For many summer time means busy, on-the-go schedules.
Driving from soccer camp to gymnastics practice to a birthday party to a scouts meeting and everywhere in between
often results in little or no time to sit down
and eat a fresh, homemade meal.
If this describes your summer routine (or life routine, no matter the season), you probably do what many people do: eat out or eat in the car on your way to your next event/activity. And while you may get to all the places you need to go, your body is most likely not getting the good nutrition it needs to keep up with your frantic pace.
So, what are you to do?
Well, just as in every life situation, YOU HAVE A CHOICE.
Grab some breakfast on your way to your first event of the day:
Blueberry Pomegranate Smoothie sounds nice and healthy.
Fresh fruit, yogurt. That's got be to good for me, right?
220 calories
50g carbs (44g of which are SUGAR)
2 g protein
70 mg calcium
1 mg Vitamin C
Gotta have my coffee too!'
I'm going to need some caffeine to get everything done on my list today.
450 calories
19g fat
64g carbs (57g of which are SUGAR)
You can get up 10 minutes early and make your own breakfast, to take with you in the car:
35 g protein
30g carbs (25g of which are sugar, the real stuff)
8 servings of organic, non-GMO fruits and veggies
(from the 2 scoops of greens alone!)
Depending on how you make your coffee:
1-2 tsp sugar
Milk or cream to taste
Coffee itself has about 2 calories
Well, the choice is YOURS.
To me, it seems pretty obvious which one is better for you!
And probably cheaper too!
Not only will your body thank you, but your wallet will be pretty happy too!
Your healthy eating and good choices don't have to go out the window come lunch time, or supper either for that matter! With just a little planning, you can continue your healthy routine throughout the day, no matter what's on tap with your busy schedule!
You can eat out again for lunch, and if you do, make a TRULY healthy choice OR you can pack your own food to eat whenever it's convenient for you.
Option 1:
Option 2:
Option 3:
I think you can figure out that either option 2 or 3 would be the best bet nutritionally speaking!!!
Supper time can be just as rushed as the rest of your day. It might even be the most hectic part of all! You're getting home from work, the kids need to get to baseball practice, the laundry needs done, the baby's diaper needs changed, and all the dishes are still in the dishwasher dirty. What to do for supper?
Again, a little thinking ahead can go a long ways. You can make the meal the night before and have it ready to just heat up. You can take a day to make 3-5 freezer meals and then just grab something out of the freezer to throw in the oven whenever you need it. You can use a crockpot to have the meal cooking throughout the day while you are out and about getting things done. You can have self-serve meals where everyone just grabs something to eat on the way to wherever you're headed. Just make sure the choices are healthy ones: hummus and veggies, fresh fruit, turkey and cheese roll ups, PB sandwich on whole wheat bread, chicken quesadilla quarters (with whole wheat tortillas), homemade trail mix (nuts, raisins, cranberries, sunflower seeds, banana chips, etc) and yogurt cups. The possibilities are endless!
And if you do need to eat out or in the car, just do what you did for lunch and make a healthy choice when placing your order!!!
Maybe you are feeling overwhelmed with the idea of making sure you eat healthy for breakfast, lunch, and supper.
Especially when you're on the go non-stop.
Well, just take one part of the day at a time.
Start with breakfast!
That right there will set the stage for the rest of your day!
If you would like to know more about It Works products and how they can help you and your on-the-go schedule, I would LOVE to chat with you. I just got done with a great text conversation with one of my loyal customers who started using It Works in March. She is in the car A LOT, driving from one state to another for her job. Yet, she's managed to change her lifestyle and is feeling so much better as a result!!! Not only has she dropped 2 jean sizes, but she has stopped smoking, and making healthy eating a part of her daily life. She has her greens every day, be it in a hotel plastic cup or a water bottle while driving in her car. Her manager, who saw her for the first time today since February, commented, "Wow!!! Where have you been hiding?" when she came in the door this morning. She told me she hasn't even wrapped for about a month and hasn't gained any weight back! This is the real deal!!! This is a life change!!! And I soooooo proud of her!
I would love to see how It Works can make a difference in your life and be part of YOUR amazing success story!
No matter how busy your life may be, you do have choices!
And I personally think using It Works health products
is a GREAT choice!!!!
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