Monday, June 23, 2014

Would I Lie to You?

This weekend, I got to travel back to my hometown area and share about the It Works wraps, supplements, and skin care products at a festival in Augusta, Kansas, and then a bridal expo in Wichita.  Both experiences helped me take a fresh look at something I face as an independent distributor for this crazy wrap business.

The festival was outside and HOT, but we still talked to quite a few people who braved the scorching heat.  I sold wraps to complete strangers.  I had never met these ladies before that Saturday, but when I gave them a coupon for $5 off a wrap, they were intrigued.  They wondered if the wrap really worked.  All 4 of the women who bought wraps had heard about It Works before but had questions and were certainly curious about the results pictures they had seen.  I showed them pictures of myself, my husband, and quite a few other people I have had the privilege of wrapping.  I showed them pictures of my team mates and people they have wrapped.  Within minutes, I had "convinced" these strangers I was indeed telling them the truth.  They wanted to try this "magic" wrap for themselves and paid me $25 to do so!  I was so excited to help them out!  One woman had lost a substantial amount of weight and wanted to use the wrap to help tighten up her loose skin.  Another woman wanted to wrap her arms.  Two other women wanted to use the wrap on their stomachs, kind of as a jump start to getting healthier.

Within in matter of minutes I had won these women's trust.  They gave me their money in exchange for a wrap I assured them would tighten, tone, and firm their skin wherever they wore it.  In just 45 minutes.  They believed me.  They took me at my word.

As they should.
Why would I lie to them?
Why would I lie to anyone?

That's right... I wouldn't!
Even a complete stranger saw that.

The bridal expo was a different story.  It was inside, in the cool air conditioning.  Hundreds of brides-to-be came to our table.  I was SHOCKED at how many of them had NEVER even heard of It Works before.  When we asked them if they wanted to try out a wrap to help tighten, tone, and firm as they get ready for their big day, they looked at us with confusion.  They had absolutely no idea what we were talking about.  Seriously, 80% of these women were hearing about the crazy wrap for the first time.  Of the remaining 20% who did know what It Works is, about 15% of them had never USED any of the products!  When we told them about the greens, supplements, and skin care products, they were quite impressed.  BUT, they also had questions - a lot of them - about how the wrap works.  They were skeptical.  Doubtful.  Curious.  Hopeful.  Who wouldn't want the wrap to work?  Who wouldn't want to be able to use something that is natural and organic to help them look and feel their best, inside and out?!  And yet, we don't have a brain cell for this crazy wrap...

We visited with so many women. Answered so many questions.  Shared about other products.  Explained how they could help with various health goals.  Showed pictures of ourselves and others we know who are benefiting from the wraps, greens, supplements, and skin care products in one way or another.

AND, we sold wraps.  Again, to complete strangers.  These women came to us not knowing a thing about our company or our products and left excited to tighten, tone, and firm.  In just 45 minutes.  They took us at our word. They believed us.

As they should.
Why would we lie to them?
Why would we lie to anyone?

That's right...we wouldn't!
Even these complete strangers saw that.

As I reflected on both events, I was struck pretty deep in my heart.  I think the response at both the festival and bridal expo hit a sensitive nerve for me.  Granted, I am a busy mom of 3 and running low on sleep so I might be a bit more emotional than usual, but I still wanted to address the feelings I was having.  I wanted to be completely honest about what was stirring inside me.  So here goes...

If a complete stranger will believe me and take me at my word when I share about the wrap and other amazing natural health products It Works has to offer, then how come so many of my friends (who know me pretty well, like not just know about me, but know my HEART and CHARACTER) still question me and doubt me?!

If a complete stranger will believe me and take me at my word when I show a before and after picture, then how come so many of my friends are skeptical and find something to keep them from thinking it's real?

If a complete stranger will listen to my stories of what the products are doing for me and people I know and believe me and take me at my word, then how come so many of my friends seem to think I'm not telling the truth or are hesitant to try the products for themselves and see how they could help them too?

If a complete stranger will give me their money for a wrap, then how come so many of my friends are reluctant to try a wrap or greens or HSN or anything else?

I don't get it.
Not at all.
If a complete stranger can see in 5 minutes that I am telling the truth, then why do my friends seem to think I am lying to them?  Don't they know me at all?  I thought they did...

I have been told many times in this business that family and friends are often the hardest to "convince" to try the products or join you in selling them.  That is so very sad to me.  How come the ones closest to us do that?  Shouldn't they be the first ones to jump at the opportunity to support us?  Don't they know our hearts and character and realize we would never lie to them or ask them to spend their money on something that didn't work?

I don't have answers.
Only questions.
And feelings.
Lots of those.

I guess I do have one more question, though.
One I would like an honest answer to (in addition to your thoughts on everything else in the post)....

Would I lie to you?

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