Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Is This Allowed?

My friend recently started using the It Works wraps and defining gel, and after her first wrap, she texted me and asked, "Is this allowed?" as she shared her 45 minute and 24 hour results with me.  "How can that much of me just be gone?!" she wanted to know.

Well, my dear friend, because IT WORKS, it really does work.  I think she actually used those words with me too, astonished at how just how well the wrap worked the very first time she used one.

I am so excited and happy for my friend.  SHE is the reason why I do this.  She is not just interested in looking better on the outside, but on tackling some major health issues she has had.  The fact that she wants to resolve these problems naturally is huge to me.  I am passionate about using natural remedies and natural ingredients whenever possible.  I am passionate about people developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  I am passionate about helping people live life to the fullest.  And so I am passionate about helping this friend of mine.

When I first thought of joining It Works, I wondered what Coralyn (my 3.5 year old daughter) would think.  I questioned how she would interpret me wrapping people to help them "look better."  Before I started this business, I not only thought it was gimmicky, but that it communicated a terrible message to women (and men too for that matter).  Looking at the wraps as a quick-fix solution to slimming your tummy, I saw and heard, "You're not good enough!"  and "You have to look a certain way to be beautiful!" and "You have to be thin to be pretty!" and other such nonsense.  Messages that are big, fat, ugly lies from the pit of hell.  Messages that I NEVER want my daughter to believe.  Having struggled with eating disorders in high school and college, I personally know the battle that many women (and men) face daily in regards to how they view themselves.  And in no way, shape, or form do I want to contribute to their struggle or make their fight any harder than it already is.  Quite the opposite!  I want to come alongside people and encourage them, inspire them, support them, LOVE them.

So, when my friend contacted me wanting more information about It Works and our products, I was elated. Not because she would lose weight or be slimmer or have a tighter, toned, firmer tummy.  But rather, because she would be working to resolve some serious health issues in a natural way.  Because she would be working to develop a healthier lifestyle, improving her body from the inside out, and thus able to go and do more and truly enjoy life more!  By tackling these issues, she would be reducing her chances of even more serious health concerns like pre-diabetes right now and heart problems in the future.  She would be doing things to increase her lifespan, giving her more time with family and friends, allowing her to spread her joy and sweetness to more people through the years.

My friend's story is what I want my daughter to think of when I wrap people.  I want Coralyn to understand that above all I am wrapping people to help them "get healthy."  I am putting an "Ultimate Body Applicator" on them and securing it with Saran Wrap to help them eliminate toxins from their body, to reduce inflammation, to improve circulation, to break up fat cells so their bodies can perform at their full potential.  I am an It Works distributor to provide people with the tools they need to meet their health and wellness goals.  I am in this to inspire and motivate and encourage and challenge and support people as they seek to make health a priority in their lives, as they come to enjoy being healthy, as they come to develop a passion for health.

With all that being said, with my friend's permission, I would like to share her story with you.  My friend just contacted me this evening with her 72 hour results.  You see, you wear the wrap for just 45 minutes, but even after you take it off, the natural ingredients are still at work for the next 72 hours.  My friend is so overwhelmed, in a good way, with what the wraps have done for her in just 4 days.  And even better, she hasn't had a single negative side effect!

My friend is overweight, which she admits and realizes.  Just this evening she shared with me, "I just can't   believe I let myself get that huge!"  I responded, "Well, the important thing to focus on is that you are moving in the right direction NOW."  I am proud of her for taking responsibility and working to improve her health.  Because of her size, my friend is pre-diabetic.  If she doesn't change the way she eats, the way she LIVES, then she WILL develop diabetes.  Which of course she doesn't want, not at all.  That's one reason why she contacted me.

Another reason my friend asked about It Works is because she was taking antibiotics every day and was supposed to continue doing so for a long time.  She was tired of the effects taking antibiotics day after day after day was having on her and her body.  She wanted to be done!  When she saw that I posted that the wrap can help eliminate toxins, she was hooked.  That's exactly what she needs to do, but she didn't know what her doctor would think about stopping the antibiotics.  She took the ingredient lists I sent her and met with her doctor, and the two of them agreed to give it 6 weeks to see if It Works really could help her make a difference in her health.  My friend has something called MRSA-Methicillin Resistant Staphyllococus Aureus and it's pretty serious, so this is huge.  So far, she's stopped the antibiotics and has been using It Works products instead for almost a week.  No adverse affects.  No issues.  I couldn't be happier!

Nor could she.

And in addition to all the good things happening inside her body, she is looking fantastic!

This is before and after JUST ONE WRAP!  A full treatment is considered 4 wraps (one box).  Just imagine what the next three wraps, over the next three weeks, will do for her!!!

Which is only motivating and inspiring her to eat right and exercise and continue to work to improve her overall health.  The immediate results she is seeing in her physical appearance is giving her the jumpstart she needed to boost her confidence, to give her the drive to keep going and working hard to change the way she LIVES.

As I said before, my friend is the reason I finally decided to join the It Works team/family.  I hope she has inspired you as well.

Maybe, just maybe, It Works could help you too!  I would love to chat with you and discuss a plan of action that we could work on together to help you accomplish your individual health and wellness goals.  You too are the reason why I am doing this, why I am posting pictures on facebook every day, why I am sending out texts and messages and emails, why I am telling complete strangers about our products.  I don't know exactly where you are at in life, where you are on your health journey, but no matter what, I would truly love to come alongside you and help you in whatever way you need to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle, and ENJOY it so that you can live life to the fullest!

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