Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Seize the Day

Whether you say it in Latin or English...

...the concept is the same:

If you read any of my posts on facebook or any of my blog entries, then you have heard me talk about It Works and the amazing opportunity awaiting you if you join my team!  So, what are you waiting for?!

I know I was skeptical back before I finally made the decision to become a distributor.  I would love to talk with you and find out
What's keeping you on that fence?  What's keeping you from taking this leap of faith?

I can post lots of really cool quotes about seizing the day, making the most of the moment because you may never have it again, and living today like it may be your last (and they have deeper meanings and apply to way more than just jumping at this It Works business thing).

But ultimately, the decision is up to YOU!

Just like I can't force anyone to eat right or exercise or make healthy choices in general, I can't make you join my It Works team.

In the same way that I can't force someone to trust Jesus as their personal Savior (no matter how badly I want them to do so), I can't make you become an It Works distributor.

However, Jesus is pretty important to me, and so I'm going to keep on telling people about Him and the amazing relationship you can have with Him, right now, right here on earth.  Especially when I have the Truth and have experienced God's presence in my life on a daily basis.

Health is also a passion of mine, and I can't just sit by and not encourage people to develop and maintain healthy lifestyles.  Especially not when I have tools and resources that could help them make changes to improve the way they look, feel, and LIVE.  Especially when the products I sell (and use myself) are affordable (most costing only $1-$3 a day) and convenient (shipped right to your door)!  If I kept this It Works thing to myself, that would be flat out wrong.

And so I post daily on facebook.  I send messages and emails.  I'm really truly not trying to bug or annoy anyone.  On the contrary, my goal is to be a blessing to as many people as possible!  Be it that my family and friends use the It Works products to make changes in their lives and improve they way they look, feel, and live or people who join my team to sell the products and help spread the passion for healthy living and equip others to change their lives (financially and/or physically).

So, here I am again today, presenting you with the opportunity to do one of two things:

1. Use It Works products for 90 days, just to see if they will indeed make a difference in your life.  Take my challenge and see if you notice a change in the way you look, feel, and LIVE.
I'm not asking you to spend thousands of dollars or do anything crazy -- just invest in your health.  Make it a priority, while you still can!  Simply use the greens for 90 days.  That's about a $1 a day.  See if that $1 and the 8 servings of organic, non-GMO fruits and veggies you get every day will boost your energy, strengthen your immune system, help with allergies, help relieve other health issues you may have, and more!  I guarantee it will be a $1 well spent.  Much better way to spend your money, at least in my opinion, than on a pop, cup of coffee, tanning session, candy bar, mani/pedi, highlights in your hair, etc.  And usually less expensive too!  And definitely more beneficial to your health and enabling you to make the most of the time you do have here on earth with your loved ones!  I'm just sayin....

2. Sell It Works products and help others develop and maintain healthy lifestyles.  Oh, and make some extra money for your family in the process!  What could your family do with an additional $300 each month?  What about $500?  $1,000?  (I netted over $1,200 last month alone!)  $10,000?  Yep, I have friends who make 5 digits each MONTH!  Some of them have recently quit their "normal" 8-5 job to do It Works full time!  Crazy, I know!  But, I'm telling you, our products work and so does the business.  Hence, our name :)

I would love to show you how you can take the $99 you invest to start your business and automatically make $120 to cover that start-up cost and already have some money in your pocket.
Your starter kit that comes with a box of 4 wraps and LOTS of info, forms, brochures, business cards, etc.
Then, I would love to help you get 4 loyal customers in your first 30 days so that you earn 2 applicator rewards (2 boxes of wraps for $25 each instead of the usual $59) and $120 in FREE PRODUCT.

*With the 2 boxes of wraps you get at the discounted price, you will have 8 wraps that cost you about $50.  You will turn around and sell those wraps for $30 a piece, making $240, a net PROFIT of $190!

*Then, with that $120 of FREE PRODUCT you get, you can get another 2 boxes of wraps completely free, sell the 8 wraps for $30 each again and make $240 in PURE PROFIT.  You now have more than made back your $99 investment and have enough money in your account to pay for any business expenses for your first 3 months!  Ask any business owner, that's a pretty fantastic deal!

I would also love to help you earn a $10,000 bonus!  I am so close to getting this myself!  It Works is a debt free company and is committed to helping their distributors enjoy financial freedom as well.  Think about it.  What could you do with an extra $400 a month for the next 25 months?  Make an extra payment on your mortgage?  Pay off your car?  Student loans?  Credit card debt?  Save for a special family vacation?  Start or support a ministry close to your heart?  Quit your job and stay home with your kids?

I haven't even gotten that bonus yet (but am on track to do so!), and we've already been able to do big things like make additional payments on our mortgage, sponsor 3 kids for Ponca Bible Camp, support a couple leaving to serve in Haiti, encourage some friends overseas with care packages, celebrate Lawrence finishing grad school with a special night out at a restaurant we wouldn't normally be able to afford, and more!  Little things too like not flipping out over treating the girls to a scoop of ice cream or buying a tub of cookie dough from a neighbor boy raising money for his school.

Seriously, It Works has been such a blessing to our family!  I would love for you to be able to say the same 3 months from now!  Even 1 month from now for that matter!

I would hate for you to miss this amazing opportunity!

So, if you are even the slightest, least bit interested, I would LOVE for you to talk with me more about this It Works thing.  I would love to answer any questions you may have, give you more information, share my story in more detail, or whatever else you want to know.

Don't put this off any longer!  

Even Winnie the Pooh agrees with me, and who can argue with the wisdom of this lovable bear?!

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