"I'm just not a good salesperson."
"I don't know if I have the time to commit to something like that."
"I'm afraid I won't make any money. What if I lose money?!"
"My friends might think I'm weird or crazy."
I would like to introduce you to my team members and fellow life-changers. They are real people, in different stages of life and in 3 different states. They had questions and wanted more information before they joined. They had to think and pray about their decision to join. BUT, none of them have regretted the choice to become an It Works distributor and ALL of them are doing fantastic as they start this new journey and get their personal businesses rolling.
Maybe if you see their faces and hear their stories, you will have a better idea of WHY they "jumped the fence" and joined the It Works team/family.
Maybe you will be able to relate to them better than you can with me.
Maybe their stories will inspire or encourage you, giving you a little boost as you hop over that fence.
Whatever the case may be, I am super proud of these ladies, and want to brag on them a little. I am so blessed to get to work with such amazing women, reconnecting with some of them for the first time since high school. We are truly a team and family. I want them to succeed just as much as I want myself to be successful. When they do well, so do I. We all benefit from each other. And that's what makes it all the more fun and enjoyable!
Well, enough rambling. Without any further ado, I introduce to you:
Lindsey Christine
Lindsey is a friend from church. Her husband BJ and Lawrence played softball together on the church team last fall. They have a little girl Brooklyn, who is 3 just like Coralyn, and the two of them LOVE playing together. Lindsey is pregnant and they will welcome another little girl to the family this summer. She works as a hair stylist at a local salon. Back in the day, when I taught fifth grade, her little sister was in my first class. Then, the next year, another one of her sisters played volleyball on the 8th grade team I coached. I still remember when her mom, who worked at the school as well, announced Lindsey was pregnant and praying for her during that time. Never did I imagine that we would one day be working together to promote good health!
Kaysi Smothers
Kaysi is from Arkansas and a mom of the cutest little boy, Gage, who just turned 7 months old. She and her husband Ryan love life and enjoy spending time outdoors together. Kaysi just completed her RN program and works a couple days a week. In her spare time, she likes to paint, do other crafty stuff, blog, shop, hang out with family and friends, and soak up the memories with her son! I first met Kaysi at Ponca Bible Camp. Lawrence and I were directing that week, and she was one of the counselors. I was so impressed with how she genuinely cared about the girls in her cabin and poured into their lives that week. If Coralyn had been old enough, I would have made sure she was in Kaysi's cabin! When Kaysi was pregnant, she contacted me and wanted information about natural childbirth. I have enjoyed watching Gage grow up via facebook, and I hope some day to meet the lil' guy in person. Maybe this summer when we go down to Arkansas for camp! I am so excited Kaysi decided to join the team and "wrap it up" in Arkansas, where few people in her area had ever heard of It Works! When she first posted about her new adventure, she had over 20 people comment and want more information on the wraps and other products! She has been selling wraps left and right, needing to order more to keep up with the demand!
Rachael Etenyi
Rachael and I went to high school together, way back in the day. Is it really possible that we graduated over 10 years ago? I still remember sitting across from Rachael in Advanced Chemistry class and trying to figure out what in the world Mr. Mac was talking about and writing on the whiteboard! Rachael contacted me and wanted to know more about It Works, letting me know that she had been looking for something to help her and her husband "get more healthy" and improve their lifestyle. Well, she instantly decided that It Works was just what she had been looking for and joined the team. I am excited to reconnect with her and help her help others on their own health and wellness journeys!
Ginger Skillen
Ginger is a mother of two and a talented photographer. Her husband Joe is on the pastoral staff at their church in Kansas. Ginger also went to the same high school, but she was a year ahead of me. We weren't really in the same circle of friends at the time. She was a cheerleader, and I was an "athlete" who played the "real sports" like volleyball, basketball, and track. Now that I am married to a former cheerleader and gymnast, I realize how wrong I was when I thought I was more of an athlete than Ginger and the other cheerleaders! I'm glad Ginger didn't hold that against me, as we have become good facebook friends and watched each other's children grow up together. Her girl Avery will be 4 soon and her son Ezra will be 2 this fall, so both of her kiddos are just a few months older than each of mine. When I met them at Ginger's Wrap Party in March, it was weird because they had no idea who I was, but I felt like I have known them their whole lives! Less than a week after her party, Ginger decided that she didn't just want to use It Works products, but she wanted to take the leap and sell them too! She told me she wasn't sure that she would be a good salesperson, but the woman has already signed up five loyal customers and has two friends considering selling It Works with her. Bad salesperson, my foot! I am excited to see where this crazy It Works thing takes Ginger and her family!
Corie Cook
Corie is a hair stylist, who did my hair for 8th grade graduation all those many years ago! Her sister Leah was in my class in high school and we also went to the same college together. The only interaction I really had with Corie, though, was at the hair salon she runs in her mom's basement. Corie still cuts and styles hair today. In fact, she thought that would go perfectly with selling It Works products, seeing as how she talks about weight and health and body image and all that good stuff every day with her clients as she perms, highlights, and trims their hair. I was thrilled when Corie contacted me and wanted information about how to join the team. Since she made the decision just under a week ago, she has had people texting her and wanting more information about these crazy wrap things she has been talking and posting about. Yesterday she signed up her first loyal customer all by herself, while sending information to other interested in using the products, and talking to another person about joining her team (all the way from Texas).
I love how the passion for health and wellness is spreading. The enthusiasm is contagious! I now have team members in 3 different states (Missouri, Arkansas, and Kansas). They have people using It Works health products all over the United States and others from Texas and Florida and who knows where all else interested in also selling It Works. I am excited to see the team grow and flourish as we all use our different gifts and talents and abilities and places in life to reach others and help them develop and maintain healthy lifestyles. Once again, I am so glad I finally made the decision to be a part of this whole It Works business! I would LOVE for you to join us and share in the fun!
If you have any questions or would like more information about how to buy or sell It Works products, please let me know! I would be happy to chat with you and work with you in whatever way you want!
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