Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A DIY Morning

Yesterday, I cleaned and did laundry and a bunch more housewifey type stuff in the morning.  Getting so much done before lunch felt great, and I had grand plans of checking off even more on my To Do List, but my little girl and daycare baby didn't get that memo and only took an hour nap!

So, this morning I tackled my DIY projects: making my own personal care products.

I made deodorant.

And toothpaste.

Shampoo. (forgot to snap a picture)

And body wash.

All in all, it took me about 15 minutes.

Not only am I chemical free and doing my body good, but I saved some money and did my wallet some good at the same time!!!

I feel like I've got quite a bit done already today, and it's only 10:23.  Leaves me plenty of time to enjoy my precious girls, make supper, call people about camp, and invite people to take advantage of my Customer Appreciation Week for It Works!

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