Saturday, March 30, 2013

Greens: Superheros in a Can (or Packet)

My favorite product we sell at It Works is the Greens.  For $28 you get a can of a blend of 38 ORGANIC fruits and veggies that will last one person a month.  In two small scoops (or 1 teaspoon total), you get 8+ servings of fruits and veggies.  (Or you can get the Greens on the Go that come in convenient pre-measured packets for $33)  I have given both of my girls the greens every day since I started selling It Works in February.  I have taken them myself as well.  I personally believe every person in the world should be using them every day, if at all possible.

Why?  Why am I so passionate about these greens?  What makes them so special?  Well, I could talk until I was blue, or green in the face, but instead, I'll just let you read some amazing stories and see/hear for yourself!  Then, maybe you will understand why I think the greens are superheros in a can (or packet)!

At three months my son stopped breathing. Turned blue and was admitted, a mothers worst the time we didn't know what he had or what was the cause. From then on we battled pneumonia, bronchitis, RSV, whooping name it he had it. They labeled him a "silent" asthmatic (he had silent episodes so by the time we noticed it was already an infection). We had been through five surgeries. I met Dr. Don at a boot camp and after we got finished talking about how we are more than just wraps and what our supplements had to offer...I went to talk to him. I told him about my son & he said "Give him Greens". I couldn't believe that my two year old who had been on steroids, numerous antibiotics, inhalers...could benefit from a powder. I did as he said, every morning Kohen had a scoop of greens. Within a month of Greens he was healthier, breathing better and no more infections! We used to be in the hospital once or twice a month and in this last year he has only been once for an allergy induced asthma attack. And even then was he was over it faster than ever before! He no longer takes his two inhalers, steroids or two allergy medications! He is only on Greens and now a healthy three year old! I thank God for what this company has done for my family. All of us have a testimony but this one stands above the rest. I love our products and what we get to do by sharing them with others!

This is my daughters testimony for my grandson Liam: 
Erin Nicole Moore
I want to share about the GREENS and how they have impacted my son's life! My seven-year-old, Liam, has gluten and dairy allergies, which effect his mood, behavior, and focus. This is a BIG problem when it comes to sitting all day long in a classroom. We avoid gluten and dairy in foods, which helps a lot, and also use several supplements including fish oil, probiotics, and magnesium. However, it is still very easy to accidentally get gluten or dairy, despite the fact that I pack and send his own snacks and lunches. Because he does not have a physical reaction, his allergies are sometimes not taken seriously, and he will be given something containing something with either, or both, in it. 

His kindergarten year, the teacher and I went back and forth, constantly trying to figure out what else we could do to help him. He was not getting work done in class, not focusing, constantly whining and complaining, etc. In order to get him to complete his work at home, I had to sit next to him and literally move from problem to problem with him, reminding him to complete the problem. I was told that he was lazy and that I wasn't being firm enough with him. I was advised to put him in his room, set a timer, and have him attempt to complete his homework (work he wasn't completing in the kindergarten level) by the time the timer went off. I tried this, along with many other things, to no avail. He understood the material and tested above average on all of his test scores, but simply was not accomplishing anything in class. I was told by his teacher at the end of the year that Liam was, in not so many words (and very rudely), "different". 

This school year, with a much more pleasant teacher who has been willing to work with me, we have continued to have many of the same issues, although they have improved to some degree. She has written at least 6 notes this year saying that he isn't completing work and having problems focusing, and therefore has hours of homework, in which he takes literally all evening to complete, unless I am sitting right there next to him.She has called me multiple times, worried that because of his lack of completing work, that he will fall behind and have to repeat first grade. He also was repeatedly had his name moved to "yellow" and "red" ( a behavioral chart his teacher uses...yellow standing for "YIKES!" and red being "unacceptable") for his behavior in the classroom. These are all issues that have weighed very heavily on me as a mom, wondering what I am doing wrong, and stressing over how I can help my son. 

HOWEVER, I am VERY HAPPY to say, that since starting him on the GREENS about 3 weeks ago, Liam has had his name in ONLY "Green" (GREAT) and"Orange" (okay) a couple of times, and has come home with no more than 2 pages of homework..usually just one page, and sometimes even NO HOMEWORK!!! When he does have work to do, he comes home, sits down, and has it done in half an hour. I am also noticing that he his not having to correct nearly as many problems after I check his work. His teacher even pulled him aside yesterday and told him she was impressed with how he had been doing his work and behaving...this is a MAJOR PLUS for Liam and for me!!!! The ONLY thing I have changed is adding the GREENS to his diet every morning!!!! LOVE this product!!!! It is TRULY AMAZING!!!!

I must post the testimonial from one of my lc's MonaySergio GonzalezGonzalez!! She was diagnosed with Lupus about 13 years. Also has several medical conditions. Check her testimony out. When she wrote this she only had Greens for two days and was on Confianza for two days. A week later she still feels awesome!!

Hi Leti, girl this is the first time that I do not know what to do with myself. My body feels different. I do not feel tired at all or that feverish feeling. Its like my batteries are fully charged. I did not nap today and I do not feel tired. WOW with only 2 doses. The one on Sunday & today. This is amazing. 

Im over here like wait a minute where is my tired feverish feeling so that I can nap? Hello come on I am ready to nap. And I am still waiting. LOL.

Leti for 13 years I have napped and that has become my schedule on a daily basis. I have to work around my sleep time. If I do not nap during the day, by 4 pm I will have a 102 fever. And if I did not nap for an entire day due to dr appts or errands, I have to stay in bed for 3 days in a row. That had become my life. But I am LOVING this new feeling its awesome. I kept myself busy and caught up on laundry. I just did not want to over do it. Im so happy.

I am so thanful to God for sending me you. You have been such a BIG BLESSING in my life. Thank you Leti, and thank GOD:)

Used Greens while my kids were running fevers and the fever, within 30 minutes, went from 104 to 101! I did this for three days in a row. Love!!

Ok, here is my testimony so far. I was always tired almost all the time and didn't do much through out the day and then I got my Greens. I noticed I was up moving around and doing things the first day and then the second and then I realized it was because of the Greens! I would still get my 2:30 slow down so I decided to take more greens and Boom! I was good to go until bedtime. I have also noticed that I am now naturally tired around 10pm like I used to be and can actually fall asleep, I just love these things! I took Fat Fighters usually after dinner and my greens for about 2 weeks. Been on the Thermofit for 4 days and thought I would weigh myself...and Boom! down 5 lbs! That is huge for me, I'm insulin resistant and the only way for me to lose weight (before It Works ) was no carbs. Love Love Love these products!!!

GREENS: I have been on anti-depressants for most of my adult life. I would take them for about 2 years and then they would quit working, so I would quit taking them and immediately have to get on a new one. I have taken everything from ephexor to prozac and thought that I would have to be on them for the rest of my life. I have recently quit taking them completely and take my greens everyday! On days that seem like I am a bit more anxious or stressed then I pop my confianza. I feel better now than I have in years!! Prior to my quitting the anti-depressants I had become a bit reserved and had a difficult time relating to others or befriending anyone. I didn't realize that by taking myself off of the meds that I would feel like a new person. I find myself actually seeking others out now. By no means am I saying that everyone should do this, but it is nice to know that theses products that are all natural really can make you feel better. :)

I drink Greens every single day, Greens have changed my life! I wake up when I'm supposed to feeling great, I don't get tired at 3 p.m. I go to bed and sleep well...finally! I used to take something for a headache everyday...NO MORE! I actually feel my age and not like an 80 year old woman! Oh & I lost over 50 pounds since July! Thank you It Works! (Wrapped 8 times and took Fat Fighters irregularly)

GREENS: I was struggling with constant joint pain for 18 mos.. I couldn't sit for long periods of time or 'overdo' movement, it even hurt to hold my husband's hand because the joints in my fingers would be too sore. I would cry from pain in my wrists and knees after pushing a grocery cart around a store! I had seen 3 specialists before becoming a distributor for It Works..I had gotten diagnosed with different things..all 3 doctors wanted me to start on medications that had a load of side effects and told me they weren't a 'cure'..just would buy me time before I would need a wheelchair!! The last diagnosis was for fibromyalgia ..which is most likely what it is. I tried all kinds of natural remedies and things other people told me to try in an effort to avoid the prescriptions, but nothing worked. I started reading a bunch of other people's testimonies on Greens & fibro so I figured I would give it a try but I wasn't very hopeful. After taking Greens for 3 DAYS, I was about 90% PAIN-FREE!! I played dodge ball with my kids & a group of college kids we work with and a few weeks later, I jumped on a trampoline with my girls for an hour with no pain!! This has been a life-changer for me. I thank God for bringing this product into my hands and feel so blessed. I have been on it for several months and still feel amazing!!! Praise God!:)

Well, those are just a FEW stories.  I could share more, but I think you get the idea!  Maybe you would like to try the greens yourself and see if they can help with any issues you may have, or just give you a boost of energy (in addition to the nutritional benefits).

You can order from my website or contact me for more information!

I would love to help you on your health journey, wherever you may be in the process!  That's why I am in this business -- to spread my passion and enthusiasm for health and wellness, to help people accomplish their health goals, and to show people how enjoyable healthy living can truly be!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Making the Good Better

In college, I was the RA on 4West.  My job was to get to know the girls on the floor, plan activities for them, listen to them, laugh with them, cry with them, mentor them, etc.  I didn't feel right about knocking on a door and asking to interrupt someone's homework, just to come in and talk, especially at the beginning of the year when I hadn't built relationships with these girls yet.  And so I invented Banana Bread Mondays.  Every Monday I would bake a loaf of banana bread and cut it into about 25-30 slices, enough for each girl on the floor to have a piece.  Then, I would take my freshly baked banana bread from room to room and offer the girls a treat while they were studying.  Some times they said no thank you, but more often than not, we did more than have a late night snack together.  We would share our hearts as we talked about our classes, the boys we liked, the plans we thought God had for us, and everything else in between.  For two years, I made banana bread every Monday.

When I moved to Haiti, I continued to make banana bread quite often.  I would share it with the boys and girls in the children's homes.  Eventually, I had cooking classes with them and taught them how to bake the banana bread themselves.  I wonder if they still make it now that I am long gone?

Now, that I am all grown up -- a wife and mother of 2 small girls -- I still make banana bread on a regular basis.  My three-year-old Coralyn LOVES to help me bake and then deliver whatever goodies we have made to our neighbors.  Many times we have whipped up a batch of the "famous" banana bread.

That's what we did today, in fact.  Only now that we are primarily gluten-free in our home, we had to make a separate loaf of bread for our family to enjoy.  I thought I would share how we have made the good better.

My "Old" Recipe:
3-4 ripe bananas
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup oil
1 1/4 cup flour
1 cup sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon

The New and Improved Recipe we used today:
3-4 ripe bananas
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
3/4 cup MILLET FLOUR (it's the other gf flour I had on hand)
1/2 cup HONEY
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon

It's so easy and quick to make.  Here's what we did:

Note: I put all the bananas for both batches of bread in the blender at one time.  For one loaf, you just need 3-4 ripe bananas!

Put the bananas, eggs, applesauce, and vanilla in the blender.

Push the MIX button, which Coralyn so expertly did today.

Cover your ears while it is blending, due to the very loud noise :)

Mix all the dry ingredients and honey together.

Stir it all up.  Spray your loaf pan.  Pour the batter in and bake at 350 for about 45 minutes to an hour.

Lick the spoon and bowl while you wait for your bread to bake.

Enjoy a smoothie after all your hard work!  Coralyn didn't know it, but she just got 4 servings of fruits and veggies since I added a scoop of greens to the smoothie!  All she said was, "Yummy!  This is delicious!"

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What's Your Number? Call Me, Maybe...

That is, how much "extra" money would you like to make each month?  Or maybe it's not "extra" money, but cash is that absolutely necessary to pay bills.  Or maybe you want to get rid of your debt, be it a car payment, credit cards, college loans, or even your mortgage!  Whatever your personal situation, It Works lets you be your own boss and determine what your salary is going to be.

Here's a look at the average earnings of the different ranks in the company:

And just imagine if you're an above average person!  The possibilities are endless!

I just attended the It Works One Team One Mission Event in Kansas City.  At this one meeting alone, I met four Triple Diamond Distributors, Three Presidential Distributors, and Two Ambassador Distributors.  So there are real people out there who do actually make these huge numbers each and every month!

One of the Presidential Distributors actually works at my husband's school during the day.  She is an Instructional Coach, helping the teachers develop curriculum and lesson plans to reach each student's needs.  She is paid a regular teacher's salary.  On top of that set income each and every month, she also makes around $20,000 with her "side job" as an It Works distributor!  Crazy thing is she's only been doing this It Works business for just over a year!!!

The Ambassador Distributors who were there are personal friends of one of my closest friends here in Liberty.  Now, both the husband and wife work full time as It Works Distributors and travel the country sharing their story and inspiring others.

Maybe you would like to work from home too.  If you're like me, you have small children and would love to be a stay at home mom, but the budget just won't allow for only one income.  You HAVE to work.  What if you could have your cake and eat it too?  What if you could:
*get your kids on the bus each morning, or drive them to school yourself
*work out after your kids have left for school
*eat lunch with friends or get a mani/pedi as a personal treat
*have play dates with other stay at home moms
*take your kiddos to the library, zoo, park, or wherever
*pick your kids up at the bus stop, or at school, each afternoon

Well, you would be all over that, right?!

But wait a second, you say to yourself, This just sounds too good to be true.  Tell that to the people I met last night who make 4-6 figures every month!  And get this, they all started out as a regular ol' distributor.  Many of them even shared how they just wanted to reach the Ruby Level and make an extra $500 or so each month.  Look at where they are now!  They far exceeded their goals and expectations!

Yes, they have worked hard to get where they are at, BUT they enjoy what they do.  So, it's not a "job" to them.  It's pleasure.  They are doing something they are passionate about.  Heck, that's why I joined It Works -- I am passionate about health and wellness.  I want to inspire others to be healthy and to enjoy that lifestyle.  Oh, and in the process I get to stay at home with my children.  I get to read books to them, build block towers with them, bake cookies with them, tickle their tummies, share laughs, and make plenty of memories that we will treasure for years and years to come.  THAT is priceless!

Maybe you're still on the fence about this crazy wrap thing.

Maybe you're still questioning if it really works.

and we can chat.  I would love to answer your questions, explain the business and our products to you, let you sample some of our products even.  I will wrap you at a discount so you can see for yourself that it really does have results.  I will give you some greens to take home and see if your kiddos will love them in orange juice and smoothies as much as mine do, so you can know they are getting at least 4-8 servings of fruits and veggies every day, without having to force peas and green beans down their throats or have screaming matches every night at supper.

I've been at this It Works thing for about 6 weeks now.  I have made the money back I put into starting my business and some extra.  I have earned APPLICATOR REWARDS, meaning I get a box of wraps that is usually $59 for just $25.  That means when I sell those wraps, I make even more profit!  I have earned about $120 in FREE PRODUCT.  I have also earned two separate $100 bonuses.  In about a week, I will know exactly what my commission for March will be, but I already know my paycheck alone will be more than double what it was my first month.  Yes, this It Works thing really is working for me!  And I enjoy it.  It's fun AND I get to help people work on their health.

Maybe you have no desire whatsoever to sell It Works products.  I can respect that.  Direct sells isn't for everyone.  I understand.  BUT, maybe, just maybe you could use our products to benefit your own health.  Be it a wrap or defining gel or fat fighters or greens or stretch mark cream, we have something for just about everyone!
What to learn more about our products and how they work?  Well, then, you too should

I would love to chat with you or meet with you in person to go over what products would best help you meet your specific health goals and your body perform at its full potential.  I am all for everyone living to the max and enjoying life, and to do that you really need to be healthy first.  Perhaps It Works could be what you need to jump start a healthy routine, to get you over a plateau, to motivate you to keep on keeping on with your healthy lifestyle and choices.  Whatever the case may be, I really truly believe It Works is helping people all over the country (and world, as we do ship internationally) improve their health and thus live fuller, longer lives.  I've shared in a previous blog how our health and wellness products are changing lives.  I read new testimonies each day!

I want to take your "yeah right" skeptical attitude and turn it into

I would rather you use words like
when you talk about It Works and our health products.

It won't hurt to ask questions.
You've got nothing to lose.
You've got everything to gain.

So again, I ask you:

and invite you to

I would love to help you hop, climb, or jump over that fence you may be on!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Success Stories

So, I have been researching today and reading story after story after story of people who have used various It Works products to improve their overall health and even resolve specific health issues they were battling.  Issues like PCOS, fibromyalgia, lupus, migraines, and other pretty serious stuff.

Rather than posting each individual story, flooding my facebook page, and possibly annoying some people, I decided to compile some of these success stories for you to read all at once.  Maybe you will be able to relate with one or more of these testimonials.  Then, maybe you would be more willing to give It Works a try and see if our products could make a difference in your life, if they could help you with your specific health concerns and goals.  Maybe you will be able to write and share your own It Works success story someday! I would love to be a part of it if you do!!!! ;)

Well, let's get started then!

First, I want you to meet Tami Buchi Yingling.

BEFORE using It Works:

Sooo... I feel like I need to share my "story" with those of you who don't know me very well... Just over 5 years ago I was 98 lbs heavier. I finally made the choice to get healthy, one step at a time. 1st step, give up my 6+ diet cokes a day. 2nd step, finally realize that by me taking time to put myself FIRST and take care of my health, then I was truly able to take care of everyone and everything else so much better (oxygen mask theory)! 3rd step, watched The Biggest Loser and got very motivated... went out and bought Jillian Michaels "Master Your Metabolism" book and "Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism" workout DVD and did them religiously for over a year AT HOME! 

Then we moved to Florida and I made a goal to run a full marathon. While I trained for this I joined a fitness club and starting strength training and yoga/pilates/tai chi. I did several 5 k's; a 10k; a half marathon and then finally the full Salt Lake Marathon. P.S.... I am NOT a runner, nor ever will be... so that was my first and LAST marathon. But after that, I realized that I could DO or BE anything I wanted! So I made my NEXT goal... to get my personal training certification, which I did when I started working at Gold's gym as a personal trainer. 

At just about 80 lbs lost (which took me 4 yrs) and after being at a plateau for a whole YEAR, I was introduced to ItWorks Global by my good friend Tonya Mcdonald. I tried a SKINNY WRAP... and it has truly changed my life. I started using the Thermofit, Wraps and our AMAZING Greens and lost 18 lbs and 13 1/2 inches in just 7 short weeks and BLASTED thru my plateau... without changing any of my already pretty healthy eating habits, exercise regimen or having to "die-t"... 

I've just recently left Gold's to run my own company now as an ItWorks distributor and it is growing by LEAPS AND BOUNDS and we are getting out of debt and making our dreams and goals a reality. I am passionate about our products... ITWORKS!, PEOPLE!!! I am GRATEFUL beyond words to be able to help others realize that it is NEVER too late to start working on your health and fitness! I am 41 yrs "young" now and have never felt better in my WHOLE life! I love the journey that I have gone thru and want to be able to help others do the same thing ;-) Just thought I'd share.... and maybe help inspire just one person along the way! Much ♥, - Tam

AFTER It Works:

Now, let's hear from Tina Kenndey-Eller:

When my sister-in-law invited me to a wrap party I decided to go to see what this is all about. I have multiple health problems and figured I would give this product a shot. I purchased Greens and it's vital. Within 3 weeks I was off blood pressure medication. I also have Ménière's disease. I had been on dozens of medications trying to regulate my issues. This is literally the only thing that has helped. I am also diabetic and just started the fat fighter. I will let you know when I say BYE, BYE to Metformin because I already know It Works!!

I am happy to report that I went to the doctor today and my b/p was 124/76!!!! He was thrilled that this was working!! I love my Greens!!

Next up is Michelle Ramsey Hilden:

Nov 6, 2011 I was introduced to IWG and my life was forever changed.
Prior to that date I have lived my whole life with severe chron’s disease. It was so bad that it kept me from working full time. My colon would spasm so bad I had to go 7-10 days at a time with a liquid only diet. When I could eat I would hoard food not helping my weight at all. My acidic level in my system was so high I screamed every time I had to use the restroom which was up to 30 times a day. It often took me 5-10 minutes after until I was able to walk again. I was told I would have no problems qualifying for SSI. I was just too stubborn to give in to feeling useless. I had a passion for teaching Special Ed. I wasn’t giving it up if I could help it. I was so sick I couldn’t make it thru college but I found my in as a para-educator four hour a day.

Because of the high acid level in my system my body was attacking itself. I no longer have my gull bladder, appendix and have had liver surgery. I went to get tested for MS as I was having severe frequent migraines and numbness with my arms and legs. I was surprised to find out I was now battling a brain tumor. Thank the lord it was not cancerous. With everything going on and with me on so many meds I got myself up to almost 300 lbs.

I was truly walking death and was exhausted with my battles. My husband and I were trying to get everything together because I just didn’t have much more fight in me. My spirit was strong but my fight was gone. We couldn’t keep up with the medical debt. But because my husband Brent made a decent income we qualified for nothing. We actually lived on Mac n cheese because everything we had went to Dr. Bills so they would still see me. We had collection calls all day long, you can imagine the guilt I had as a mom doing that. I was the reason we weren’t living like the income my husband made should have allowed us to. In turn it spun my body out of control even worse.

Who would of thought an invite to wrap party would of changed my whole world?
Nov 6th 2011 I was invited to a wrap party from Trish Turnage. I actually wasn’t planning on going because I wasn’t feeling well. Trish called and asked where I was and said she was coming to get me if I didn’t drive myself. (Yep I drove) My biggest fear for going was I didn’t think a measuring tape would fit around me. Thank you to Inge Lincoln for having the insight to measure me privately in the bedroom. I shrank belt notches in those first 45 minutes.

I became a Distributor that night. I spent money I didn’t have thinking I can make some money for my family before I go. Why I thought I could do it I have no clue. But I did. I earned my 120.00 in free product and I bought the greens and regular as part of my earnings. Within 3 days of starting those two products I knew life for me was changing and fast. I was no longer acidic. I wasn’t crying every time I had to go. And I finally had some energy. My body was finally holding onto some of the nutrients and felt better than I ever have.

That was just over a year ago from me writing this today. Since I started on the supplements for in works by my own choice I no longer take any prescription drugs. I have not had a bout of Chron’s in the last 12 months and the migraines from my brain tumor that I had 3 to 4 times a week I have had 2 this last year.
Not only do I feel AMAZING but my family and I are living a life we never could before. Living your life around where there is a bathroom and if it will have a line is no longer a problem for us. My husband and I recently went to our first Sea Hawks game together. That would have never happened prior to me taking the greens and regular.

I now have a passion for IWG. My why is HUGE. My husband and kids stuck by me thru all of my illnesses. It is my turn to give them the life they deserve.

Jo Ann Farmer and DeNee Morehouse both shared about their positive results with Confianza and Greens:

 I have been taking Confianza for two weeks now and it is way better then my Rx anxiety meds. I am breastfeeding and so I have been off my meds through my pregnancy and while breastfeeding. So I decided to try the Confianza it is working great and I am only taking 1 pill in the morning. The recommended dose is two pills but I fill like if one works for me I will stick with that. I am very happy with my results!

 My husband works in law enforcement and has been taking the confianza for 1.5 years (he also takes the greens). He loves it! It helps to keep him focused and as he puts it "it just levels out the highs and lows for me and keeps me on an even keel." Bonus: he used to go through ibuprofen for headaches like it was going out of style...not anymore. Headaches are very rare now. I love it!

Angie Pringle Coy writes how New You has helped her:

First off I have been so discouraged with my doctors that I recently quite taking all my meds and today I started taking the NEW YOU and after a few hours of the first dose my Sinus's started draining (and still are) and I can breathe better than I have in a VERY LONG TIME! I picked New you to start with because it leans towards the health issue I have experienced in the past so I am hoping that I will continue to post more about my journey on the New You and other products It works offers! To be continued.......

New You has helped me with and issue that arised within this past year of just not wanting to be intimate or even be touched by my husband and that I am very excited to say is GONE! Thank you Lord for giving the folks at It works the wisdom to create such an awesome product!!! I also had depression issues they are deminishing very quickly too! I haven't had near as much pain as I am used to having and I have only had one headache since starting and I had a migraine/headache almost everyday for the past 5-6 years ! My anxiety has also deminished!!!!! 

Ree Higgins tells how It Works has helped her with PMDD:

 I have had severe pmdd in the past - was on prescription meds etc - I went off all medications in October except xanax for anxiety because I felt like they stopped helping me- I discovered It Works a month and a half ago - I got a sample of Greens from my sponsor when I first signed up - I was familiar with Greens from other companies (but none affected me in a good or bad way) - I liked the energy boost they gave me so I ordered some for myself - WELL I have never felt so good in my LIFE - when I get stressed I feel it so much less than I ever have before - Im able to "handle" it better ...only thing I changed at that time was Greens ... my sister fell into a depression and she has the worse pms of anyone with crying bouts and emotions all over the place ... I gave her a half month sample of greens she is like a new person - she was ready to go to the dr for prescription antidepressants and now doesnt feel she needs to .... and best of all she just got her period and her pms was very mild in comparison - I gave her confianza to try "as needed" for the mild pms and stress and I take it myself but honestly havent needed it in a week - altho I probably will when pms hits me ... and best of all?? I have not touched my bottle of xanax in WEEKS! Im the person who is always loaning out a xanax here and there - now I give them a week sample of greens and say try this! It WOrks!!

And Chelsea Fowler was delighted with the results she had on Estro-Rhythm to help with PCOS:
30 days of EstroRhythm for PCOS 
Regulated menstrual cycle
No ovarian pain 
Helped me lose 10lbs
Steady hormones
"Hot flashes" gone
21 years old and I had menopausal symptoms. . Estrorhythm is a miracle!

It's NOT just for Menopausal Women after all!!!

Kristen has also suffered from PCOS and shared on facebook today:
I have pcosn and we just found out that I'm 8 weeks pregnant!!! The only thing I have done differently in the past 3 months compared to the past 6 years is I have been taking the Greens everyday and wrapping once a week.

Kellie Kaufman also loved the results she had with It Works products:
I had so much scar tissue in my uterus and tubes from endometriosis I was un able to get pregnant. I had an ultra sound a month before starting on greens this last spring to see if it was worth them "SCRAPING" yes "SCRAPING" my tubes and uterus of the scars!!! They told me there was so much that removing it would for sure make me infertile (even if I did IVF) and leave me in even more pain.
I was devastated this was 3 years after finding out there was a problem, they were hoping this medicine I was on for 6 months would heal some of the scaring but it actually got worse ): I was a mess. But 7 months on greens I found out I was pregnant! My personal doctor was SHOCKED at an early ultra sound 80% of my scaring was gone in just 7 months and nothing else had changed in my life at all but taking greens!

When my doctor did some research she said that the alkalizing and detoxing along with many ingredients in the greens have long time been known to help infertile women! Now I'm 4 1/2 months pregnant and baby is so healthy! I can't wait to be a mom!

Dorie McLemore also wrote about how Greens are changing her life:

I was struggling with constant joint pain for 18 mos.. I couldn't sit for long periods of time or 'overdo' movement, it even hurt to hold my husband's hand because the joints in my fingers would be too sore. I would cry from pain in my wrists and knees after pushing a grocery cart around a store! I had seen 3 specialists before becoming a distributor for It Works..I had gotten diagnosed with different things..all 3 doctors wanted me to start on medications that had a load of side effects and told me they weren't a 'cure'..just would buy me time before I would need a wheelchair!! The last diagnosis was for fibromyalgia ..which is most likely what it is. I tried all kinds of natural remedies and things other people told me to try in an effort to avoid the prescriptions, but nothing worked. I started reading a bunch of other people's testimonies on Greens & fibro so I figured I would give it a try but I wasn't very hopeful. After taking Greens for 3 DAYS, I was about 90% PAIN-FREE!! I played dodge ball with my kids & a group of college kids we work with and a few weeks later, I jumped on a trampoline with my girls for an hour with no pain!! This has been a life-changer for me. I thank God for bringing this product into my hands and feel so blessed. I have been on it for several months and still feel amazing!!! Praise God!:)

Michele Lynn McClurg has also benefited greatly from the Greens, my personal favorite of all It Works products (as you can probably tell why):

Hello all, This is my Testimonial for Greens & my short time using it!!!

I am 42 yrs old this June & was diagnosed w/ Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) a long-term autoimmune disorder that may affect the skin, joints, kidneys, brain, and other organs. Symptoms vary from person to person, and may come and go. I also have Fibromyalgia. No one in my family has Lupus, but my Mother has Fibromyalgia. My diagnosis was a very long painfall road to learning or knowing how to cope w/ everyday functions in life. For years I was having labs drawn, had numerous x-rays believing that I was crazy! As the years went I started thinking that there was nothing wrong w/ me & it was all in my head. The pain felt so real in my hands, feet, hips, neck, back & shoulders. I couldnt sleep or eat. Exercising had become a thing of the past. Used to ride bikes w/ my children & couldn't even pedal w/out tears in my eyes from my knee pain. I finally could not handle the pain or the frustration of not enjoying the outdoors w/ my 3 young children. The family doctor had done all he could & said my labs were off.......he referred me to a Rheumatologist! Well he started w/ the full work up of fasting labs, scans x-rays & pulled all the ones I had in years past, was tested for Rheumatoid arthritis, but knew that wasn't it since I never swelled, tested for MS since it runs in my family, ruling out 1 diagnosis @ a time. He knew what I had by my Lovely Butterfly Rash, but he wanted to rule out everything else also! 

So finally I had an answer to all my craziness! But what did that help? Nothing, I had to start medications to see what would work & for a constant 3 months to see if they worked, 1 after another didnt help, anti inflammatories, pain killers, you name I tried it. Went to a nutritionist, diet changes didnt help, went to a naturalist to try herbs & natural healings, I was getting to where my husband rubbing my back felt like razor blades & I would cry. Well finally I gave up on meds, exercise & just dealt w/ the pain. I met Cortney @ a Vendor Show in December & asked some questions about the products. She did research for me after I explained my issues. She shared some others stories w/ me & at first I did not believe that 1 product could help that much, so I thought about it for a month & did the research myself. I had gone on a spa day & could not walk for a week afterwards & knew I needed to make a change for myself & my family, I am too young to feel this way!

I decided to give it a try. I ordered the Greens & began taking it right away, the first 5 tries were difficult, tried it w/ water, never again, milk, OJ, apple juice, then I decided to try my 7 year olds Elmo mini Berry juice box!!!! That was it, I mix 2 scoops in a mixing cup & then drink loads of ice water all day!! I have also stopped drinking soda! After a week, I started noticing I wasn't exhausted everyday & I was able to sleep on my side because my hips werent killing me! Well I decided to not drink it on Saturday, well I could tell the difference, my feet were hurting & hips did also. So I stopped for Sunday also, to just see. Well big mistake, I started back up on Monday & w/in 2 days feeling a diference. I sit at a computer all day working an Accounts Receivable job typing, was extremely painfull every day! This Greens to me was a Miracle Drug, I seriously was thinking mind over matter that this couldnt be possible, how can 2 tiny scoops a day make that much of a difference?! I had been away & forgot my Greens @ home & really just plain forgot about it, the next day I was moaning from the pain. I have not forgotten a day since! I am energetic again, pain free, no more headaches, I dont hurt when someone touches me! It is really amazing! I am Blessed to have this in my life right now!!! Thanks Cortney!!! 

I have started my elliptucal exercises again & playing Just Dance on the Wii again, can carry my laundry up down the stairs, bend down w/out crying & Sleep!!!! My life is back!!!! I feel Beautiful & Alive!!! I will continue getting myself back into shape 1 day at a time! 

I am just going to start adding the fat fighters into my daily routine next month on top of the Greens to see if I can help my body fight more!!!!

Well, Lawrence got home from grad school, so I will have to stop sharing success stories for now.  I hope you see once more why I am in this business -- to help people develop and maintain healthy lifestyles!!!  I hope one or more of these stories has inspired you.  Please let me know if you would like more information about any of our health and wellness products!!!

Check out my website any time!!!

My Little Chefs

My husband has a grad school class tonight, so I have an evening by myself with my two little girls.  I wanted to do something special and fun with them, but since we just got more snow, we would have to stay inside.  I decided we could make some gluten-free zucchini bread.  I was going to do this for St. Patrick's Day, but then we were packing for Spring Break vacation and didn't get around to making any bread.

Better late than never!!!

Coralyn had fun tossing the zucchini chunks into the food processor.

Then, she got to push the ON button and watch the zucchini spin round and round and turn into tiny pieces.

Kellah wanted in on the fun too!

Next, we mixed up our dry ingredients.
*Brown rice flour
*Xanthum Gum
*Baking Soda

And added our "wet" ingredients too.
*2 eggs
*Honey (instead of sugar)
*Applesauce (instead of oil)

Coralyn wanted to stir it all up, and she did a pretty good job too!

Kellah just played in a box.

I sprayed the muffin tin and poured in our batter.  While the muffins baked, the girls had fun with their favorite part of the baking process -- licking the bowl and spoon!

 Don't worry!  Coralyn is just playing now and pretending she's swimming in the water.  Silly girl!  LOVE her imagination though! :)

Finally, the muffins were done and we had them for supper with some yogurt.  Yummy!

Not only do I love baking with my girls, I love the opportunity to teach them how to make healthy choices in the process.  As we pour in the honey, I explain that it's better for you than sugar.  The same with the applesauce instead of oil.

And when we eat the muffins and Coralyn exclaims, "These are so yummy AND good for you!" my heart melts just a little.  I am thrilled that even at such a young age she is learning what it means to be healthy and knows firsthand it is still fun, and tasty too!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Is This Allowed?

My friend recently started using the It Works wraps and defining gel, and after her first wrap, she texted me and asked, "Is this allowed?" as she shared her 45 minute and 24 hour results with me.  "How can that much of me just be gone?!" she wanted to know.

Well, my dear friend, because IT WORKS, it really does work.  I think she actually used those words with me too, astonished at how just how well the wrap worked the very first time she used one.

I am so excited and happy for my friend.  SHE is the reason why I do this.  She is not just interested in looking better on the outside, but on tackling some major health issues she has had.  The fact that she wants to resolve these problems naturally is huge to me.  I am passionate about using natural remedies and natural ingredients whenever possible.  I am passionate about people developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  I am passionate about helping people live life to the fullest.  And so I am passionate about helping this friend of mine.

When I first thought of joining It Works, I wondered what Coralyn (my 3.5 year old daughter) would think.  I questioned how she would interpret me wrapping people to help them "look better."  Before I started this business, I not only thought it was gimmicky, but that it communicated a terrible message to women (and men too for that matter).  Looking at the wraps as a quick-fix solution to slimming your tummy, I saw and heard, "You're not good enough!"  and "You have to look a certain way to be beautiful!" and "You have to be thin to be pretty!" and other such nonsense.  Messages that are big, fat, ugly lies from the pit of hell.  Messages that I NEVER want my daughter to believe.  Having struggled with eating disorders in high school and college, I personally know the battle that many women (and men) face daily in regards to how they view themselves.  And in no way, shape, or form do I want to contribute to their struggle or make their fight any harder than it already is.  Quite the opposite!  I want to come alongside people and encourage them, inspire them, support them, LOVE them.

So, when my friend contacted me wanting more information about It Works and our products, I was elated. Not because she would lose weight or be slimmer or have a tighter, toned, firmer tummy.  But rather, because she would be working to resolve some serious health issues in a natural way.  Because she would be working to develop a healthier lifestyle, improving her body from the inside out, and thus able to go and do more and truly enjoy life more!  By tackling these issues, she would be reducing her chances of even more serious health concerns like pre-diabetes right now and heart problems in the future.  She would be doing things to increase her lifespan, giving her more time with family and friends, allowing her to spread her joy and sweetness to more people through the years.

My friend's story is what I want my daughter to think of when I wrap people.  I want Coralyn to understand that above all I am wrapping people to help them "get healthy."  I am putting an "Ultimate Body Applicator" on them and securing it with Saran Wrap to help them eliminate toxins from their body, to reduce inflammation, to improve circulation, to break up fat cells so their bodies can perform at their full potential.  I am an It Works distributor to provide people with the tools they need to meet their health and wellness goals.  I am in this to inspire and motivate and encourage and challenge and support people as they seek to make health a priority in their lives, as they come to enjoy being healthy, as they come to develop a passion for health.

With all that being said, with my friend's permission, I would like to share her story with you.  My friend just contacted me this evening with her 72 hour results.  You see, you wear the wrap for just 45 minutes, but even after you take it off, the natural ingredients are still at work for the next 72 hours.  My friend is so overwhelmed, in a good way, with what the wraps have done for her in just 4 days.  And even better, she hasn't had a single negative side effect!

My friend is overweight, which she admits and realizes.  Just this evening she shared with me, "I just can't   believe I let myself get that huge!"  I responded, "Well, the important thing to focus on is that you are moving in the right direction NOW."  I am proud of her for taking responsibility and working to improve her health.  Because of her size, my friend is pre-diabetic.  If she doesn't change the way she eats, the way she LIVES, then she WILL develop diabetes.  Which of course she doesn't want, not at all.  That's one reason why she contacted me.

Another reason my friend asked about It Works is because she was taking antibiotics every day and was supposed to continue doing so for a long time.  She was tired of the effects taking antibiotics day after day after day was having on her and her body.  She wanted to be done!  When she saw that I posted that the wrap can help eliminate toxins, she was hooked.  That's exactly what she needs to do, but she didn't know what her doctor would think about stopping the antibiotics.  She took the ingredient lists I sent her and met with her doctor, and the two of them agreed to give it 6 weeks to see if It Works really could help her make a difference in her health.  My friend has something called MRSA-Methicillin Resistant Staphyllococus Aureus and it's pretty serious, so this is huge.  So far, she's stopped the antibiotics and has been using It Works products instead for almost a week.  No adverse affects.  No issues.  I couldn't be happier!

Nor could she.

And in addition to all the good things happening inside her body, she is looking fantastic!

This is before and after JUST ONE WRAP!  A full treatment is considered 4 wraps (one box).  Just imagine what the next three wraps, over the next three weeks, will do for her!!!

Which is only motivating and inspiring her to eat right and exercise and continue to work to improve her overall health.  The immediate results she is seeing in her physical appearance is giving her the jumpstart she needed to boost her confidence, to give her the drive to keep going and working hard to change the way she LIVES.

As I said before, my friend is the reason I finally decided to join the It Works team/family.  I hope she has inspired you as well.

Maybe, just maybe, It Works could help you too!  I would love to chat with you and discuss a plan of action that we could work on together to help you accomplish your individual health and wellness goals.  You too are the reason why I am doing this, why I am posting pictures on facebook every day, why I am sending out texts and messages and emails, why I am telling complete strangers about our products.  I don't know exactly where you are at in life, where you are on your health journey, but no matter what, I would truly love to come alongside you and help you in whatever way you need to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle, and ENJOY it so that you can live life to the fullest!