Saturday, February 16, 2013

Putting a Face with the Name (and Belly)

Some of you who know me well might have been surprised that I became an It Works distributor recently.  I was kind of surprised myself, actually!  However, when I saw friend after friend after friend post pictures on their facebook walls about their own journeys with It Works, I had to take a second and third and fourth look at this health and wellness company.

I thought I would introduce you to my three friends who, without knowing it, convinced me to join the It Works team.  You might know them, you might not.  Either way, you can put a face with the name of other women who have committed to helping others on their health and wellness journeys the It Works way.

First up is Melissa Schellinger.
 Melissa and her husband Mitch are actually a team for It Works.  They have two little girls, Lyla and Lily.  In fact, Melissa and I were pregnant together, the first time around.  We all took childbirth classes together, and then Coralyn and Lyla were born just days apart!   Melissa asked me to take the classes with them, and now three years later I am a natural childbirth instructor and doula!  So, needless to say, she has had a huge impact on my life in that area.  Not just in regards to pregnancy and childbirth, but with health and wellness in general.  Melissa takes a natural, homeopathic approach if someone in her family is sick or ill.  She looks for natural remedies for aches and pains as well.  She is a RN and very familiar with the medical world, but she believes God has provided us with all we need (in most cases) to get better and treat problems without medical intervention.

When I saw that Mitch and Melissa were It Works distributors, I was a bit surprised and contacted her via facebook to discuss her decision to be a part of this company.  She explained that she too was skeptical at first and had taken a YEAR to do research about the company and their products on their own.  She shared what she had discovered with me -- It Works uses all natural ingredients and is a healthy way to improve or maintain your overall wellness.

I thanked her for the information and agreed to pray about joining her team.  I was still somewhat doubtful though, despite her enthusiastic endorsement for It Works.

That's where Jessica Salas comes in.

Jess and her husband Jason recently moved, but before that they attended our church (as did Mitch and Melissa before they moved to Colorado).  I have watched her kiddos during the summer when her regular Parents Day Out program wasn't available.  Jess works from home as a writer, and needed some time to work uninterrupted, so I was more than happy to play with her youngest children several days a week.  Jess is also a naturally minded person, looking to homeopathic means if someone in her family isn't feeling well.  I have asked her questions about how to use essential oils, what natural remedies she likes, and other "crunchy" related issues.

Several days after I had "talked" with Melissa, I saw a before/after wrap picture on Jess's facebook wall.  Again, I was taken aback that she had become a distributor.  I saw her post how she believed in the It Works products and spoke highly of their all natural approach to health and wellness.

I was really beginning to think that It Works might be something I too could get on board with and help people on their various healthy journeys.  I still wasn't completely convinced, though.

Enter Valerie Brown.
Valerie and her husband Bil go to church with us.  Bil is actually the Worship Pastor!  Valerie is the church secretary.  Like Melissa and Jess, Valerie takes a natural approach to health and wellness.  She has helped me personally in my quest to figure out why I was feeling so poorly all the time, and I was so thankful for her suggestion to eliminate gluten from my diet.  Valerie herself has taken all grains out of her diet and works to control some of her family's health issues with healthy eating habits.  I respect Valerie's opinion, especially in regards to anything concerning health and wellness.  I think she would consider it a compliment when I say that I view her as one of the most "crunchy" people I know.

That's why when Valerie announced that she too had become an It Works distributor, I knew it simply must be a great company and their products were of the highest quality.

I had been praying about my decision, and felt like I had an answer.  I immediately contacted Ashleigh Smith, my friend and It Works distributor (now at a Double Diamond rank in the company).
I informed her I wanted to join her team, and she was more than happy to get me started.  She has been able to answer my questions and encourage me as I begin this new adventure.  I am looking forward to working with her and many other wonderful people in the It Works company!

So, there you have it.  Know you know some of the real people involved with It Works.  Now you can put a face to the name.  Oh, and as for all those belly shots.  Maybe you think they're not real people either.  Well, here are some pictures Ashleigh took of herself before and after using just one wrap.
And yes, she gave us permission to post her belly pictures.  She wants everyone to know about the It Works products and be able to use them to help them on their own health and wellness journey.

If you  have any questions about It Works or our all natural products, please let me know!  You can check out all the different health and wellness products available on my website too.  I would love to tell you how to get a 45% discount, earn free products, or even become an It Works distributor yourself.

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