So, you don't really want to be like these body builders from the 1980's?!
Yeah, me neither.
I don't particularly care to look like these more "modern day gladiators" either.
What I DO want, though, is to have a healthy body that is toned and in the best shape possible. I turn 30 tomorrow, and "looking good" isn't getting any easier as I age! I do everything I can to maintain good health. I work out regularly -- 5 days a week on average. I have a healthy "diet," eating lots of fruits and veggies, yogurt, eggs, beans, lean meats, and whole grains (gluten free ones). I avoid drugs and medications as much as possible. I don't smoke. I don't chew. I don't hang out with people who do. Well, that's not exactly true. BUT I think you get the point.
Counting protein has become a part of my daily life in the past 4 years. When I was pregnant with our first child, now 3.5 years old, I took a natural childbirth class and was encouraged to have 75-100 grams of protein a day during my pregnancy. Protein is uber important for the development of the baby growing inside of you. From nerve tissues to bones to muscles to brain transmissions to everything in between, protein plays a huge role in helping your unborn baby develop and get ready for birth and life outside the womb.
I now teach natural childbirth classes and strongly encourage my students to do their best to get 75-100 grams of protein in their daily "diet." I'm not currently pregnant myself, but I still mentally count protein in my head. A handful of almonds -- 7 grams. Two eggs for breakfast -- 14 grams. Two spoonfuls of peanut butter -- another 14 or so grams. A string cheese stick -- 7 grams. Some rice and beans -- anywhere from 20-30 grams. I don't mean to count my protein intake. I just do it out of habit now that I have had two children and regularly teach other couples about pregnancy and childbirth.
Getting 75-100 grams of protein each and every day can be quite the feat! Many of my students report that they feel as though all they do is eat all day. I know I did when I was pregnant, but then again if I didn't eat every one to two hours, I felt like I was going to puke all over the place. I gladly snacked throughout the day to prevent my "morning" sickness from getting any worse than it already was -- morning, noon, and night! And to make all those snacks "count," every single one of them was protein-based: almonds, peanut butter, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, walnuts, pecans, etc.
Even when you're not pregnant, protein is still an important part of a healthy "diet." An average person should get about 40-50 grams of protein on a daily basis. Protein helps build and maintain lean muscles, and muscles help your body burn fat. However, as you age your muscle mass begins to taper off. Recently, a friend of mine who is a registered dietitian shared on facebook that your muscle mass peaks at 30 and then begins to "go downhill" from there on out. To help slow this process down, we can do things like getting quality protein in our diet and lifting weights to strengthen and develop our muscles.
As I mentioned before, I do my best to do both of these things on a daily basis. When I work out, I incorporate weights into my exercise routine. I may not be bench pressing my weight or squatting 150 pounds like I used to in high school and college. Just a little three pound weight in each hand as I do bicep curls, tricep dips, and other fairly simple lifts. I typically throw in squats and lunges and other leg exercises while I am working my arms. Sometimes I do cardio with weights. I get bored easily and have to mix things up to keep myself entertained and motivated to work out at 5 in the morning!
To ensure that I am getting the protein I need each day, I have a smoothie for lunch. Not only do I get protein, but I also get plenty of fruits and veggies at the same time. I make my smoothie with the same basic ingredients, varying it slightly based on what fruits we have on hand and how I am feeling that afternoon.
Yogurt (Dannon All-Natural Vanilla)
Blueberry Kefir or Greek Yogurt
Flax Seeds
Big handful of Spinach
Small handful of Kale (when we have it)
Any or all of these fruits:
Frozen blueberries
Frozen raspberries
Frozen or fresh strawberries
Frozen or fresh peaches
Frozen or fresh banana
Juice from an orange
Scoop of protein powder (It Works ProFIT Vanilla)
I have learned that I struggle with anemia and need plenty of folic acid and vitamin C to help my body absorb the iron I am getting in other foods I eat. Hence, the spinach, kale, and variety of citrus fruits. The flax seeds are also extremely beneficial, as they help me maintain healthy cholesterol levels and provide me with omega-3s at the same time. Not to mention they help me fight cancer, diabetes, constipation, inflammation, menopausal symptoms, heart disease, and "the blues." All while building and strengthening my immune system. Pretty amazing from just a teaspoon or two of flax seeds! The protein powder is self-explanatory as it helps me get the quality protein I need each day to maintain lean muscle mass, despite reaching the big 3-0!
But, why do I choose to use It Works ProFIT protein powder when there are a plethora of protein powders and supplements available on the health food market today?
Furthermore, It Works ProFIT is different and BETTER than most protein powders on the shelves. Three special blends set this protein powder apart from the rest, making it superior to its competitors.
*Sustain-It: a blend of non-hormonal and non-GMO whey and soy proteins, combined with SEVEN soluble and insoluble fibers
PLUS, It Works uses a CROSS-FLOW MICROFILTRATION Whey Isolate. Now, I am not all that familiar with the different kinds of whey and soy proteins out there. I do know that many times soy has estrogen and can mess with people's hormones, which is why I am thrilled that the soy protein in the It Works formula is both non-GMO and NON-HORMONAL. The whey protein is also the best available! This is what I recently learned about cross-flow microfiltration and why it makes our whey isolate superior. Micro-filtration whey possess more calcium and LESS sodium then ion exchange whey isolate proteins, which are what you will typically find in many protein powders and supplements being sold today. On top of that, the micro-filtration whey protein is not touched by chemicals and is left in its original state, meaning it contains protein fractions that no other protein contains. Now, if you are a serious body builder, this is of utmost importance, as this is crucial to gaining solid muscle fast and speeding up your recovery time after a work out. For more "normal" people, like me, this is also good to know, as I want to do everything I can to maintain the lean muscle I have. If I am going to spend money on protein powder, then I want to get the most bang for my buck! And I believe I do that when I use the It Works ProFIT protein supplement.
Now back to the other two blends that further enhance the quality of the It Works ProFIT:
*Fitzyme: a blend of various enzymes to ensure that your body is able to digest, absorb, and actually utilize the protein you are getting
*Fitboost: antioxidant blend of "superfoods" to support your immune system health and help you experience a feel-good, mood-elevating energy
So, when I have my daily lunch smoothie, I am getting fruits, veggies, protein, and a WHOLE LOT MORE!
Plus, I can drink my smoothie while I get household chores done, check e-mail, stalk people on facebook, read my Bible, or whatever else I may feel like doing while my younger kiddos nap. Sounds like a fantastic deal to me!
If you are interested, I have about EIGHT PAGES on my computer of smoothie recipes using the It Works ProFIT protein powder. Here are two just to get your taste buds flowing:
Each bag of ProFIT comes with about 30 servings, if you use the full scoop. One scoop will provide you with 14 grams of protein, with no added sugars and just 100 calories. I tend to use about half a scoop to stretch my dollar, but it's up to you how much you want to use and how often. One bag is $69, for a loyal customer, which means it's about $2.30 per serving. As you saw in the chart comparison earlier, that is equal to or less than many of the popular protein supplements available. BUT, remember, that the It Works ProFIT is typically superior to those other brands. And if you are like me, you want to get the most you can from every penny you spend.
If you are interested in learning more about the It Works ProFIT protein powder, available in vanilla and chocolate, you can check out my website or contact me via facebook. I would love to chat with you about the ProFIT or any of the other health and wellness products It Works has to offer you on your healthy journey!
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