I am passionate about health. Not only do I think it's important for ME to maintain a healthy lifestyle, I believe it is imperative I teach my CHILDREN from a young age what it means to be healthy - how to make good choices when it comes to what they eat, how to make exercise a part of your every day routine, how to keep your body strong and reduce your chances of illness. I get a huge smile on my face and a heart full of joy when Coralyn (3.5 years old) says things like, "I love asparagus! It's my favorite!" or "Fish is good for you. It has protein in it," or "We can't have candy every day because it's like a special treat. If we ate it all the time, we would get sick." I love when she sees me "doing my exercises" and then starts to mimic what I am doing. I love that she enjoys being outside, running around or riding her little tricycle or dancing in the grass or playing on her swingset.
My interest in health doesn't stop with my immediate family, however. Oh no! I feel compelled to help as many people as possible develop and maintain healthy lifestyles, and to realize how fun and enjoyable that can be! I truly believe that the healthier you are, the more you can go and do, the more you can get out of life. And I am all about living life to the fullest! Jesus Himself said He came to give us life ABUNDANT. I think a huge part of that is taking care of the bodies God has given us so that we are indeed able to live life to the max, fulfilling all the work that He has prepared for us to do AND having quite a bit of fun in the process!
So...I am proposing a 90 day challenge.
90 days for you to focus on your health and make it a priority.
90 days to make some changes -- big and small -- to see what kind of difference they make in how you look, how you feel, how you LIVE.
90 days.
I read about a 90-day rule, "Whatever you do TODAY, you will see the benefit 90 days from now." So just imagine if for 90 days you do something good for your health, you'll actually continue to reap the benefits for 8,100 days! And then, just imagine if you took the challenge past 90 days and made it a LIFESTYLE!
Are you in?
Will you accept this challenge and see what can happen if you commit to making your health a priority for the next 90 days?
Here's the game plan (goals and plans are very important to success):
*Use your choice of It Works health and wellness products for the next 90 days
You decide what you use:
Greens - get 8 servings of fruits and veggies every day, boost your immune system, balance your pH levels so your body can be alkaline and use up excess fat caused from acidity
ProFIT Protein Powder - add it to a smoothie to get 14 grams of protein, plus antioxidants and fiber to help you build lean muscle and feel fuller longer; use it as meal replacement shake
Fat Fighters - these 2 tablets, taken 15-60 minutes after your biggest meal, will help absorb 1/3 of the fat and carbs you eat so that your body doesn't even get the chance
ThermoFIT - boost your metabolism and burn an extra 275 calories a day!
Confianza - reduce stress and fatigue, suppress the amount of adrenaline your body produces, and boost your energy, all naturally!
It's Vital Vitamins - make sure you get all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients your body needs every day to perform at its full potential
New You - get the most out of your work out by helping build lean muscle, and strengthen your nails and improve your hair growth as some added bonuses
Defining Gel - reduce the appearance of cellulite and varicose veins, but also help hydrate and moisturize your skin, reduce inflammation and improve circulation; clear up some scars, rashes, ezcema, acne, or stretch marks
Wraps - help your body from the inside out with this botanical and herb treatment; tighten, tone, firm, hydrate, moisturize, and more wherever you where the wrap (for just 45 minutes each time)
*Make healthy choices when it comes to eating -- whole grains, lean meats, fruits and veggies, lots of color
*Incorporate exercise into your daily routine -- be it a 15 minute walk, dance lessons, playing basketball with your kids, riding your bike, or whatever else you may enjoy that helps burn some extra calories
*Track your progress and see what changes you notice as you strive to make health a priority
If you want more information about how to take part in this 90 Day Challenge that could change your life, let me know! I would love to support and encourage you along the way!
To make an order, just go to my website!
*Click on SHOP
*Choose whatever products you want to use to meet your health goals (you can use different products each month or get the same thing each time, no minimum amount required!)
*Check out
BE SURE TO CLICK THE GREEN TAB THAT SAYS BECOME A LOYAL CUSTOMER so that you get the 25-40% discount on your order!
*Fill out your shipping and billing information
*Review and submit the order
Well, I hope you will take me up on this challenge to see if It Works can help you develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's see what a difference 90 days can make in the way you look, feel, and LIVE!
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