"Mommy, did you see that?!" my 4-year old exclaimed with great delight as she watched one of the women figure skaters perform at the Sochi Olympics.
Seeing as how I was dealing with one of the other 5 children in the house today, I missed the spectacular feat and asked, "Did she do a jump?"
"No, she did this hop and then a spin and then kept skating. It was amazing!" she explained, all the while showing me to the best of her ability how the skater had performed.
Even now as I'm typing, she's mesmorized with the next skater on the ice.
With each shout of glee, I smile and tell my daughter, "You could do that someday if you want." And I mean it. Who's to stop her? If she wants to work hard and train and focus her efforts on something, I am going to support her. We may have to make sacrifices, but it's worth it. You can't tell an Olympic athlete they wasted their life away. Even if they walk away without a medal, they are not losers. You don't have to mount the podium to be a winner. Just ask Shaun White...
But that's not my point. My point is that I really do mean what I say when I tell my daughter, "You can do that someday if you want."
Right now she's excited about ice skating. Come 2016, she may be more interested in gymnastics or track or swimming.
Whatever her goals and dreams may be, as a mother I am going to support her and encourage her and provide her with every opportunity possible to help her reach her goals and fulfill her dreams.
I'm not going to sit my 4-year old down and look her in the eye and inform her, "Honey, not very many people get to go to the Olympics. It's really hard to do and takes a lot of work. That's not a very realistic dream you have. Let's not set our sights so high. How about we just worry about doing well in kindergarten and playing nicely with your friends."
No mother would ever do that!
So why do we stop believing what we tell our children?
When do we decide that we can't dream big?
When do we start trying to be more realistic?
Yes, we have to grow up and be responsible and pay bills and all that good adult stuff.
BUT, what if we still had that child-like faith, that child-like innocence that believed deep down, "You can do that someday if you want?"
How would that perspective on life change the way we live?
I bet we would start dreaming big again.
I bet we would set higher goals.
I bet we would have a new zeal and passion for life.
I bet we would accomplish a whole lot more.
I bet we would make the world a better place.
So why not?
Let's do it!!!
Let's wake up and tell ourselves, "You can do that someday if you want."
And maybe, just maybe, that someday is TODAY.
Don't just dream about it, LIVE it.
If you have a goal, let's reach it.
If you have a dream, let's make it a reality.
Yes, it will take hard work and dedication and time and energy.
BUT, it will be so worth it.
We may not win a medal in the Olympics, but I bet we'll feel pretty good about what we've done. And rightly so.
As you watch the final days of the Olympics, why not ask yourself, "What would I try if I knew I wouldn't fail?" "What could I accomplish if I just put my mind to it?" "What is the biggest dream I can think of?"
And then tell yourself, "I can do that."
Because you can.
I believe in you.\
And so does the God who made you.
And with Him, nothing is impossible.
Ephesians 3:20 assures us, "God is able to do infinitely MORE than all we could ever dare to hope or ask or imagine." And for some reason I don't fully understand, He delights in us and working through us to make that supernatural power known.
He's like our Dad and if you listen, you will hear Him telling you in all seriousness and with the deepest love possible, "You can do that someday if you want."
Believe Him.
And then let Him do His work in your life.
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