on vacation or go out to eat once a week?

Would you rather get your nails done or go shopping? (I'm not personally a nail/shopping girl, but I know there are ladies out there who are.)

What if you could answer, "Both!" to life's difficult questions. And fun ones too for that matter.  What if money wasn't a factor.  Now, hear me out.  I'm NOT saying money buys happiness or fixes all life's problems.  It can help alleviate quite a bit of stress that comes with finances and budgeting, however.  When you don't know where the money is going to come from to pay your bills and feed your kids and put gas in the car, you tend to stress out a bit.  When you can't afford diapers for your baby.  When you don't know what you are going to feed your family for supper.  When you worry that the next phone call will be the bank telling you they are on their way to possess your car or your house.

All of those situations are true stories I heard some top earners share on stage at the It Works conference this weekend.  Couples who went from food stamps to having 6 figures in savings.  Couples who went from struggling to pay bills to paying off $145,000 in debt last year alone.  Couples who went from living paycheck to paycheck to buying a RV (in cash) and going on family vacation - for a month!

The most inspiring part about these stories is how these couples turned around and used their money to bless others.  They didn't hold it tightly in clenched fists, but rather held their hands open so the money could flow through them to make a difference in the lives of countless others.  They live by the motto, "Blessed to be a blessing."  And again, money doesn't buy their happiness or fix all their life problems, BUT it does allow them to be debt-free, have less stress, and best of all BLESS others in amazing ways!

At conference we were also asked to think about our 37 Days.  What is that you ask?

One of our top earners was able to sit with his dad on his death bed for 37 days, without fear or worry that his job wouldn't be there when he got back.  You see, Rusty had "retired" and owned his time.  As a distributor with It Works, he was able to be with his dad and not stress about finances and money.  He was still getting paid.  Good money too.  As in over $20,000 a month!

What about you?  What if you had to take 37 days off work for whatever reason.  Would your job be there for you when you got back?  During that 37 days would you have to worry about paying bills?  Or would you be able to focus on your family during that time, making the most of those 37 days, whatever you may be doing?

Would you rather worry about money or know you are financially secure?

And then another question -- man, this is like 20 Questions -- to ask yourself...

If you didn't have to stress about your budget, what would that free you up to do?

I talked with a team mate today who wants to open a soup kitchen.  She also shared how she and her husband want to walk into a PayDay Loan type place and just pay off 3 people's loans, then take those 3 people and go through a Dave Ramsey class with them.  She asked her mom, "If you didn't have to work 9-5 every day, what could you do for Jesus in all that time?"  That conversation with my team mate inspired me.

You see, I do want to do well in this business.  In fact, I am working to earn a $15,000 AND $25,000 bonus by April.  I have no idea what I would do with $40,000!!!

Well, yes I do.

We have 3 girls who are going to need to go to college, and I want them to go debt free!
We also have 3 weddings to pay for someday, and as of right now in 2014 the average wedding costs $26,000!  So we have some saving to do for that as well.

Then, there's paying off our house so we can use our monthly mortgage payment to bless others instead of paying the bank.

My mom would like to go on a family vacation with us, and we would like to pay for her and my dad.  And we don't just want to go to Branson.  More like an Alaskan cruise.

We would love to write a big, huge check to our friends adopting a little girl from China.  Cover the rest of the expenses for that so they don't have to worry about fundraising and can focus on getting all their paperwork and such done.

This past year a friend shared with me how someone paid for them to go to Disney World.  How cool would it be to do that for someone?!

It's like I'm asking myself "Would you rather bless someone this way or that way?"  And the answer is, "BOTH!"  My entire goal in this business is to make a difference in people's lives, to help them maintain good health AND enjoy life to the fullest, however that may be!  I feel if God is going to bless me, I had better turn around and bless others.

So, I would like you to think about it.

Ask yourself some "Would You Rather" questions.
Ask yourself what your 37 days would be.
Ask yourself what if money wasn't an issue, what would that free you up to do?
Ask yourself how you could turn around and bless others.

That's what I'm doing.  And I would love for you to join me.  We'd be better together.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Sixth Love Language

Have you ever heard of the 5 Love Languages?  Gary Chapman introduced us to this idea with his book about the 5 ways people primarily give and receive love.  He described how people tend to show and accept love through words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, quality time, or physical touch.  After his initial book, he wrote others targeting the love languages of marriage, the love languages of your children, and more.  Relationships have been revolutionized as a result of this concept of giving and receiving love in specific ways.  As we learn to communicate and express love to our spouse, our children, our parents, our friends in the unique ways they feel loved most, we are able to develop deeper, more meaningful relationships with them.

I use to think my love language was words of affirmation.  I "need" people to tell me in some form or another, "Good job," or "Way to go," or "Thank you," or "I really appreciate you."  That's how I best RECEIVE love.

However, I GIVE or SHOW love primarily through acts of service and/or gifts.  I enjoy helping people.  I like to take note of what they say, how they might be feeling, what they might need.  Then, I write a little note or drop off a cup of coffee or offer to watch their kiddos or something that would encourage them.

Since being married, I have come to appreciate quality time and physical touch, both of which are my husband's love languages.  Since he best receives love in these ways, I have come to SHOW him love by spending time with him.  Usually we are enjoying time outside (something we both thoroughly like) or relaxing  on the couch and watching a TV show after our children are in bed.

Now that I am a mom, I have also learned to show each of my 3 girls love in unique ways, the ways they best receive it.  My oldest daughter is 4 years old and seems to feel most loved when you spend time with her.  Physical touch also seems to be important to her. She will snuggle right up next to you, lock her arm in yours, and listen to you read books for hours on end.  We also enjoy baking and making crafts together.  My middle daughter is 2 years old and also seems to receive love primarily through quality time.  She does not, however, like to sit still.  So, when I spend time with her, I am up and moving non-stop as we may build a tower then read a book then dance a silly dance and then color a picture (all the in span of 5 minutes).  My youngest daughter is just 7 weeks old, and my husband and I joke that her love language is milk since she is nursing every 2-3 hours throughout the day! :)

I think it's imperative to try to understand those you love and then show them you love them in the way(s) they best receive that love.  As I get older, I am not only learning more about others, but about myself as well.

Hence, I have recently realized I have a new love language, one Gary Chapman didn't write about in any of his books.  You see, I believe that I receive love through HEALTH.  Yep, it's the 6th love language.  At least in my opinion!

I value my own health, of course, and do everything I can personally do to help my body function to its full capacity.  I eat right and exercise.  I don't smoke or chew tobacco.  I don't drink very often.  I try to use natural cleaning products and personal care products too.  If it's healthy, I try to do it.

I also extremely intentional about doing everything I can to ensure my family's health.  I cook our meals from scratch.  We eat primarily fruits and veggies and lean meats.  I try to teach my children how to make good choices when it comes to snacks and drinks throughout the day.  I also play with my children and make "exercise" fun for them.  I want them to know how important being active is to our health and teach them from a young age how enjoyable that can be!  Bottom line is I want to do everything in my power to keep my family healthy and strong.  I know that we aren't invincible, that we will still get sick, that bad things can still happen to us.  BUT, I can still invest in our health on a daily basis.  It's actually one way I am telling my family I love them.  I value them and want them to be around for a long time.  I want to enjoy spending time with them and make memories with them, for years and years to come.  I know that good health is a key factor in making that happen.  And so I show them love by taking care of myself and helping them do the same.

So, I GIVE love through health.

I absolutely RECEIVE love through health as well.  When my husband works out, he doesn't say, "Babe, because I love you I am going to go to the gym and run and lift weights."  He doesn't have to open his mouth; his actions speak volumes.  When he makes a smoothie for lunch or chooses to have a salad or takes his vitamin, he doesn't stop between bites to say, "Honey, I love you."  Again, he doesn't have to.  Just by investing in his health, I KNOW he loves me.  When we play volleyball together or go on a family bike ride or walk or play at the park with the girls, I am receiving his love.  He's showing me that he wants to be around for a long time, that he wants to get the most out of life, with me by his side.  He speaks my love language.

The opposite is true as well.  When someone I love and care about doesn't invest in their health, without meaning to do so, it's as if they are telling me they don't love me.  By choosing to overeat or by eating unhealthy foods that aren't good for them (on a regular basis - everyone can have a special treat occasionally), it's as if they are telling me potato chips or a second helping of spaghetti or a bowl of ice cream is more important to them than I am.  I fully realize this is not their intention, but it is how I interpret their actions.  When someone I love doesn't find or make the time to exercise (even just a little bit, in whatever way they like), it's as if they are showing me they don't have time for me.  If someone I love has a health condition, that worries and upsets me.  I fear they won't be around to watch my children grow up, that they won't be able to enjoy special times with them and make memories with the girls.  I also hate that poor health prevents them from being able to do certain activities or participating in various things we as a family enjoy (like hiking or canoeing or riding horses or ziplining).  And so I want those I love to choose to invest in their health.  This is hard for me, though, because ultimately it's their choice, not mine.  I can't force them to eat right, to exercise, to be healthy.  They have to decide for themselves to do those things.  And when they do, it's as if they are shouting at the top of their lungs, "I love you!"  When they don't, well....

Yesterday was a good day.  My heart was full as two of the people I love most spoke my love language invested in their health and made it a priority.  

I don't know if health is a legitimate love language or not, but the idea was on my heart so I thought I would share why I am so passionate about health -- mine and others alike.  As I work to be healthy myself, I am really showing my family and friends that they are important to me, that I love them and want to spend as much time with them as possible.  I hope they receive it that way!!!  When I do my "job" and help others invest in their health, I see it as helping them show their family and friends how much they love and value them.

Now, I would love to hear from you.  What's YOUR love language?  Do you speak health like me, or do you have another unique way of showing and receiving love?  I would truly love to hear what you have to say about this topic of communicating love to others in non-traditional ways.