Monday, May 19, 2014


Yesterday, as we drove to Costco to get groceries, my husband had me grab a piece of paper to make a list of things he/we need to do.

*Schedule a camp out for our Bible study kids
*Get his classroom ready for next year (he has to move rooms, again)
*Call about our little girl taking gymnastics and/or ballet classes this summer
*Call a friend with some questions about soil for around the house

That quickly turned into a discussion about wanting to do some landscaping, which lead to a conversation about clearing out the brush behind the house and building a little bridge over the creek, and before I know it's he's talking about extending the deck...

While he was in this "get things done" mode, I mentioned the shelves by the fireplace (the ones that aren't there yet but would be really nice if they were).  He upped me and talked about putting in a little stoop and adding some decorative touches while we were at it.

Okay, why stop there?  Let's talk about the entry way and a better way to organize all the shoes and jackets and the like...

And so we were dreaming.  Some "little" things and some MUCH bigger things.  Whatever the case, I was blessed beyond words to hear my husband talk about HIS dreams and ideas.  He even joked, "If we're going to dream, let's dream BIG."  I guess my philosophy and outlook on life is rubbing off on him after all!!!

I told my husband, with all seriousness, "Let's do it.  Next summer, let's do this!!!"  My goal is to have him "retire" from teaching summer school (which he never wants to do but always does because of the nice stipend).  Then, we will have TWO FULL MONTHS of family time!  We can take a nice vacation, just enjoy each other, relax, AND get some major projects done!

What's so huge about that dream?  Well, I am already "retiring" this month as soon as school is out.  I will be done with in-home daycare after 4.5 years of watching teachers' kiddos.  I get to be a full-time mom, my dream job!!!  However, that income is also gone.  BUT, my It Works income more than replaces it!  So thankful to God for providing for us in this way - one we never would have imagined in a million years!

Not only is He taking care of our needs, He is bringing people into our lives who we can help.  We get to pass on the blessing and show them how the business works and how to "use" it to get out of debt and enjoy the same financial freedom we are!  These people are so much more than team mates, though!  They are friends.  They are FAMILY!!!

This morning I was weeping tears of joy as I talked with some team mates and messaged with others.  I am blown away at what God is doing in their businesses and in their lives.  I am honored and humbled to play a small role in what He's doing.  And this is just the beginning....literally, some of these team mates JUST started on this journey this month, this week!

If I wasn't excited yesterday as we drove to Costco and dreamed - not just about our house projects, but more importantly about supporting great ministries like Selah Freedom and Triumphant Ministries and Children's Cup and Samuel's Song - I am even more excited today!!!  In the car, I was sharing with my husband how my goal is to be Triple Diamond by July 31 and Presidential by December 31.  (If you're not in It Works, those ranks probably mean nothing to you, so check out the chart below.)

I am actually pretty close to promoting to Double Diamond.  I would LOVE to do that THIS month and earn a $15,000 bonus!!  Of course, for that to happen, it means my husband would promote to Diamond and earn himself a $10,000 bonus!!!  The possibility of earning $25,000 in bonus money alone THIS month boggles my mind.  I really, truly can NOT comprehend it.  And yet, with God, it's possible.  After all, He is the God who can do "infinitely more than I can ask, imagine, or even dare to dream...."  (Ephesians 3:20)

Today, though, I was literally trembling with joy and excitement and awe.  I had a new team mate join yesterday.  Today, she called me to let me know her mom is ready to join as a distributor too, and they have 2 women who are interested in it as well.  Plus, she's going to be wrapping her friend who is a make-up artist and could potentially be a distributor as well.  Did I mention she does hair and make-up for celebrities? :)  And that my new team mate and her mom work in the bridal industry.  Let's just say, the possibilities are HUGE! :)

I've had other team mates message and text me this weekend and today about people who are ready to get started as well.  They may not know any celebrities or brides, BUT they are excited and reaching out to everyone they do know to share with them about these amazing natural health and wellness products.  And that's all you need to be successful in this business -- excitement.  Passion.  A desire to help others.  A fire in your belly to change people's lives.

As I looked over my husband's chart, I realized he is only 10 people away from promoting to Diamond.  10.  I have more than 10 people who I think would ROCK this business.  And I know my team mates have more than 10 people who they think would do well too!!!  A sense of peace rushed over me, as if God was saying, "Just watch me..."

I don't say any of this to brag or boast, except about my GOD.  I can talk about Him all day long.  I share this with you to show how GOOD He is, how faithful He is, and how He blesses His children, like me.  I'm not anyone special, except  that I am a child of the King.  I'm just an "ordinary" wife and mom from a small town (like 500 people) in the middle of nowhere Kansas.  Except I'm not "ordinary!"  I am God's MASTERPIECE (Ephesians 2:10).  And YOU are too.  I am created a new in Christ Jesus and God has special and specific plans for ME to do.  As my faith prompts me to do these good things prepared in advance long ago (before the world even began), God will work within me with HIS POWER to accomplish these goals and desires that HE has laid on my heart (2 Thessalonians 1:11-12).

If God can do this in MY life, then He can do it in YOURS too.  Your story might look a little different.  As it should, really, since you are a unique person, designed by God with unique talents and abilities and interests and passions.  I don't know what those are, but I do know God made you the way He did for a reason (Psalm 139) and that He has amazing plans for you, plans for you to PROSPER and be a BLESSING to others (Jeremiah 29:11).

I know that as I am learning to take God at His Word and delight in Him above all else, He is giving me the desires of my heart (Psalm 37).  I know that He can and will do the same thing in your life too, as He promised in Malachi:

Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. 
If you do,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. 
I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! 
Try it! Put me to the test! 
Your crops will be abundant, for I will guard them from insects and disease.
Your grapes will not fall from the vine before they are ripe,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. 
“Then all nations will call you blessed, for your land will be such a delight,” 
says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

Recently, I heard a song on the radio for the first time.  The lyrics penetrated deep within my heart, as they resonated with everything else God was already whispering to my soul.  I invite you to listen to Casting Crown's new song "Thrive" and see what God to say to YOU.

After you listen, I would LOVE to pray with you.  Whether you want to join me on this crazy It Works journey or not, I want to pray with you, that God would make Himself known to you, that He would give you the power and faith to carry out your dreams, to do the GOOD THINGS He has prepared for you to do, to THRIVE!!!

Feel free to send me a message or even give me a call!  660.281.8266

Here's to being more than ordinary...
Here's to letting His living water flow through us...
Here's to joy unspeakable...
Here's to faith unsinkable...
Here's to love unstoppable...
Here's to believing beyond a shadow of a doubt ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!


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