Just wanted to take a bit to introduce you to some of the newest members on "my" It Works team! I am so excited to work with these amazing ladies, some of whom I have known since high school and others whom I am just meeting and getting to know for the first time. Whether I ran ladder drills with them at track practice way back in the day or just sent a friend request to them yesterday doesn't matter to me, at least not in my desire for them to reach their goals and my commitment to help them do so!
You see, this whole It Works business is not really a "business" to me. I mean, I certainly don't want to run it like a typical business out in the regular working world. It's not about climbing the corporate ladder and doing whatever I have to do to get to the top. Instead, it's about RELATIONSHIPS and DREAMS and HELPING PEOPLE and CHANGING LIVES.
When a girl (or guy) makes the decision to sign up and commits to spending her hard earned cash to start this "business," then I feel a responsibility as the person who "got her into this whole thing" in the first place. I want to do everything I possibly can to help her succeed, to achieve her goals, to see her dreams become a reality. Especially when her family depends on her doing well or when her goals and dreams revolve around making a difference in those around her, in being able to bless others in ways she never could before this It Works adventure.
Here's what I mean:
I have told my MIL all week how hard you are working and you reasons for selling this product. Seriously!! God is so GREAT!! You have inspired me too! I am planning on paying off all our debt and then putting a BIG chuck of my earning into helping foster kids or children in general b/c that is where my heart is. I want to bless others as well.
When I get a message like this from one of my new team members, explaining WHY she has decided to take this leap and go for it, I get so excited for her! My heart fills with joy as I picture her dreaming about all that she will be able to do in and through this "business." Her enthusiasm and drive rekindle my own fire and stir up within me the desire to do well, so that she in turn can do well. So that we can both achieve our goals and fulfill our dreams!
Just imagine all the lives that can be impacted! It's a ripple effect that could go on forever! And THAT is what motivates me to sell these "products." So much more than a wrap or a container of greens or a tube of defining gel or a bottle of vitamins! I'm talking people's financial freedom, the ability to pay off debt, the opportunity to give back and bless others in huge ways, the chance to help people improve their health and change the way they live, the joy of seeing your biggest, wildest dreams come true before your very eyes!
Okay, with all that being said, I want you to meet the newest member of the team: Melissa Jensen!
Melissa and I went to high school together and ran those dreaded 100-200-300-400-300-200-100 ladder drills at track practice, only Melissa was always WAY ahead of me, crossing the finish line and looking back to see me, a tiny little speck in the distance. Now, we are both stay-at-home moms, spending our days with our kiddos and trying to teach them the meaning of life while still getting the clothes washed, dishes cleaned, and meals made. Melissa is actually expecting her third little one, ANY DAY NOW! It's a crazy time of life for her and her family, BUT she has been thinking and praying about joining It Works for some time now. Despite the chaotic circumstances, she decided to go for it and took the leap earlier this week. I am so proud of her and excited for her. When she explained to me how she wants to pay off their debt and then be able to give back to help foster kids, my heart overflowed with emotion. I can taste her desire, I can feel her passion, and it moves me, making me want to help her in any way I can so she can achieve these dreams!
So you see, there is no I in team. When I post about It Works, it's not about putting money in my wallet. It's about helping people develop and maintain healthy lifestyles. It's about changing lives and blessing others and making it possible for people like Melissa to do the same. It's about the foster kids she wants to love on when no one else will take the time or energy. It's about the kids I want to send to Ponca Bible Camp who wouldn't be able to go otherwise, who could miss the opportunity to hear about Jesus and His incredible love for them.
Maybe you have big dreams too. Maybe you want to bless others and change people's lives. Maybe this It Works "business" can help you do just that! If you would like more information, want to ask me questions, or talk more about how you can join the team, please let me know! I would LOVE to work with you and do everything I can to help you accomplish your goals and fulfill your dreams!
You are so encouraging Miss Sarah and I am so THANKFUL for you!! YOu are an amazing help to me and my family!!