Direct sales is a tough business. Multi-level marketing can be rough. But oh, so rewarding at the same time! I don't know any other way to double your income in a month, get unlimited weekly bonuses, make extra cash on the side AND help people feel great about themselves at the same time.
One thing I didn't expect when I joined It Works was the amazing BOND I have with my fellow distributors. We are a TEAM for sure, but even better, we are truly a FAMILY! We encourage each other and celebrate with each other. We inspire and motivate and challenge each other. We teach each other and learn from each other. Best of all, we stick up for each other.
Our company motto is "Friendships, fun, freedom." And it's so very true! On days like today, our motto could also be, "I've got your back!"
On a team page, a distributor posted how a fellow team mate (a girl I have never met personally) got a nasty text from a close friend. The friend told the distributor that It Works was a scam and too good to be true and not to get involved. Sad day!!! Unfortunately, this does happen. Not sure why those closest to us are sometimes more hesitant than complete strangers to support us in this crazy wrap business. Yes, it's different. Yes, it's new. BUT, it's NOT too good to be true. It's absolutely amazing and can be a blessing and truly change your life. If you let it...
The distributor asked us to rally around our team mate, to support her and encourage her and give her PROOF of how It Works does indeed work -- wraps and business. It's blowing me away at our team's response. Within 5 minutes, over 10 people have shared before and after pictures of their wrap results AND how being a distributor is such a blessing to them and their families. I know the pictures and testimonies will keep coming in all day long. Because that's the kind of team we have. Like I said, we are like FAMILY!!!!
I'm an RN that births at home, doesn't vax, drinks raw milk, and prefers non-GMO over organic if I can't have both. These are my results
That's Melissa -- the person who got me into this biz in the first place. She and her hubby Mitch just earned a $50,000 bonus (about 15 months into the biz)!
Here's her belly pic...
Cassandra shares:
I have no idea where I would be mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, spiritually the list is endless!
It Works has not only giving me the freedom I prayed for, but it has brought me a sense if ease in my health. My family is getting healthier, and best of all I get to change peoples lives! Too good to be true? Yes it is too good but not to be true because it is true! I'm sure corporate would have been a little more clever in the company name if this was a gimmick !
So here it is simply put! IT WORKS!
This was from before my first wrap to a few months ago! I am mortified that my tummy used to look like that! But I never have to be at that point ever again!
Ashley says:
Here are my before and after pics! Just 1 wrap 2.5 inches gone and stretch marks faded!!! Remember we get lots of no's and non believers. Run with your yeses.... I actually quit the biz because of non believers and family complaining about my facebook having stomach pics all over it. And ya know what I saw pictures of my uplines and sidelines having fun and changing lives and not caring what other people thought... I am just starting over imagine how far I could have gotten if I wouldn't have let other people judge me in the first place
Jessica adds:
Business has changed my life. I was able to let go of one of my daycare kiddos leaving me with more time for my own kids. Income has literally quadrupled in the past month! As far as products I cannot even begin to explain how they have changed my life and my families life! I have lost friends b/c I started this business and it sucks it really does, but I promise you that the future will only bring new friends, new experiences and a life you would have never imagined!
Rachel (who I know personally and love and respect so very much) shared her story:
I joined It Works! because we didn't have enough money to put food on our table and gas in our cars (credit cards was the only way... It is not the answer!) I used 2 wraps lost 7 inches! My before/after pics are after 4 wraps . They work!! I passionately went after It Works! steps to Success business plan every month and now 1 year later from joining I am double diamond making close to triple diamond salary! No more credit cards. Cash for everything! It works changed our families life and I want it to change my friends lives too!! They really truly are the real deal! Implement their business plan and its SUCCESS!
Then there's my story (a nugget of it at least):
This is me, this year after I had my 3rd baby girl in November. I wrapped for the first time in January. Funny, I went Diamond in August and had never wrapped personally!!! I did wrap my hubby, and I'll share his pic next. It Works is a HUGE blessing to us. I do in-home daycare. I lost 2 kiddos unexpectedly this fall. That would have sent us reeling, if not for It Works. We would have been hurting BIG time but It Works more than covered that lost income. And now come May when school is out, I am retiring from daycare because I don't need that income anymore. It Works has us covered. So I get to be a full time mom and get paid more to do "just" that!!! LOVE!!! I have made some of the best friends through It Works on top of the money and health benefits for everyone in our family!!! Can't beat that!
And here are my husband's results too!
As I share these, I have tears running down my cheeks. These are stories shared within 5 minutes of the post being up on our team page. Like I said, I know more will come in all day long.
I am so blessed to call these men and women FRIENDS, even though I have never met most of them. We are sooooo much more than a wrap. This is about changing lives, in so many ways.
We would love to have you be part of the family!!! No matter what, we will have your back. We will rally around you -- not just when people question the wrap or the business, but when crap happens in your life and you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to listen to you scream OR when great stuff happens and we can rejoice and celebrate with you (like paying off debt or going on vacation and paying cash or sending your kiddos to the school you want or whatever).
I love our products.
But even more, I love our company.
It will only be BETTER if you are a part of it with me.
Think about it.
Pray about it.
Then, give me a call.
Don't wait.
Don't over analyze.
Take that step of faith.
We'll figure out the rest as we walk on this journey together.
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