Friday, April 12, 2013

Shout Out

I just wanted to give a couple SHOUT OUTs because I simply can't contain my excitement or thankfulness!

First, I want to praise God for the way He has been blessing this It Works business!
     *I get to stay at home with my precious girls, while still contributing to our family income
     *I get to do something I love and enjoy -- helping people get/stay healthy
     *I get to use the money I make to encourage and bless others
     *I get to connect with great people all over the United States as they use and sell It Works
     *I get to help my team members change their families' lives and enable them to bless others too

Second, I want to say how proud I am of my team members.  These ladies have taken the leap and joined this crazy It Works business, excited (and nervous at times) to share how our products can help people of all ages make healthy choices and meet their health goals.
     *Lindsey Christine
     *Kaysi Smothers
     *Rachael Etenyi
     *Ginger Skillen
     *Corie Cook

Third, I wanted to welcome my newest team member -- Michele Keethler!  As a registered dietitian, I am so excited to have her on board.  I was so nervous when I hosted Ginger's party because I knew Michele was going to be there.  I researched and studied to make sure I knew HOW our products worked and could explain their health benefits to someone like Michele :)  Well, she was impressed at the party, exclaiming, "It really does work!"  And now, well, she's on the team too!

Fourth, I wanted to congratulate both Kaysi and Ginger on adding people to their teams!  The passion is spreading and people in more places will have the opportunity to experience It Works for themselves.

Fifth, I wanted to say how excited I am that I know of at least THREE more people who are seriously considering joining the team and selling It Works themselves!  I would LOVE to work with these ladies to help them grow their business, meet their goals, and change people's lives.  AND three of my team members also have people (both MEN and women) interested in joining the team/family!

When I signed up, my lofty goal was to get to the DIAMOND level in 3 months so I can earn a huge $10,000 bonus!  At first that seemed so far away and impossible to achieve, but NOW the reality is that I am so close!  As of today, I am just a few team members away from being at the EMERALD level, which is right before DIAMOND!  If the three people who have contacted me to let me know they are thinking about joining do go ahead and make the choice to get in on the fun, I WILL reach EMERALD!!!!  Then, as I help them grow their businesses and teams, reaching DIAMOND status is totally do-able!  I can almost taste that $10,000!

Not that I am going to stuff my pockets with the cash though!  Oh no, I want to use it all to bless and encourage others -- be it helping them go on short-term trips, pay for a week of camp for their children, treat a family to Christmas presents who can't otherwise afford them, sending a care package to friends living overseas, or whatever else God shows us.  And now that this bonus is much more a reality than I ever imagined, I don't want to miss out on it!  I know my posts might get annoying on facebook, but I just can't keep quiet.  I can't keep this to myself!  The opportunity to eternally impact and change lives in on the line!!!

And here you thought I just sold crazy wraps!

Oh my, it's SO MUCH MORE!

I am so thankful I finally joined It Works and am even more grateful for how God has blessed this business so far!  I am excited about what the future holds!

If you would like to get in on the action or want more information as you consider this life-changing decision, please let me know!  I will be more than happy to answer any and all of your questions!  I had a ton before I made the leap, so ask away!

You can check out my website to get a feel for what products we have available and how they can help you reach your health and wellness goals!

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