We believe those 3 F's can change your life!!!
I have made many new friends through my It Works "job" and reconnected with some old friends from back in my high school and college days.
I have certainly had quite a bit of fun the past 3.5 months as I develop these friendships and help people see how enjoyable healthy living can be. And I'm not going to lie...it's fun to get my paycheck every month too. Especially when I am making more than I could have imagined so early into this gig. It's pretty fun to pay for things with cash that I get from selling wraps or bonuses I earn too.
In fact, that's where the FREEDOM part comes in. But financial freedom is just a small part of that particular F in our motto.
Yes, we offer a $10,000 bonus, available for people to earn if they sign up by July 19....
Yes, we show you how you can make $800 in your first month, running your company for free for 3 months and then how to continue to make profit each month so you are able to keep running your company for free.
Yes, extra income is nice and can help pay off debt, leading to financial freedom and the opportunity to save for special vacations or bless people's socks off or whatever you may want to do with the additional money that you make through It Works.
But, today I want to talk about a different kind of freedom. Before I do that though, I can't help but include a video clip that comes to mind every time I hear the word FREEDOM:
Okay, now that you're all inspired...
The freedom I have been thinking about lately is the freedom of TIME.
What would you do if you woke up tomorrow morning and could decide how to use your time? If you could do whatever you wanted, the whole day?
*Take your kids to the park or zoo or library or the pool
*Meet your friends for lunch
*Get a manicure and/or pedicure
*Go shopping
*Take a trip to visit friends on the other side of the state or country or world
*Go on vacation with your family
*Explore on a new hiking or biking trail
*Take a float trip or go kayaking
*Clean and organize your house
*Run errands
*Decorate a room in your house
*Go to garage sales or thrift stores in search of bargains
I don't know what would make your "I can do anything I want today" list. My point is that you COULD have that list and actually do the things on it. Any day you want.
This week I am watching a little girl every day and another little girl just 2 days. Next week, I am also watching one little girl on Monday and Tuesday. BUT, come Wednesday, I have no "job obligations." I don't remember the last time I actually had the freedom to leave the house with just my two girls, to go and do something fun with them. Can you guess what we will be doing Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday?!
Even more exciting to me though is the reality that I won't have to do daycare forever. Sooner than I thought we will be able to replace my daycare income with my It Works commission. I will actually start making MORE through It Works than I could with daycare, and It Works is just part-time!!! Daycare means 4 kiddos (in addition to my 3 come January) 7 am to 4:30 pm, 5 days a week, 11 months a year (since I watch teachers' kiddos and take July off).
Not doing daycare full time (when that happens) means I won't have to wait until June or July to get out and about and do fun things with my girls. I won't have to wait to fulfill the desires of my Mommy Heart. I enjoy daycare and staying home, but I miss going to the library, park, zoo, nature center, story time, and more. I miss the ability to go and get groceries or run errands other than on Sunday afternoon or late in the evening when I would rather be at home with the fam.
Granted, having 3 small children means I don't have complete freedom nor will I ever again in life, but I don't mind. Freedom to me right now means I can have the opportunity to make special memories with my girls and Lawrence. Freedom means I can "just" be a stay-at-home mom. Freedom means we will have a little extra money to spend on those special memories I want to make. Freedom means we will be able to give to others and bless people just as God has blessed us.
What does freedom mean to YOU?
Maybe It Works can not only help with your financial freedom but with freedom of TIME as well. It might be your ticket to freedom in the area of health too, but that's for another blog and another day.
Right now, I am going to take advantage of nap time and the freedom I have at this moment to read books to Coralyn and spend some one-on-one time with my little girl who is growing up way too fast!
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