In the past 14 months I have grown more in my faith than ever before. But, I have also struggled more too.
Because I am on a new path, doing something different, something I have never done before now.
I'm going against the flow.
I'm refusing to accept what I thought was normal, what many of us have grown up thinking is normal simply because it's what so many around us are doing.
I'm deciding to step out in faith and live a bit differently.
It hasn't been easy.
I get questions.
I get weird looks.
I'm sure people say things behind my back that I'm not even aware of, and that's okay.
I used to do the same thing to people like me, before I was one of them.
Now, I get it.
Now that I am on this journey with them, side by side and following in their footsteps.
I read this article this morning and smiled. I can relate to every single thing mentioned. Because I have started to pursue my dreams...
I see things differently now.
And I invite you to do the same...
But, first, let's talk about some of my struggles, because who knows maybe you have some of the same thoughts and concerns as I did.
They all kind of tie together. They go something like this:
*wanting to make money (and lots of it) is wrong
*wanting to make money is selfish
*wanting to make money is greedy
Want to know what's strange? Taking our Financial Peace University class, a class about MONEY, has actually helped me transform my thinking almost more than anything else. That and reading the Bible...
In our very first FPU class, I listened to Dave Ramsey explain how money in and of itself is amoral. It is neither good or evil. In the same way that a brick is amoral. It can be used to build a hospital for kids battling cancer. It can be thrown through a window as a prank. The brick doesn't care. It's amoral. Money is the same way. It can be used in many ways, some good and some bad. The money doesn't care.
What matters is a person's attitude about money, their behavior when using their money, and their perspective about how to make money and then how to use that money.
I know all that. In my head. And still, I struggled with my desire to do well in my It Works business and make money (a lot of it). I thought I was being selfish. I thought I was being greedy. I fought against big, huge dreams God was placing on my heart. For whatever reason, I thought I was being sinful to have such goals and desires. Really, I was listening to Satan. Sadly, I was believing his lies.
Lately, I have come to realize that far, far, far too many of us are. I know I am not alone. Far from it.
It's not really our fault.
It's how we grew up.
It's all we know.
It's what we see and hear and experience all around us, day after day after day after day.
So, naturally, we are going to fall prey to these lies. Our enemy has done a marvelous job of normalizing this way of life so much so that we have accepted it as truth. And when we start to look at things differently, when we dare to question how things are done, when we get up just enough courage to take that first step of faith, he bombards us with doubt, he cripples us with fear. Then, we step back. We stay put. We get stuck in the rut. Right where Satan wants us.
Remember, his goal, his mission is to "steal and kill and destroy." More than anything, he wants to keep us from the "abundant life" Jesus came to give us.
And sadly, oh so sadly, waaaaaaaay too many of us do. We miss out!!!
BUT, we don't have to!
We CAN change.
I am!!!
And I invite you to join me!!!
I've taken a good, hard look at my heart, at my attitude and behavior and perspective. I'm evaluated my goals and my desires. I've realized that there is absolutely nothing wrong or selfish or greedy about them. Then, again, I may be biased. So, I have listed them here and invite you to make your own decision. What's your opinion? Are my top 5 goals wrong, selfish, or greedy?
1. Be debt free, including our house
2. Save for a "new" car (eventually we will need a "new to us" car and we want to pay cash)
3. Save for vacations (big and little; we even want to take my parents with us on one, as a thank you for all they have done for us over the years; we want to pay cash for everything the trips includes)
4. Have at least 5 figures in savings (plus the girls' college funds and our retirement funds)
5. Give, give, give and bless others in various ways
I've heard that you are more likely to achieve your goals if they are in front of you, so I wrote a big one on my mirror, have my dream board there too, and posted my top 5 goals on the fridge where I will see them all every day. And pray over them every day too. Because unless God is in this, it's not happening. BUT, I firmly believe these goals and dreams are DIRECTLY FROM GOD. And I am extremely excited to see how He is going to work to accomplish His plans and purposes for me, for HIS honor and glory...
So, what about YOU?
Do have some of the same questions and concerns I did?
Is fear or doubt or guilt or anything else keeping you from taking a step of faith and pursuing your dreams, whatever they may be?
Like I said before, I invite you to think differently.
I invite you to join me on this life-changing journey.
Let's pursue our dreams together.
As I was writing this blog post, I couldn't help but remember to the amazing performance David Archuleta had on American Idol back in 2008. Listen to him sing John Lenon's "Imagine."
Then, pray about it. Could It Works be a way to help you pursue and reach your dreams, even your really big, huge, unrealistic, humanly impossible ones?
If you are at all interested in learning more or have any questions or want to jump in and start your own It Works story TODAY, please call me!!! I would love to talk and pray with you!!! 660.281.8266
Let's be dreamers together. I know we're not the only ones....
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