Every year people make New Year's resolutions. They set goals for the year ahead. Often, those goals are health-related. People get new gym memberships. I can almost guarantee you that the parking lot will be full when I go to work out on Thursday morning next week. Every treadmill, elliptical, bike, and stair climber will be taken. But come, February or March, not so much. Why is that?
Why do we make resolutions only to not keep them?
Why do we set goals only to not meet them?
What keeps us from making our dreams a reality?
I don't have time.
I'm too tired.
It costs too much money.
I'm so busy.
I wasn't very good at that.
I don't have the skills for it.
I didn't have the support.
Excuses, excuses, excuses.
How about this year, we stop making excuses.
Even better, let's stop making resolutions.
Instead, let's actually make CHANGES!
Let's DO something!
Let's reach our goals.
Let's make our dreams our reality.
This past year has been HUGE for me and my family. We have DONE something. We have met many of our goals, and exceeded quite a few too! We are making our dreams our reality. In fact, we are having to dream new dreams, bigger dreams.
Because of It Works...
When I first heard about It Works and saw people's posts on facebook about the wraps, I had plenty of excuses as to why that wasn't for me, why I wasn't going to be a part of It Works. But, then, a good friend helped me see how GOOD our products are - how they are all-natural, how they benefit people's health, how they can change people's lives.
So, I stopped making excuses.
I did something -- I became a distributor on February 9, 2013.
And as a result, my life (and my family's life) has changed.
We've paid extra on our mortgage every single month.
We went on 3 mini vacations, all paid for in cash.
We paid for Christmas in cash.
When emergencies or unexpected bills came up, we paid in cash (from my It Works account).
When I lost half of my daycare kiddos, I didn't have to worry and fret and rush to find more. It Works more than covered that lost income.
When one of my remaining daycare kiddos stayed home with his mom while she was on maternity leave, again It Works covered that lost income.
When I had my baby girl and took maternity leave myself, It Works once more covered my lost income.
My husband and I have paid for every date we have gone on this year in cash.
We even hired a babysitter a few times, and paid her well! (usually, we just have friends watch our girls for free and then do the same for them - a great arrangement still)
My husband got a new weed-eater and grill, with my It Works cash.
I paid for my trip to Florida - airplane ticket, hotel room, and conference ticket - in cash.
We have been able to bless family and friends and strangers every single month, in ways we never could have without my It Works income.
These may not be huge changes, but they are changes. And they are life-changing as well.
Things are only going to get bigger and better in 2014. It Works Global is only going to grow and expand as a company. They offered some amazing promotions this year -- like the $10,000 bonus I earned -- and will offer even more this coming year.
So, don't do what I did for almost a year. Don't make excuses as to why you can't be a part of It Works. For every excuse, I have a "comeback," a reason why you can and SHOULD join the team and become part of this wonderful family!!!
"I'm not good at sales"
I'm not either. Thankfully, the products really sell themselves.
Oh, and have you ever told a friend how much you love your shampoo, a store, a restaurant and then your friend tried it and loves it too? BOOM!!! You're a salesperson. You're perfect for this!
"I'm broke"
I didn't have extra cash lying around either. In fact, 2 years ago (so just a year before I joined It Works) we were on WIC and had no idea how we would pay our bills each month.
You can find a way to get the money for your kit. $99. $99 that will change your life! Have a yard sale, pawn something, do what you have to do because honestly is your current job going to change the fact that you're broke? I make more with It Works than I do with my daycare job! AND I still get to stay home and be with my 3 girls every day.
"My friends and family think network marketing is a scam!!!"
So did mine, but guess what? They're not paying my bills or supporting my children so who cares what they think?! Oh and it definitely works *see above! OR let me tell you about countless other It Works distributors whose lives have been changed (and are still being changed) because of this company.
"I'm new to my area and don't know anyone."
Only 2 of my team members are in "my" area. I have team members all over the country and love that! The more spread out your network is, the faster your team grows!
"I'm a stay at home mom and don't have anyone to watch my kids"
This is me!!! I have built my business from home and got out when I could. So can you!!
In fact, one of the best things about this business is that YOU are your own boss and get to set your hours and decide when and how you will work. You can incorporate it into your life. Heck, my girls are my little helpers. They hand out coupons and samples and help me get my supplies ready for wrap appointments and parties. I even made them shirts that say, "It Works Future Wrap Star." So cute!
"I have a full time job, a family and I just don't have any time."
SO MANY of the people on my team were/are in the same boat!!! It sounds like you need a way to own your time, rather than being a slave to someone else's time clock. Build this business in the time you do have and it will change your life. Countless people on my team have done it, so can you. And the truth is...the busiest people on my team are the most successful. Busy people get stuff done!!!
"I've tried network marketing before and it didn't work for me."
Even if you've tried network marketing before you've never been with this company, with this product, at this time. You've also never worked with me. I would love to mentor, train, support, encourage, and work along side you to help you be successful, to help you meet your goals, to help you change your life.
"What if I fail?"
What if you succeed? I did and I will show you how I did it! And how YOU can and will too!
Enough excuses!! This is the opportunity you've been looking for, this is the change you want. If you're serious about reaching your goals and making your dreams a reality, you'll get started today!!!
No more resolutions!!!
No more excuses.
Instead, actually make CHANGES!
DO something!
Reach your goals.
Make your dreams reality.
Let's talk about how It Works can help make all this happen!
Let's make 2014 a year to remember! Together!
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