Friday, May 3, 2013

Choices, Chances, Changes

I am "daring" people to participate in a 90 Day Health Challenge.

I am asking people to focus on their health, to make it a priority.

I am wanting people to make changes that will make a difference in the way they look, feel, and LIVE.

But, maybe you're scared of change?  Well, I have some answers for that.

My goal is for this Challenge to result in changes that will last far beyond the 90 days.  This is about a LIFESTYLE, not just 3 short months.

But perhaps, you don't know where to start.

Just start somewhere!
Don't let fear of the unknown keep you from making changes.
Don't get so overwhelmed with everything you need to change that you don't do anything at all.

Chose ONE thing to focus on and work on that until you get it down.
Then, pick another thing to concentrate on, as the first change will now be a normal part of your life.
Slowly, but surely, you will be able to make all the changes you need to make.
You will look back and realize that all those changes have added up to an entirely new LIFESTYLE.
A much better, richer, fuller one at that!

I truly believe health is so very important.  If we don't take make our health a priority NOW, then we won't have a life to live in the future.  We will miss out on spending time with our kids or making memories with our grandkids.  To me, it's not about looking good, but about being able to live life to the fullest potential possible.  It's about maximizing the time you have on this earth, getting to spend as much time as possible with those you love, and making the most of every day you are given.

If you don't make changes NOW, you won't have the opportunity to make them later.
Please don't wait until it's too late.

The choice is up to YOU!

Yes, it can be scary.  But so can the consequences of NOT changing.

Are you willing to take a chance that making these changes will be for the better?
I hope so!

And if you do decide to join in on this 90 Day Challenge before TOMORROW, then I will enter your name in a drawing to win some free It Works products that will help you get started on this journey and make these changes (one at a time) so that you can make a difference in the way you look, feel, and LIVE!

So, how do you even participate in this 90 Day Challenge?  Pretty simple, really!

1. Go to my website:

2. Choose whatever It Works products you want to see if they can help you make the changes you need to make to improve your health.

3. Order those products as a loyal customer.

4. Use the products for 90 Days and keep track of the differences you see in the ways you look and feel.

5. Celebrate your success!

If you have any questions or want more information, please let me know!

I would LOVE for you to participate in this 90 Day Challenge that could change your life forever!

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