Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tools of the Trade

A carpenter has a tool belt...

A mechanic has a tool chest...

A chef has utensils, pots and pans, and an entire pantry of supplies...

A teacher has school supplies galore...

A mom has a diaper bag or purse...

Everyone has their tools of the trade.

No matter your profession, no matter what you do or who you are or where you live, you need tools to stay healthy.  You need resources to do one of your most important jobs: taking care of your body.  If you can't do that, then you really can't be a carpenter, mechanic, chef, teacher, mom (or anything else for that matter)!  At least not very well.

As human beings our number one "job" is to bring glory to our Creator.  Not only were we created by Him, but FOR Him.  Everything we do is supposed to honor Him, to praise Him, to enhance His reputation.  Our lives are meant for relationship with Him, everything we do should bring us closer to Him.  I believe that it is our responsibility to take care of the bodies God has given us so that we can fulfill the work He has created us to do.  Our bodies are His temple.  He lives inside of us.  We should, then, do everything we can to keep our bodies strong and healthy, equipped for the tasks He has prepared specifically for us.

Yes, we will still get sick.  Yes, illness still happens.  We aren't immune from disease.

BUT, if we can increase our chances of being healthy, shouldn't we do that?  Shouldn't we do everything in our power to take care of our bodies so that we can do the various jobs God has given us to do -- first and foremost, living all out for Him, in whatever ways that may manifest itself, be it a carpenter, mechanic, chef, teacher, mom, or any other earthly profession?!

This is one of the primary reasons I joined It Works.  To provide people with the tools and resources to develop and maintain healthy lifestyles.

I am passionate about many things, but really they all fall under one of three categories:

In everything I do, I want to honor and glorify God.  

As I love and serve my family, I want to point them to Jesus, to help them draw closer to Him, to encourage and support them as they too live all out for Him.

For me to do these first two things well, I need to be as healthy as possible.  And I want others to enjoy their time on earth as much as possible too; thus, I want to help everyone I know (and even those I don't) to invest in their health.

So, what are the tools of my trade as an It Works distributor?
And we have more too!

Really, truly, we have something for everyone.  No matter what your health goals, It Works can help you reach them.  No matter what your level of health, we can help you develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle!

So, what tools could YOU use to do your job of being healthy?  How can It Works help YOU invest in your health so that you can DO all you were created to do and BE all you were created to be?!

Check out my website for more information or contact me so I can answer any questions you have!  I would love to help you start developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle TODAY!

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